Economic Analysis Data Analisys

Dominant index is close to 0, it means that low index or no dominates by one species of fish. The index is close to 1, it means that high index or there is dominant species in ecosystem.

3.5.2. Economic Analysis

To find out how much of a good benefit, directly or which can be obtained indirectly from the existence of coral reef ecosystems, then used some of the analysis are: Assesment of Economic Valuation

Assessment of potential economic valuation of coral reef resources in the conservation area of Liwutongkidi Island using the approach of change in productivity or Effect on Production EOP as performed by Cesar Molberg and Folke, 1996 and 1999. Assessment approach with EOP technique was conducted to determine the value of coastal ecosystems based on the function of reef fishery productivity. Mesurement of Demant Function Coral Fish Resources

Measurement of direct economic value conducted by some of the measures developed Adrianto 2006 as follows : a Determine the function of the use of resource productivity catches fish into a final product for the community. Estimation of demand function direct Uses Value DUV to the direct use of the resources of coral reef ecosystems n n X X X X Q      ... 3 3 2 2 1 1  …........................………………………. 7 Annotation : Q : sum of fish demant X 1 : price X 2, X 3, ...X n : characteristic socio economic house hold a Perform the transformation of the functions use a linear function can be estimated coefficient for each parameter by using linear regression techniques. Formula in equation 1 and then transformed into equation 2 as follows: n n X X X X Q ln ... ln ln ln ln 3 3 2 2 1 1            1 1 3 3 2 2 ln ln ... ln ln ln X X X X Q n n           1 1 ln ln X Q     …………………………………….. 8 b Transforming back into the form of demand function from equation equation 1, to obtain the function of the use of coral reef resources and the integration with the coefficients of socioeconomic variables indicated by equation 9 the following: 1 1   X Q  ..................................................................................9 c Estimate the total willingness to pay Score Resource Economics   dQ Q f U a   ………..................………………………………..10 Annotation : U : utility value of resources or total WTP of potential utilization of fish resources in the conservation area, fQ : demant function a : limit the amount of average resources consumed d Estimating the value of consumer surplus CS which is the direct value of reef fishery resource use per unit of the individual as follows: PQ U CS   ……..................………......………… 11 Q X Pt   1 Annotation : CS : consumer surplus which is the direct value of reef fishery resource utilization Pt : price paid, Q : The average amount of resources consumed requested X 1 : price per unit of resource consumed requested Analysis Model of Coral Reef Fish System Determination of limit models here are based on a review of the basic model and the issues raised in a case, which includes several main components, namely the carrying capacity of the environment, fish resources, fishing effort, market and infrastructure. To facilitate an understanding of determining the limits of this model, then developed a simple model built to illustrate a concept thought of developing a model, in which already incorporates all the sub-sub-model into a model is intact, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. Causal loop development model of reef fishery This model tries to combine the economic approach and analysis of fish population dynamics. Economic approach usually concentrates on the analysis of the property where there is a balance point, but on this model again enriched by experimental research and try to show how if both are combined to predict the sensitivity of modeling results in order to get a specific model, initial conditions, empirical estimates, and guide data collection, analysis, and how to make policy.


4.1. Geographic Location and Administrative Area

Liwutongkidi Island or commonly named by the people of Buton as Ular Island is a small island that lies between Kadatua Island and Siompu Island. All the three islands have a bottom structure of coastal waters that are not quite different. The coastal beaches with sandstone walls are spread across the Islands of Kadatua and Siompu. Also we could find small white sandy beaches in those three islands. Liwutongkidi Island is covering an area of 101.88 km 2 and coastal line of 4747 m. Geographically, Liwutongkidi is located at 05 035 23 LS-05 035 59 LS and 122 029 57 BT-12203051 BT with the boundary area: the western side is bordered by the Strait of Sulawesi, the northern side is bordered by Kadatua island, the Eastern side is bordered by Buton island, and the southern side is bordered by Siompu island. Physically, the island of Liwutongkidi is categorized as a small and uninhabited island, therefore the coverage area of demographic data survey is comprise of Kadatua and Siompu District. The Administrative boundaries of Kadatua and Siompu District can be seen on Table 6. Table. 6 Administrative boundaries of Siompu and Kadatua District No. District Boundary area North South East West 1 Siompu Kec. Kadatua Laut Flores Kec. Batauga Laut Flores 2 Kadatua Selat Buton Kec. Siompu Kec. Batauga Laut Flores Source : BPPS Buton, 2009 Liwutongkidi Island ecosystem have a flat to a steep topography. On the flat area, the substrate condition is mixture between sand and soil, while on the steep area is dominated by rock. On the flat area the eastern part of Liwutongkidi Island commonly found pandan vegetation, various species of grasses, climbing plants herbs and coconut. On the steep topography the western island of Liwutongkidi is generally overgrown by various kinds of bushes plants. While in