Class Observation Making Lesson Plan

commit to user 2. To make SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga Surakarta as a central Islamic knowledge with high quality and have great knowledge in technology Iptek, faith and piety Imtaq through multimedia. Mission ~ To develop education, teaching, culture, in general or on the basis of Islam in particular.

B. Job Training Activity

1. Class Observation

The writer did the job training in SD Islam Sunan Klaijaga started from January 18 th 2011. In order to know the class facilities and situation, the writer observed the classes first before doing the job training. The writer observed the students of first grade until the students of sixth grade. Then, the writer focused to do the job training at fourth grade. The writer came to SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga every day, except Friday, but the writer taught English every Thursday and Tuesday 2x a week. The writer observed the English class from the beginning until the end. The class observation was necessary to help the writer in collecting any information about the students’ condition during the teaching and learning activities. The classroom has facilities that can support the teaching and learning activity, such as: a blackboard, a cupboard, a clock, teacher’s desk-chair, some commit to user picture like Alphabet, kind of animals, Map of world, math, lesson schedule, and picket schedule.

2. Making Lesson Plan

The writer made lesson plan before doing teaching and learning activity in SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga. The lesson plan has function as a tool to allocate the time so that the teaching and learning activity can be organized well. The writer made lesson plan based on the stud ent’s work sheet published by Erlangga entitled Grow with English. 1. Motivating strategy Motivating strategy was used to arouse the student’s motivation toward the material. In this stage, the writer was supposed to make the conditions as attractive and simulating as possible. 2. Presentation strategy Presentation strategy was used to give some explanation concerning the day’s lesson in order to make the students understand about new things they learned such as an explanation or grammar. 3. Assessment Assessment was used to assess the final outcome of the lesson and to what extent the learning objectives were achieved. It provided an opportunity for honest reflection about what activities worked or did not work. commit to user

C. Teaching and Learning Process