Basic Information Model and Assumptions

reef fisheries are as follows: i the rate of natural growth of fish populations, ii death due to arrest; iii natural death due to stress, disease or aging; iv the cost per unit of effort, v the price per kg of fish, vi the average of fishery products per month, vii the number of fishing days per month and the number of fishing fleet. Based on the boundaries of the study area is the area a Marine Protected Area Regional liwutongkidi island with an area 262.36 ha. Results of the study population to estimate the carrying capacity of the initial fish biomass can be calculated where W = a L b a and b is a constant length and weight relationships Love 1993. Some researchers join the Organization of Fish Base 2010 and Pauly 1980 argues about the various a = 0.01 and b = 2-3 for demersal fish. So the fish biomass of marine protected areas on the island Liwutongkidi can be calculated. The results of the calculation of the biomass of fish at the study site is 39771.12 kg or 39.77 tones of fish biomass. Calculation of biomass of fish in accordance with the analysis performed Pet- Soede at al, 2001 in Froese and Pauly, 1998, Appendix 11. According Luckof et al. 2005 the natural fish population growth rate between 50-60. The mortality rate is very important in analyzing the dynamics of exploited populations. Natural mortality caused by predation, disease, aging, environmental conditions, the stress associated with the ecosystem and others 0.3. Furthermore, proposed by Gulland 1977 in Pauly 1984 The exploitation of natural level ranged between 0.3 - 0.5 depending on the surrounding environmental conditions. Cost per unit of effort is IDR. 200,000 per month, and the price per kg of fish was IDR. 12,500, the frequency of fishing effort is 20 days fishing per month. With the amount of time when the research 147 both.

5.6.3. Modeling Analysis

Modeling analysis is a process that emphasizes a holistic approach to solving problems and using the model to identify and emulate the characteristics of complex systems and create problem-solving scenarios. The dynamics of this system is very useful to clarify our understanding of the systems that exist in the real world. In circumstances such as systems analysis and simulation is often used to test our hypothesis about how the system works Lane 1994. If we can model scenarios reef fisheries system to sustainably manage the marine ecosystem and can be done properly, correctly and continuously.

a. Scenario 1.

A reef fisheries resources management in the area of sustainable marine conservation area is the type of management that considers the ecological functions and economic activities in order to obtain a rational and optimal utilization. Reef ecosystems in the utilization of fishery conservation area should be seen as a balance in the utilization of biomass and the environment. Based on the simulation results sustainability of reef fisheries in island conservation area and surrounding Liwutongkidi in the first month to nine months to see significant changes. Gambar 22. Graph of mortality simulation, recruitment, fish stocks, namber of fishing vessel and total catch Figure 22 shows a decrease of fish biomass and recruitment along with increased activity of fishing catch. If this scenario occurs, then this condition can the sustainability of reef fisheries predicted will experience a significant decline in month-to-month period. This will give negative impact on the biomass of fish in 9:37 AM Mon, Aug 22, 2011 e 1 1.00 15.75 30.50 45.25 60.00 Months 20000 40000 15000 30000 10000 20000 146 147 148 -50000000 100000000 250000000 1: Stok Ikan 2: Recruitment 3: Total …n perbulan 4: Kapal Motor 5: Keunt…n perbulan 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5