Introduction to Data Analysis

Thus, there are 43 data that consist of 26 films based on the story themes, 12 films based on the story substances, 2 kids film and 3 cartoon films.

B. Data Analysis

B.1 Based on the story themes The classification of movie genre based on the story themes reveals the register of movie advertisement in the point of view of story subject. In other words, this classification contains the register on certain movie advertisement focusing on topic of story that is called drama genre. In website www.21- , there are 26 data that belong to drama movie, consisting of 4 romantic dramas, 8 comedy dramas, 3 tragedy dramas, 9 suspense dramas, and 3 mystery dramas. B.1.1 Register Analysis of Romantic Drama Movie Advertisement Data 9DRmtc — Mn — AdltINFRLHyp Data Description When you can live forever…what do you live for? The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest Forever. Begins. Now. Nothing will be the same ‘ TWILIGHT ’ Movie Advertisement Movie Classification Twilight is an American film directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the novel of the same title by Stephenie Meyer. Shortly, it tells about a teenage girl, Bella Swan, who risks everything when she falls in love with a handsome vampire, Edward Cullen. Though Edward and his family are vampire, they only consume animal blood and do not have fang. This movie describes the couple’s struggle to keep their love. Moreover, there is life side behind this movie which is full of emotion, desire, and controversy. This movie belongs to a romantic drama that draws love story performed by men. Therefore, the target consumers of this movie genre are adult. Data Interpretation In advertising the movie, the advertiser begins with the statement that seems to let the consumers imagine something. The sentence, When you can live forever…what do you live for? is considered as the initiation of this advertisement. From this expression, it implies that the word ‘you’ is delivered for the readers whom are challenged to imagine what if they are immortal, so what the purpose of their live is. Then, this advertisement is followed with the sentence, The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. This implies that the advertiser has a purpose to describe the story of the movie. It depicts a couple who is falling in love. They ignore everything including the high risks that might send them into the danger. Moreover, the advertiser creates this advertisement, to become a power attraction for target consumers to watch this movie. The next text is Forever. Begins. Now. The advertiser intends to attract the readers by using the exaggeration of meaning of time which suggests that the love story describes the struggle of couple to keep and risk their endless love without disregarding time and feeling exhausted. The last sentence of the advertisement, Nothing will be the same, represents the closure of the advertisement which can be interpreted that there must be differences in everything. The love story between vampire and human invites controversy, especially among the vampire family. Moreover, the impression of those advertisements is that love has a great power to change everything, including breaking the destiny that human and vampire are impossible to become one. The aims of those advertisements are very informative for the target consumers since the plot story is depicted in the register of advertisement. In term of structure, those advertisements represent three sentences and adverbs. The sentences consist of a complex sentence ‘When you can live forever, what do you live for? ’, two simplex sentences ‘The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest ’, and ‘Nothing will be the same’. Meanwhile, the adverbs consist of three adverb of time ‘forever’, ‘begins’, and ‘now’. There are many figurative languages found in this advertisement, such as ‘the forbidden fruit’. The word ‘fruit’ is a figurative meaning that represents love.