General Concept of Novel


2.1 General Concept of Novel

There are so mainly three important branches of literature; novel, poetry, and drama, one of the important branches is novel. In this point it will be explained about novel because it is the main object in this thesis. In Rees’ book 1973:106 defined that novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and action representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. In another definition, Taylor 1981:78 says that novel is a prose work of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct. Novel portray characters and action which represent of real life, dealing with human life, passion or ambition, desire, joy, sadness, feeling, thought, egoism and many related to human life. There are so many aspects in novel, such as plot, theme, characters, setting, point of view and symbol. It will be explained about each of the aspects. Theme Theme is simply the moral of your story. It is the message you wish to convey a lesson you want the reader to learn. Theme is revealed through the value of character when confronting obstacles and resolving conflict in pursuit of their Universitas Sumatera Utara goal. It can be considered the foundation and purpose of your novel. Without purpose, the story becomes trivial. Plot plot is the movement in a story toward the resolution. Nothing happens at random. Every scene should further your plot. Plot is shown through the actions and agendas of your characters. Throughout the story, they overcome obstacles until they finally reach their goals. If the novel is well plotted, the stakes will get higher and higher thereby creating tension. Point of View Point Of view is who is telling the story. This can be done several ways. In first person, one character is speaking in the I voice. Second person, which uses you, is the least common point of view. Third person, who can be handled in a variety of ways , is the most often used method. In third person limited, the narrator can only go inside the head of the character telling the story. this requires the character to be in every scene which must be told through their eyes. Third person omniscient gives the author the most freedom. Using this, the author can have different point of view characters for different scenes. Setting Setting is another aspect traditionally included in analysis of prose fiction, and it is relevant to discussion of other genres. The term setting about the location, historical period, and social surrounding in which the action of the next develops. Universitas Sumatera Utara Setting can be defined as the place and periods of the story, the canvas on which dramatic events are drawn in details. All these elements built a qualified completeness of literary value. One of the elements is character. People in a novel are related to characters; they are members of society, and the authors distinctive view of how people are related to society and reflected in the presentation of every character. A novel can be analyzed from several of point of view. It can be analyzed from the moral, social, and religious points of view. In this case, is interested in discussing about the conflict that is dominant is novel, which it will related to moral and social life. Characters Characters is the most important part of novel. Every novel has a character. Abrams, 1981:20 stated that, “Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say - the dialogue - and by what they do - the action. Like real people, characters have hopes and fears, strengths and weakness, and one or more objectives. Even if you dont use all of the information, it helps to write down as many details about your characters as possible. One way to go about this is use one of the many character guides that are available. Universitas Sumatera Utara In this thesis will be analyzed about the main Characters Conflict, so character is very important in this thesis. The more explanation about character will be discussed in 2.2 Symbol Symbol is defined something standing for something else. Scott, 1980:284 symbol can be used as a presentation of character or someone condition. We can find in novel that character is represent as an animal, flower, etc. Lion, bird, monkey, dove and rose is the most we can find. This is used to represent the characteristic of the character. Lion, for example, is known as an animal which is very strong and the king of jungle. the character that is presented as a lion must be strong, brave and has power as if a lion and usually a man. dove is known as an animal that is charming, calm and pretty. The character that is represent must be charm, calm, and pretty as dove. It is usually a woman.

2.2 General Concept of Character