Benjamin Watson Benjamin Watson Inner conflict

3.2.1 Benjamin Watson

Benjamin Watson is Oliver and Sarah’s first son. Benjamin has a shock bright red hair, bright eyes, and looks like Sarah, his mother. He has her determination, stubbornness, and fiery temper. As quoted: “Benjamin Watson arrived with a shock bright red hair, and a look of astonishment in his bright eyes, exactly nine months and three days after his parent’s wedding. He looked anxious to discover the world, cried a lot, and looked almost exactly like his mother.” Steel, Daddy, 1987: 8 Benjamin screaming baby hood begins to fade into distant memory and he turns into a sweet sunny child, who not only Sarah looks but seems to share all her interests and passions, and values. He is little sponge. In many ways, he is like mirror of Sarah. In her teenager age, Benjamin is a cheerful boy and always happy. He is also a smart boy like his parents and has a good prestige in athletic. As quoted: “He was applying to Princeton, too, Standford on the West Coast, Brown, Duke, and Georgetown. With his grades and athletic skill, he had a host of great school to choose from.” Steel, Daddy, 1987: 71 Benjamin has a humour sense. He likes making people laugh and he is also a friendly boy. As quoted: Universitas Sumatera Utara “Great breakfast, Mom” Benjamin teased. “You must have had a terrific time on vacation, you forgot how to cook” he guffawed at his own joke, and Mellisa giggled. Steel, Daddy, 1987: 19 In his young age, many girls fall in love with him. It is not surprising his mother because he inherits his father’s handsome, wisdom, and mature.

3.2.1 Benjamin Watson Inner conflict

In almost seventeen years old, Benjamin falls in love with a young beautiful girl named Sandra Carter, his schoolmates. Then Sandra becomes his girlfriend. They have relationship for months. Suddenly, a bad news comes to them. Sandra is pregnant of Benjamin’s baby. Benjamin is shocked and does not know what to do. This situation makes a conflict for Benjamin as considered as an inner conflict. Benjamin has to choose between his life and his responsibilities with the woman his love, Sandra. How he can have a family in his young age and still at school. He does not want Sandra has an abortion; eventhough, his father, Oliver, told so. He decides to responsible what has been his responsibility. He chooses to live with Sandra and stops his education, looks for a new job for his new family. As quoted: “Dad, I already told you.” Benjamin stood up, looking impatient. “I’m not going to leave her. She is alone and pregnant, and that’s my kid she’s carrying around. I care about her, and the baby.” And then suddenly his eyes filled with tears, he was tired, and drained, and didn’t want to argue anymore, things were tough enough for him without taking on his father too.” Steel, Daddy, 1987: 170 Universitas Sumatera Utara Benjamin Watson is very strong in responsibilities. He believes that he has to responsible for everything as the consequence of what he did. He tries to full it whole his life, even if it needs any sacrifice. Living with Sandra, having a family and trying to make them happy are a good responsible of Benjamin. Even though, he has to pay much expensive for these by stopping his education and looking for job. And he do all of these as his sacrifice.

3.2.2 Benjamin Watson Outer Conflict