Narrative Text

f. The Procedure of Writing Narrative Text

According to Schwengel (2004:23), there are some steps of writing narrative text as follows:

1) Read the word first to gist of what the writer is trying to express trough his work. Carefully interpret the events of the past and present if included. Try to understand the points that the author makes and ascertain the general idea of the whole manuscript.

2) Narrate the essay by starting with an introduction of the author and the work in the first person. Use “I” to write the story. This indirectly creates an aura of

informal dialogue between the reader and yourself.

3) Quote a few of the original line of text and dialogue from the work in your narrative essay to keep it as real as possible and dialogue from the work in your narrative essay to keep it as real as possible and discuss important events in detail.

4) Make it a point to end the narrative essay with some thought provoking lesson. Use the word of the author to arrive at a lesson obtained by human experience in the book. Write that experience in your essay to help the readers reflect on life on general.

5) Work on grammar, punctuation and the style once you have made a rough draft of the narrative essay. Add your unique writing style to the finished piece and double check for errors and information accuracy. Also, read the final draft to spot any repetitive wording. Keep it simple yet structured.

Regarding to the opinion above, it is concluded that the procedure of writing narrative text above applied to the students in teaching writing narrative text as guideline for them to write a short story.

g. The Criteria of Evaluating Writing Narrative Text

T here are some categories to evaluate the students‟ work in writing (Cohen, 1994) namely: content, organization, vocabulary, language, and mechanic. Based on the categories, the researcher uses the indicator to evaluate the students in writing, as written in the next page:

1) Content It refers to thesis statements; relate ideas, and development of ideas trough personal experiences, illustration, facts, opinion, use description cause/effect, comparison/contrast, and consistent focus.

2) Organization It refers to the writer knowing her/his subject, to make the students in the paragraph coherent, well organized and has logical sequencing.

3) Vocabulary It refers to using vocabulary that is suitable with content, and the meaning that will be conveyed by a writer.

4) Language It refers to how the writer constructs her/his sentence in an effective construction, write sentence by sentence in a good grammar.

5) Mechanic It refers to spelling, punctuation, citation of references (if application) and neatness and appearance.

In addition Heaton (1989) categorizes the students ‟ work in writing namely: content, organization, vocabulary, language, and mechanic. Each category give the score 30 for content, 20 for organization, 20 for vocabulary, 25 for language, and 5 for mechanic.

The criteria to evaluate writing according to Heaton (1989) as follows:

1) Content : The idea, topic or theme, focus, facts and illustrations posts.

a. Score 30 : Mastery knowledge substantially

b. Score 25 : Mastery some adequate knowledge about the substance

c. Score 20 : Mastery the topic or content

d. Score 15 : Mastery of the subject and substance of knowledge is very less

2) Organizations : The physical structure, rhetorical structure, chronological

order, coherence, conclusions and layout of writing.

a. Score 20 : Disclosures ideas clearly and fluently written

b. Score 15 : A little less organized, but the main idea remains the focus b. Score 15 : A little less organized, but the main idea remains the focus

d. Score 5 : The idea is excommunicated and disorganized.

3) Vocabulary : Substance vocabulary, word choice, and registers.

a. Score 20 : Words choice/idioms/phrases is appropriate and effective

b. Score 15 : Few errors in word choice/phrases/idioms, but does not affect the meaning essentially

c. Score 10 : Often errors of form of words choice/phrases/idioms usage

d. Score 5 : In principle tends to be translated and the choice of words and

the use of inadequate

4) Language : Variations and types of sentences, efficiency and effectively

a. Score 25 : The use of complex sentences correctly and effectively

b. Score 20 : Effective usage but construction tend to be simple

c. Score 15 : There are many problems in the construction of sentences

d. Score 10 : The use of sentence construction is really not appropriate

5) Mechanics : Spelling, punctuation, reference, conventions, cleanliness and tidiness.

a. Score 5 : Mastering the convention writing, spelling and punctuation, and capitalization with excellent

b. Score 4 : Sometimes an error occurs in the use of writing conventions,

spelling and punctuation and capitalization

c. Score 3 : Frequent errors in the use of writing conventions, spelling and

punctuation and capitalization punctuation and capitalization

Student‟s score = Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language + Mechanic

To determine the result of the students‟ test, the researcher uses formula as suggested by Djiwandono (2008:46):

In classifying the students‟ ability in writing narrative, the researcher uses the formula as suggested by Tuckman (1975:57) in Nurgiyantoro (1986:345-347)


86 - 100 : Very good level

71 – 85 : Good level

56 – 70 : Adequate level

41 – 55 : Less level < 40

: Fail level

As the indicator of the students‟ achievement from previous page, the researcher uses the Minimum Competence Criterion (KKM) that has been decided in

SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa that is 65 (See Chapter I, Part A, page 2). The students who get score ≥ KKM are successful, but the students who get the score <

KKM are unsuccessful.

h. The Writing Skill in the Syllabus of SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa in 2015/2016

The syllabus of KTSP 2006 that is used in SMP Negeri 5 Namohalu Esiwa contains of two materials, they are recount and narrative text. In the Competence Standard expects the students have ability to express the meaning of short functional written text and simple essay in recount and narrative to interact in the close environs. Also, the Basic Competence states that the students should express the meaning and rhetoric step in essay by using the variety of language accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact in the close environs in recount and narrative form. In the research, researcher focuses in narrative text.