Technique of Collecting Data

50  Horror Hrr  Historical Hstr  Kids film Kds and Adult film Adlt  Cartoon film Crtn and Man film Mn 4. The type of language style employed by the advertiser found in the English movie advertisements are written in capital letters:  Formal FRL  Informal INFRL 5. The types of figure of speech are classified as follow:  Hyperbole Hyp  Synecdoche Syn  Metonymy Mtny  Personification Prsf  Simile Smil  Climax Clmx and Anti-climax Aclmx  Paradox Prdx  Repetition Rept  Parallelism Prall The example of data coding is as follows: Datum 17JRmtc —Man—AdltINFRLHyp = It is the datum number 15 which advertised on January 2009. The movie tells about Romantic drama which 51 performed by Mankind. Therefore, the target consumers of this movie are adult. The language style employed by the advertisement is Informal, while its figure of speech is Hyperbole.

G. Technique of Analyzing Data

The process of analyzing data is the method used for analyzing the collected data. The collected data are analyzed by conducting the following steps: 1. Classifying the data based on the types of film based on Gown’s theories of film genres. The result of this research is the register of English movie advertisements classified based on the story themes, the story substances, the target consumers and the performances. 2. Analyzing the data in relation to the context of movie synopsis. It involves the movie summary, the movie performances and target consumers. In this phase, the research was much assisted by the theory of sociolinguistics of social and situational factors. 3. Analyzing the characteristics of register of English movie advertisements. In this phase, something typical in the advertisement was tried to be explored. This was carried out by looking at the diction, language variety, sentence structure and figure of speech. 4. Interpreting the data based on the results of the analysis on no. 2 and 3. When those results have been explored, it was easy to interpret the data.