TIME AND PLACE The Relationship between Plant Sterols Intake and Total Blood Cholesterol Level in Bogor Rural Area

15 Based on calculations above, the minimum number of samples which representative to the population was 41 persons, which was rounded up to 50 to anticipate subjects drop out hence the total respondent was 100. Respondents were chosen based on several limited conditions; age between 25-65 years old, body mass index range from 18-27, healthy or not being in treatment to cure a disease in the research time, and willing to participate as respondent .

2. Data Collection

a. Data Type and Method of Collection

There were two types of data collected; primary and secondary data. Primary data consisted of respondent socioeconomic and nutritional status, food consumption, blood pressure, and total blood cholesterol level. Meanwhile, secondary data collected including Bogor sociodemographic characteristic and food composition database of plant sterol content. The plant sterol database was required to estimate the intake of plant sterols in respondents. Briefly, data type and method of collection are depicted in the Table 7. Table 7. Data type and method of collection No Data Method of Collection Primary Data 1 Socioeconomic status of respondents Interview by using questionnaire see Appendix 1 2 Food consumption Interview by using food frequency questionnaire 3 Nutritional status based on body mass index Anthropometric measurement by using microtoise d = 0,1 cm for body height and body weight scale d = 0,1 kg 4 Blood pressure Blood pressure measurement, performed by medical professional 5 Total blood cholesterol Total blood cholesterol measurement, performed by using cholesterol home test kit by medical professional Secondary Data 6 Bogor sociodemographic characteristic The website of Bogor rural area and Bogor Regional Census 2010 7 Data of plant sterols content in foods - USDA SR-24 food database and other related journals or scientific publication - Calculation based on recipe

b. Food Frequency Survey Supariasa et al. 2001

The principle of this method is to record the consumption frequency of certain foods or food ingredients during a month backward. Recapitulation then performed to get an overview of food consumption patterns qualitatively. To obtain