The Technique of Analyzing the Data

F. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

1. The Instruments of Analyzing

a. Validity test

Validity refers to the extent to which the results of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended. As Gronlund (1998:226) in Brown (2003:22) says that validity is the extent to which inferences made from assesment results are appropriate, meaningful and useful in terms of the purpose of the assesment.

Concerning to the theory, the researcher uses internal validation (rational validation) because it relates to studies of the perceived content of the test and its perceived effect. There are many ways in assessing the internal validity of a test, but in the research, the researcher uses content validity, where testers experts judge the test. In content validation involves gathering the judgment of experts or people whose judgments one is prepared to believe.

In the research, the researcher arranges validation sheet (See Appendix 5), and asks one of the qualified lecturers and teachers who are competent in language testing to validate the sheet. The validators judge all the items test with the valid category. The items are comprised with the score 1 that signs “yes” and the evaluation scale are filled with score “4” that signs the test is valid.

b. Reliability test

Based on the Gay‟s statement “a valid test is always reliable but a reliable test is not always valid.” It can be comprehended that the test is valid decided by the validators, so it is always reliable. Because of that, inderectly the test is stated reliable.

2. The Data Analysis

a. The Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text

To know the students‟ ability in writing narrative text, the researcher uses the formula from Cohen (1994) and to determine the result of the students‟ test, the researcher uses formula as suggested by Djiwandono (2008:46) which is formulated in previous chapter (See Chapter II, page 28).

b. Mean Score

Mean is the simplest measurement of central tendency and is a widely used measure. According to Huck (2012:28), “Mean is the point that minimizes the collective distances of scores from that point. It means that mean score is to compare between the amount of the data and the number of the data.

In getting the mean score, the researcher also uses the formula from Kothari (2004:132) as follows:

Where: ̅

= The Mean ∑

= Symbol for summation Xi

= Value of the i item X, i = 1, 2, …, n n

= total number of items

c. Standard Deviation

According to Kothari (2004:135) that standard deviation is defined as the square-root of the average of squares of deviations . It functions to find out the average of the range of each data. Therefore to get the standard deviation, the researcher uses the formula from Kothari (2004:135) as follows:

Where: = standard deviation

∑ = sum of the squares of each score (that is, each scores is first squared, then these squares are summed)

∑X) 2 = sum of the scores squared (the scores are first summed, then this total is squared)

n = number of the students n = number of the students

Examining the normality of data is used to find out whether the data is taken from each groups of the sample has normal distribution or not. The result of the data in the research has normal distribution, so the data that is taken from the sample represents the research population and the researcher can use Parametric Statistic in analyzing the data, and vice, versa. In the research, the researcher uses the single data.

Sudjana (2002:466-467) gives some steps in using Liliefors test as follows:

a. Determining Z i by using the formula as follows:

b. Determining the wide under standard normal curve from 0 to Z by using table.

c. Determining F(Z i )

1) If Z i is negative (-) F(Z i ) = 0.5 – wide under standard normal curve from 0 to Z

2) If Z i positive (+)

i ) = 0.5 + the wide under standard normal curve from 0 to Z. F (Z

d. Determining S(Z i ) by using the formula as follows:

i )= S(Z

e. Determining the absolute value: F(Z i )- S (Z i )

f. Determining the greatest absolute value as L o

g. Determining L table by using the table of critical value L for Lilliefors test: L x(n)

h. Taking conclusion

1) If L o ≤L table so the sample data comes from the normal distribution.

2) If L o >L table so the sample data does not come from the normal distribution.

Table 3



S(Z i ) F(Z i )- S (Z i ̅ )

F(Z i )

L count

L table

=L x(n) Conclusion

e. Homogeneity of Sample

Examining the homogeneity of the sample is used to find out whether the sample is homogeneous or not; the sample has the same basic ability or not especially in writing narrative text. In the research, the researcher uses Harley test to examine the homogeneity of the sample. It is because the number of sample each group is same.

Irianto (2007:27) gives some steps in using Harley test as follows:

a. Determining the greatest variance and smallest variance.

S = Where:

S 2 = variance

∑ = sum of the squares of each score (that is, each scores is first squared, then these squares are summed)

∑ = sum of the squares of each score (that is, each scores is first squared, then these squares are summed) n

= number of cases

b. Determining F count by using the formula as follows:

F coun t =

c. Determining F table :F a ( n the greatest variant-1, n the smallest variant-1) in the table of critical

value F distribution.

d. Taking conclusion

1) If F count

2) If F count >F table so the research sample is heterogeneous

f. Examining Hypothesis

In the research, the result from both of the groups (experimental group and control group), is used by the researcher to examine the hypothesis. So, the research hypothesis in the research as follows:

Ha : There is a significant effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the Students‟ Ability in Writing Narrative Text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa.

Ho : There is no a significant effect of Summary Pyramid Strategy on the Students‟ Ability in Writing Narrative Text at the eighth grade of SMP

Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016”. The result of post test data in the research has a normal distribution and homogenous, so the researcher exams the hypothesis by using a formula from Sugiyono (2008: 273) as follows:

Which: t

= t count ̅ 1 = the mean of experimental group

̅ 2 = the mean of control group n 1 = total of experimental group n 2 = total of control group

1 = variants of experimental group S 2

2 = variants of control group The formulation of hypothesis that is examined by using t- Test independent as follows: Ho : µ 1 = µ 2

H a : µ 1 ≠µ 2

Then, the researcher confirms to the t table distribution where the level of significance 0.05 and statistic t count with dk = 2 (n-1). So, to examine criteria is “H o is accepted if – t (1-½α) < t <t (1-½α) and the others t, H o is unacceptable ”.