Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD

25 His foster mother died because of cancer when he was a teenager, and his foster fathe r died few years after. Since Harry‘s death, Dexter‘s only family is his sister Deborah, Harry and Doris‘ biological daughter. Deborah also works for the Miami Metro Police Department as a cop. In the beginning of the story, Dexter introduces as the main character. He is seen by other people as a normal person, and Dexter appearances are very usual. He always wears a nice clothes. There is no sufficient information about his age, but from several informations, the writer concludes that he is about 30 years old. ― In the mirror I looked the way I was supposed to look. Carefully composed features. Calm and mocking blue eyes, a perfect imitation of human life. Except that my hair stuck up like Stan Laurel‘s, there was no sign of whatever it was that had just zipped through my half-sleeping brain and rattled me out of my slumber. Lindsay 2004, 79 From the quotation above, it can be seen that Dexter physical appearance is almost perfect. He is a good – looking white man, he has blue eyes, he likes to exercise so he has extremely fit body. “In fact, sweating was one of our favorite activities. We had cycled through the Everglades, done 5k runs, and even pumped iron together.” Lindsay 2004, 54 Behind his casual persona, Dexter hides a very dark secret. He is a serial killer. Although everyone knows Dexter Morgan as a good-looking and has a good personality; in the reverse of all those things, Dexter has a really dark life. Normally, childhood is a moment when children spend their time with family and friends everyday. 45 They get love comfort, and good treatment from people surround them. Unfortunately, Dexter‘s hopes do not meet the reality. He gets bad experience in his childhood that becomes traumatic memory. 45 Leland H Scott, Child Development: An Longitudinal Approach. United Stated: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1967, p. 256 26 Actually, Dexter was adopted by Harry Morgan at the age of three due to the murdered of his mother. He is different from any other normal person, he describes himself as empty on the inside, he does not understand human emotions, he always reaching a way to feel something. Although his foster parents loved him. He did not love himself or everybody around him. He feels unlovable. He said he has pet once, but it doesn‘t work because he cannot get along with animals. Something in him is broken or missing. It can be seen from following quotation. ― I can‘t even keep pets. Animal hates me. I bought dog once; it barked and howled – at me – in a nonstop no-mind fury for two days before I had to get rid of it. I tried a turtle. I touched it once and it wouldn‘t come out of its shell again, and after few days of that it died. Rather than see me or have me touch it again, it died. Nothing else loves me, or even will. Not even – especially – me. Lindsay 2004, 47 The darkness of his life begins when he was three years old. He and his brother Brian witnessed their mother murdered in front of them. They sit locked in the dark amongst puddles of their mother‘s blood for two and a half days. The story told that his mother is a drug dealer, she and her friends try a little independent project with the drugs that not actually belong to them, and their business partner are unhappy and decided to discourage her. It shows by the following quotation. ― Brian waved a hand around at the interior of the little box. ‗ this happened, little brother. The chain saw, the flying body parts, the . . . blood--- ‗ With that same fearful emphasis again. ‗ Two and a half days of sitting in the stuff. A wonder we survived at all, isn‘t it? Almost enough to make you believe in God.‘ Lindsay 2004, 263 Basically, he does not remember anything about his past. This insident was so traumatic that Dexter blocked it from his memory for years. Dexter did not