The fourth Level : Self-Esteem Needs

thinking that she always waiting for his came. So, it can be concluded that love and belongingness needs of Santiago are fulfilled.

d. The fourth Level : Self-Esteem Needs

All people in our society have a need or desire for a stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves, for self- respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of others. These needs will be classified into two subsidiary sets. These are, first, the desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for mastery and competence, for confidence in the face of the world, and for independence and freedom. Second, the desire for reputation and prestige defining it as respect or esteem from other people, status, fame, and glory, dominance, recognition, attention, importance, dignity, or appreciation. Satisfaction of the self-esteem need leads to the feelings of self confidence, worth, strength, capability, and adequacy, of being useful and necessary in the world. Human being who fulfilled their self-esteem needs, it does depend on other people and they always ready to continue to develop further to reach the higher needs. But when it is obstructed, this fulfillment can cause feelings inferiority, weakness and helplessness. As a human being, Santiago also has the desire for a stable and firmly based, and it is usually high evaluation of him-self, for self-respect, or self-esteem, and for the esteem of others. Self-respect, in this case, Santiago has an education from his father that he has to respect with the eldest person. Santiago tries to make it real. It reflected when he was meeting the King of Salem. The boy was tempted to be rude, and move to another bench, but his father had taught him to be respectful of the elderly. So he held out the book to the man- for two reasons: first, that he, himself, wasn’t sure how to pronounce the title; and the second, that if the old man didn’t know how to read, he would probably feel ashamed and decide of his own accord to change benches. Coelho 1997, 19 When an old man waited for his term to shear his sheep to sell, he read his book. And at that time the old man came to him and tries to make a conversation with him. Next story told that he was is in the oasis, after he get a sign from the desert he try to interpret it. But it is has a consequences, if it not happen he will be killed by the chieftain. But if it happens, for every ten dead men among the enemies, he will receive a piece of gold. Suddenly it happens in there. And for his interpretation he gets an appreciation from the chieftain. It narrated below: The tribal chieftain called for the boy, and presented him with fifty pieces of gold. He repeated his, the story about Joseph of Egypt, and asked the boy to become the counselor of the oasis. Coelho 1997, 115 Santiago refuses the chieftain that wants him to become a counselor of the oasis. He wants to continue his travel to the pyramid and find the treasure that he searching for. But by the story above, Santiago has been fulfilling his need to get appreciation and self-respect as an aspect of the self- esteem.

e. The Fifth Level : Self-Actualization