Research Findings Discussions

B. Research Findings Discussions

1) The Common Response of the Research Problem

The problem of the research is: “Is there a significant effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016”.

Based on examining the research hypothesis, it proves that there is a significant effect of using Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in

writing narrative text. Summary Pyramid Strategy helps the students to extend their thinking and it makes the students more active to use their own words to write narrative text.

2) The Analysis and Interpretation of the Research Findings

At the first meeting, the researcher gave a pre test both of the groups. Before giving the test, the researcher exposed to the students about the purpose of the At the first meeting, the researcher gave a pre test both of the groups. Before giving the test, the researcher exposed to the students about the purpose of the

a short narrative text. Based on the result of pre test, the researcher found out that the students ability in writing narrative text is less level. The mean score of pre test for Experimental Group was 54.8. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (1644) by the number of the students (30). While the mean score of pre test for Control Group was 46.53. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (1396) by the number of the students (30).

After taking the pre test, the students were introduced about how to write narrative text by using Summary Pyramid Strategy in the teaching-learning process. While in control group the students were taught by using Conventional Strategy.

The last, the researcher gave a post test both of the groups to find out the information whether there is a significant effect of using Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text. The item test was same to pre test, however the students in Experimental Group used Pyramid Chart to help them to write narrative text.

Based on the result of post test, the researcher found out that the students are ability in writing narrative text in Experimental and Control Group was adequate level. The mean score of post test for Experimental Group was 74.1. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (2223) by the number of the students (30). While the mean score of post test for Control Group was 70.57. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (2117) by the number Based on the result of post test, the researcher found out that the students are ability in writing narrative text in Experimental and Control Group was adequate level. The mean score of post test for Experimental Group was 74.1. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (2223) by the number of the students (30). While the mean score of post test for Control Group was 70.57. The score was obtained by dividing the total of the students‟ mark (2117) by the number

Based on the description above, it can be implied that using Summary Pyramid Strategy made the students more active and able in writing narrative text. Furthermore, the problem of the research was affected by some factors, such as the students were unable to identify the generic structure of the text, The students were unable to determine the most important idea from the text and rank it according to the placed in Summary Pyramid Chart, and The students were unable to fill Summary Pyramid Chart. Based on the factors of problem, the researcher applied Summary Pyramid Strategy especially in Experimental Group; the researcher chose the familiar text to their level to make them easily identify the generic structure of the text, the researcher divided them into groups and asked them to discuss with their friends, so they are able to determine the most important idea from the text and rank it according to the placed in Summary Pyramid Chart, also it makes them easily fill in Summary Pyramid Chart.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that Summary Pyramid Strategy is one alternative strategy that can be used by the English teacher in teaching writing to the students in the classroom. The students are more active to use their own words to write narrative text by applying Summary Pyramid Strategy.

3) The Research Findings versus the Latest Related Research

Analyzing the students‟ ability in reading comprehension through Summary Pyramid Strategy had ever been searched by Gea (2013). He used Summary Pyramid Strategy in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa. In his research, he used recount text as teaching material and design of his research is Classroom Action Research which focused on increasing the students‟ ability in reading comprehension by using Summary Pyramid Strategy at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2012/2013. There are four steps of implementing his research action that is planning, action, observation, and reflection. In conducting his research, he conducted into two cycles. Each cycles consisted of two meetings. In Cycle I showed that the students were unsuccessful to achieve the MCC. So he continued in the Cycle II, and the result showed that the students were success to achieve the MCC at the school. In his research, there were two kinds of the data collected, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. The steps of qualitative data are reduction of the data, explanation of the data, and take conclusion. While quantitative data was taken from the evaluation paper. In collecting the data, he used three research instruments; they are observation paper, field notes, and evaluation paper. The result of his research after conducting all of the cycles using Summary Pyramid Strategy showed that the students ‟ understanding has been increased in reading comprehension. He proved with data analysis that the students‟ average score from the first cycle was 62.41. While the second cycle, the averag e of the students‟ mark is 83.89. In conducting Summary Pyramid Strategy in his research, the students Analyzing the students‟ ability in reading comprehension through Summary Pyramid Strategy had ever been searched by Gea (2013). He used Summary Pyramid Strategy in reading comprehension at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa. In his research, he used recount text as teaching material and design of his research is Classroom Action Research which focused on increasing the students‟ ability in reading comprehension by using Summary Pyramid Strategy at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2012/2013. There are four steps of implementing his research action that is planning, action, observation, and reflection. In conducting his research, he conducted into two cycles. Each cycles consisted of two meetings. In Cycle I showed that the students were unsuccessful to achieve the MCC. So he continued in the Cycle II, and the result showed that the students were success to achieve the MCC at the school. In his research, there were two kinds of the data collected, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. The steps of qualitative data are reduction of the data, explanation of the data, and take conclusion. While quantitative data was taken from the evaluation paper. In collecting the data, he used three research instruments; they are observation paper, field notes, and evaluation paper. The result of his research after conducting all of the cycles using Summary Pyramid Strategy showed that the students ‟ understanding has been increased in reading comprehension. He proved with data analysis that the students‟ average score from the first cycle was 62.41. While the second cycle, the averag e of the students‟ mark is 83.89. In conducting Summary Pyramid Strategy in his research, the students

While in the research, the researcher focused to find out the significant effect of Summa ry Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016. The researcher used narrative text to teach the students and used quantitative research with quasi experimental design and divided the sample into two groups; they were control group and experimental group. The researcher instrument is evaluation paper and the test is essay test.

In the research, there are two types of the test namely pre test and post test for both of groups. Before gives the test to the students, the researcher had arranged validation sheets and had been validated by the three validators. In collecting the data, the researcher used writing a narrative text (short story) as a test. The result of the research showed that there is a significant effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016. It was proved by the students‟ mean value of the posttest in experimental group counted 74.1 and it was higher than the students‟ mean value of the posttest in control group which was counted 70.57. Then, based on the result of examining hypothesis, it was stated that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The advantages of the research are the students were interested and more active in teaching-learning process through Summary Pyramid Strategy and the students can In the research, there are two types of the test namely pre test and post test for both of groups. Before gives the test to the students, the researcher had arranged validation sheets and had been validated by the three validators. In collecting the data, the researcher used writing a narrative text (short story) as a test. The result of the research showed that there is a significant effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016. It was proved by the students‟ mean value of the posttest in experimental group counted 74.1 and it was higher than the students‟ mean value of the posttest in control group which was counted 70.57. Then, based on the result of examining hypothesis, it was stated that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. The advantages of the research are the students were interested and more active in teaching-learning process through Summary Pyramid Strategy and the students can

Differences between both of the research are used different design of research and the procedures of implementing both of the research are different.

4) The Research Findings Implication

After doing hypothesis testing, the research findings implication of the effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the students‟ ability in writing narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016 as follows:

a. The students achieved some character values of the syllabus during the teaching- learning process.

b. The Minimum Competence Criterion had been achieved by the students.

c. Summary Pyramid Strategy solved the identification of the problem in the research.

d. Summary Pyramid Strategy solved the teacher problem to make an effective and interesting teaching strategy in teaching-learning process.

5) The Research Findings versus Theories

After getting the result of the research, the researcher compared it with the theory written by some experts. Leo (2007:1) says, writing narrative text is a process of expressing ideas or thoughts in words that tells a story or relates an event. In After getting the result of the research, the researcher compared it with the theory written by some experts. Leo (2007:1) says, writing narrative text is a process of expressing ideas or thoughts in words that tells a story or relates an event. In

On the other hand, the theory expects the researcher to teach the students by using Summary Pyramid Strategy because it can help the students to extend their thinking and it makes the students more active to use their own words to write narrative text. The theory did not proven by the researcher, but in the research search the student‟s ability in writing narrative text. However, it does not mean as a


6) The Analysis and Interpretation of Research Findings Limitations

In conducting the research, it is found some limitation that should be considered, as follows:

a. Some of the students could not predict the purpose of the story content and lack of vocabulary mastery.

b. The English teacher never applied Summary Pyramid Strategy in teaching the material to the students in that school. So, that the teacher did not give some suggestion to the researcher of how to implement the strategy.

c. Not all the students can follow the steps of Summary Pyramid Strategy perfectly.