the coral reef. Changes in fish biomass can be measured by the number of ships and capture of business by the number of 147 fishing boats. In the first month until the ninth month of the amount of fishing effort in line with the decline in fish biomass. The seventh month of fishing effort to increase the biomass decreased until the ninth month period, after the ninth month in a period of ten months out of the fish biomass. Next Fazli et al. 2009, McManus 1997 biomass of fish in an attempt to capture the effect caused by the excess catch. Appendix 12.

b. Scenario 2.

The simulation results in the preservation of fish biomass Liwutongkidi, Kadatua and Siompu Island to see the degradation of the biomass of fish there are several variables that must be considered is the biomass of fish, economic benefits and efforts. As in the coral reef ecosystem bio-economy standard model. Changes in fish biomass is influenced by three biophysical parameters of recruitment, biomass and amount of fishing catch. Figure 23. Simulation Graph of recruitment and fish biomass by reducing the number of fishing vessel 0.85 or 125 vessels 12:53 PM Mon, Aug 22, 2011 1.00 15.75 30.50 45.25 60.00 Months 1e+010. 2e+010. 3.5e+009 7e+009. 5000 15000 25000 50000000 150000000 250000000 124 125 126 1: Stok Ikan 2: Recruitment 3: Total …n perbulan 4: Keunt…n perbulan 5: Kapal Motor 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 The results of simulation analysis in Figure 23. From the picture above fluctuations occur in the arrest of an initial period until the end of the month. Rise and fall capture efforts are not in line with fluctuations in fish biomass. This is not the right balance between total biomass of fishing by means of recruitment and biomass of fish from time to time increase is not affected by the attempt to arrest him. In the visible image of the early months of the biomass increased with length of time. Reduction of amount motor boats from 147 to 125 boats greatly affect the biomass of fish. Thus changes in amounth of vessels can increase fish biomass and recruitment of the first period of months until the sixty months. To see the changes in fish biomass from the first month period up to sixty months that is affected by fishing effort per month with amounth of ships, later described by Grandcourt 2003 recruitment and biomass of fish are affected by fishing effort can be seen in Appendix 13.

c. Scenario 3

This scenario is a better condition than the other scenarios. In Appendix 14 Variables affecting fishermen fish biomass degradation. The dynamics of changes in fish biomass will directly affect the reported amounts of revenues and recruitment fishing communities. The relationship between fish biomass with fishing effort carried out through changes in the number of ships that became the deciding variable in the function of fish growth recruitment. Decline in fish biomass and recruitment is inversely proportional to the arrest of fishermen and total monthly benefits from the beginning of the period until the end of the month. Simulation results using a fleet of 131 fishing reciprocal relationship between the effort that looks to catch the fish biomass from time to time. In the initial period of high biomass of total arrests has declined, arrests decreased total biomass of fish has increased and so on. It happens all the time, then the condition of the total biomass of fish and fishing in conservation areas Liwutongkidi, Kadatua and Siompu Island ideal conditions can be said Appendix 14