Inner Conflict The Outer Conflict

2.3.1 The Types of Conflict

There are two kinds of conflict that will describe in this thesis: inner and outer conflict. Inner Conflict

Internal conflict is the dilemma facing the character inside and its impact on that character. Inner conflict is a private war within oneself. It could be anything from deciding between two or more choices, to deciding many things in our personal life. There is inner conflict between good and evil; strength and weakness; love and hate, etc. Inner conflict refers to emotional or analytical struggles a character has due to his values, his role and society, or the company he finds himself with. Inner conflict is the conflict which goes on with in the mind of the hero and between him and goal he has set himself. Inner conflict provides an unstable basis for positive results in the outsides world, as he self often chooses some aspects of outer environment to match the group within themselves. People, who notice that they have repeated negative aspects, may find that understanding themselves is a basis for better results. A characters inner conflict can be between what people thinks they want and what they really want. An internal conflict comes from within the character, based on problems and issues stemming from his or her past the creates trouble for them when dealing with other characters. Internal Conflicts as a struggle between competing elements within the characters, aspects of herhis personality Universitas Sumatera Utara may struggle for dominance. These aspects may be emotional, intellectual, and moral. Such conflicts typically leave the character indecisive and agitated. When such conflicts are resolved, the solution may be successful or unsuccessful. Internal conflict is the issues a character faces; an issue that requires a personal opinion or decision. These difficult decisions must be concluded with a definite conclusive decision. The Outer Conflict

Outer conflict indicates conflicts affecting two or more parties in the physical world. Outer conflict is the conflict between two persons or group, in one of which the hero is the kind person. External conflict is the obstacle and outer conflicting situations one faces that works against your will is often the life changing situations that compromise character development within a novel. External conflicts are devided into three types: 1. Man vs. Man Man vs. man is when there is a conflict of two forms of like beings. An example is the heros conflict with the central villain of a work, which may play a large role in the plot and contribute to the development of both characters. There are usually several argumentsdisagreements before the climax is reached. The conflict is external. Person vs. Person can usually be expressed by when a child is being ridiculed by a bully. Universitas Sumatera Utara 2. Man vs. Society Man vs. Society is a theme in fiction in which a main characters, or group of main characters, main source of conflict is social traditional or concepts. In this sense, the two parties are: a the protagonists; b the society of which the protagonistss are included. Society itself is often looked at a single character, just as an opposing party would be looked at in a Man vs. Man conflict. Man vs. Society conflict gives the playwright an opportunity to comment on positivenegative aspects of society as a whole. 3. Man vs. Nature Man vs. Nature is the theme in literature that places a character against forces of nature. Many disaster films focus on this theme, which is predominant within many survivals in remote locales. Sometimes all the characters in the book are the good guys and the conflict in the book is between all the people and forces of nature that are out of the characters control. In this case the character faces a problem with some force of nature such as cold, storm, radiation. The world seems to be outside, and people seem to be strangers in the world. The world is not going to be reconciled; if they are not going to obey it laws. Because of conflict of our individuality with the universal nature, people suffer various pains- hunger and thirst, heat and cold and death. Universitas Sumatera Utara