The Relationship between Plant Sterols Intake and Total Blood Cholesterol Level in Bogor Rural Area





Atikah Bararah1,2, Nuri Andarwulan1,3


Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia




Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common cause of death in Indonesia. Lowering cholesterol level is currently one of the most efficient and effective way to prevent or reduce the risk of CHD and other cardiovascular disease (CVDs). One of the compounds that have the cholesterol-lowering ability is plant sterols. To further research about plant sterol efficacy for health and its application as functional food ingredient in Indonesia, an up-to-date data about plant sterols dietary intake is required. The study was conducted with a cross sectional design to estimates the plant sterols (PS) intake and its relationship with total blood cholesterol level in Bogor rural area. Data of plant sterols level in food obtained by secondary data and calculation of recipe. Based on the results, the level of plant sterols intake of total respondent was averagely 223.80 mg/day with no statistical difference between male and female intake (t(98) = - .036, p > 0.05). The plant sterols intake in all respondents was mostly contributed by cereals and cereals product (37.46%), followed by legumes and legume products (24.41%). According to Pearson correlation test, there was no association between daily intake of plant sterols and total blood cholesterol (P > 0.05), which mean that the intake level not yet have visible effect in lowering or raising total blood cholesterol levels in respondents with health nutritional status, but presumed maintain normal blood cholesterol levels in respondents.



Atikah Bararah. F24080076. The Relationship between Plant Sterols Intake and Total Blood Cholesterol Level in Bogor Rural Area. Under supervision of Nuri Andarwulan. 2013.


Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common cause of death in Indonesia, representing 26.4% of death in 2001 (Sarimawar, Irianto, & Mulyono 2003). The major risk factor of CHD is the raised blood cholesterol as the impact of perennially unhealthy lifestyle and diet. Lowering cholesterol level is currently one of the most efficient and effective way to prevent or reduce the risk of CHD and other CVDs (Normen, Frohlich, & Trautwein 2004). One of the compounds that have the cholesterol-lowering ability is plant sterols. To further research about plant sterol efficacy for health and its application as functional food ingredient in Indonesia, an up-to-date data about plant sterols dietary intake is required. This study was conducted to obtain daily plant sterols intake, determine the consumption pattern of food containing plant sterols, and examine the relationship between the plant sterols intake and blood cholesterol levels in Bogor rural area. The results of this research were expected to be a part of the cardiovascular disease prevention in Indonesia, particularly coronary heart disease, by using plant sterols as functional food ingredients.

The research was conducted in Bogor rural area, which began in June 2012 and was completed in November 2012. The research was conducted with a Cross Sectional design, with 100 respondents (50 males and 50 females) participated. Data about respondent characteristics was obtained with interview by using a set of questionnaire. Consumption data from individual subject was collected by using Food Frequency Questionnaire methods. Meanwhile, food composition database of plant sterol content was mainly obtained from secondary data to determine the plant sterols content in every food eaten. The daily plant sterols intake of respondent then counted. Once the intake of plant sterols obtained, the score between the groups (male and female) was statistically compared by Independent Sample T-Test. The relationship between daily plant sterols intake and total blood cholesterol were analyzed using Pearson correlation test.

The characteristics of respondents are divided into socioeconomic and nutritional status of respondents. Most of the respondents were in the range of 25-35 years (46% in male and 44% in female), with mostly complete their education at the primary school (50% male and 44% female), junior high school (20% male and 24% female), and senior high school (16% male and 16% female). The majorities of male respondents (40%) worked as a labor, while 80% of female respondents were unemployed and mostly a housewife. The results also showed that the majority of respondents from both groups of men (44%) and women (50%) had a family

size ≤ 4 (small family) while their income per capita was still below the poverty line is as much

as 48% of male respondents and 56% of women.

The nutritional status of respondents, based on Body Mass Index (BMI), ranged from underweight to overweight. In this study, shown in Figure 10, 86% of male respondents and 78% female respondents had a normal nutritional status. Most respondents also had normal blood pressure (<130/<85), i.e 70% of male and 74% of female. Based on the measurement of



blood cholesterol level, more than half of respondents (66% male and 90% female) had cholesterol levels <200 mg/dL, thus in desirable level of blood cholesterol.

In this study, food item predicted to contain plant sterols were categorized into 12 groups based on the dominant type of raw material; (1) beverages, (2) cereals and cereal products, (3) egg and egg products, (4) fish and fish products, (5) fruits and fruit product, (6) herbs, spices, and condiments, (7) meat and poultry products, (8) legumes and legume products including nut, (9) plant sterols fortified products, (10) snack foods, (11) supplements, (12) vegetables and vegetable products. There were several sub groups in each group, based on process and main raw material. The average level of food consumption in all respondents amounted to 886.14 g/capita/day, male respondents of 862.91 g/capita/day, and female respondents at 909.37 g/capita/day. Based on consumption per-eater only, all respondents consumed cereals and cereal products predicted to contain plant sterols, followed by legumes and legume products and vegetable and vegetables product at same level (99% eater).

Based on food consumption survey, there were 265 food items which consumed by respondents which categorized into 12 groups. Each groups contained several sub-groups which divided based on the processing and main raw material used. The data of food plant sterols level used was compiled from publications of scientific journals and USDA food database. As done in the previous study, the plant sterol content of all products of pure animal origin was set at zero, as was that of the following products: soft drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa drinks, sugar, honey, syrup, soy sauce, and local herbal drinks. The compilation result showed the three highest plant sterols contained sub-groups were all in legumes group, i.e. legumes, other; legumes, peanut based; and red bean soup. Animal based product, i.e. egg, fish, and meat also contained noticeable amount of plant sterols, probably due to their added ingredients.

Based on the calculation of plant sterols intake, the level of intake in total respondent was 223.80 mg/day. In comparison, the intake of plant sterols was slightly higher in female respondents than male respondents, respectively 224.19 ± 120.89 mg/day and 223.41 ± 97.64 mg/day, although the difference was not statistically significant (t(98) = - .036, p > 0.05). The main contributor of plant sterols intake consumed by all respondents were cereals and cereals product (37.46%), followed by legumes and legume products (24.21%), and snacks food (15.33%). According to Pearson correlation test, there was no association between plant sterols intake and total blood cholesterol with P value 0.873. No association means that the level of plant sterols intake by 223.80 mg/day not yet have visible effect in lowering or raising total blood cholesterol levels in respondents with health nutritional status, but presumed maintain normal blood cholesterol levels in respondents. As mentioned by Carr et al. (2010), plant sterols intake from daily food can reduce the absorption of cholesterol, but that supplemental doses of plant sterols as much as 1.5-3 g/day are required to achieve maximal reductions in serum cholesterol.






Appendix 1. Questionaire of respondent characteristics




1. Nomor Responden : ________________________

2. Nama Lengkap Responden : ________________________ 3. Jenis Kelamin Responden : _______________________

4. Alamat Rumah : Jl. _______________ No. ______ RT______ RW______ Kelurahan _____________ Kecamatan______________

5. Wilayah : 1. Kota 2. Kabupaten

6. Nomor Hp/Telpon : _______________________

7. Tanggal Wawancara : _______________________2012

8. Enumerator : _______________________

9. Tanda Tangan Enumerator : _______________________ 10. Bersedia diambil darah (dari ujung jari) : 1. Ya 2. Tidak


Karakteristik Responden dan Keluarga

1 No Responden :

2 NamaResponden :

3 UmurResponden :

4 Pendidikan Terakhir Responden : (tertutup)

5 PekerjaanResponden : (tertutup), jelas

6 NamaSuami/Isteri*) :

7 UmurSuami/Isteri*) :

8 PendidikanTerakhirSuami/Isteri*) :

9 Pekerjaansuami/Isteri*) :

10 Jumlah AnggotaKeluarga :


PendapatanIstri (Rp/bln) : PendapatanSuami (Rp/bln) :

PendapatanKeluargaLainnya :



12 Pengeluaran Total (Rp/bln) :


Coret yang tidak perlu


Keadaan Kesehatan Responden

1. Antropometri

Berat badan : ……… Kg Tinggi badan : ……… Cm

2. Tekanan Darah : ………

3. Riwayat penyakit sekarang:

No Jenis Penyakit Ya Tidak Jenis Pengobatan Ket.

1 Tekanan darah tinggi 2 Jantung

3 Kolesterol tinggi 4 Diabetes/kencing manis 5 Sakit ginjal

6 Sakit liver/sakit kuning 7 Asam urat


4. Riwayat penyakit dahulu

No JenisPenyakit Ya Tidak Jenis Pengobatan* Ket**.

1 Serangan jantung 2 Stroke

3 Sakit liver 4 Sakit ginjal 5

6 7 8

*nama obat yang diberikan (termasuk obat atau terapi tradisional), sejak kapan **pernah dirawat? Operasi? jenis spesifik penyakit

5. Riwayat penyakit keluarga

No JenisPenyakit Ya Tidak Hubungan kekeluargaan Ket**.

1 Tekanan darah tinggi 2 Jantung

3 Kolesterol tinggi 4 Diabetes 5 Sakit ginjal 6 Kegemukan 7



6. Minuman/ makanan yang dikonsumsi untuk tujuan kesehatan……..

7. Minuman/ makanan yang dipantang/dibatasi untuk tujuan kesehatan…….


Kebiasaan Merokok dan Minum Alkohol

Jawaban yang sesuai diberi tanda check list (√) dan lingkari jawaban yang benar pada kolom frekuensi

No Kebiasaan Ya Tidak Jumlah/Frekuensi Jenis/merk Sejak


1 Merokok a. Filter/……….

b. Non Filter/……….. 2 Minuman keras



Appendix 2. Food Frequency Questionaire



1. Nomor Responden

: ________________________

2. Nama Lengkap Responden : ________________________ 3. Jenis Kelamin Responden : _______________________

4. Alamat Rumah : Jl. _______________ No. ______ RT______ RW______ Kelurahan _____________ Kecamatan______________

5. Wilayah : 1. Kota 2. Kabupaten

6. Nomor Hp/Telpon : _______________________

7. Tanggal Wawancara : _______________________2012

8. Enumerator : _______________________

9. Tanda Tangan Enumerator : _______________________







(tempat/ merek)



(cara mengolah)









Biji-bijian dan Olahannya

Nasi putih

Beras putih




2 ctg nasi :

1 gls

2 gls




Umbi-umbian dan Olahannya

Perkedel kentang








2 bh sdg :

2 bh sdg

1 sdm

2 lbr

½ sdt

3 sdm







Kacang-kacangan dan Olahannya



goreng sangrai

kacang tanah




2 genggam

1 sdt




Sayuran dan Olahannya

Sayu bayam



jagung manis

bawang merah




1 mgk :

1 genggam

1 sdm

2 siung

1 sdt














Asal Pangan









(tempat/ merek)



(cara mengolah)






1 gelas



Buah-buahan dan Olahannya





1 bh sedang



Bumbu, Rempah, dan Minyak


Cabe rawit

Bawang merah

Bawang putih





1 sdm :

2 siung

1 siung

½ sdt

1 bh kecil






Manisan dan Minuman


Cokelat hitam

silver queen dark










Asal Pangan









(tempat/ merek)



(cara mengolah)






Produk fortifikasi fitosterol




Tropicana Slim

non fat fitosterol

dilarutkan ke air



2 sdm

1 gls
















2 ptg sdg:

2 ptg sdg

1 sdm

1 sdt

2 sdm








Khong Guan


3 keping



Makanan berkuah kacang/saus kacang



Labu siam





1 bgks :

1 sdm

1 sdm

1 sdm

1 sdm














Asal Pangan









(tempat/ merek)



(cara mengolah)





Bumbu kacang



3 sdm

1 sdm

10 ptg kecil





Sayur Campuran

Soto ayam










1 mgk:

1 ptg kcl

0.5 sdm

2 iris

2 lbr

¼ sdt

1 gls









Appendix 3. List of food used in food frequency interview

Code Food Name

A Cereals and products 1 White rice

2 Whole rice 3 Brown rice 4 Sticky rice 5 Black rice 6 Corn 7 Oatmeal

8 Noodles (fried, dried, raw) 9 Rice noodles

10 Pasta (sphagetti, macaroni, etc) 11 Breakfast cereal

B Legumes and products 1 Potato

2 Cassava

3 Yam

4 Sweet potato 5 Potato Chips 6 Cassava chips 7 Yam chips

8 Mashed potato with egg C Legumes, nuts, and products 1 Peanut

2 Fava bean 3 Mung bean 4 Soybean 5 Kidney bean

6 Pea

7 Cashew 8 Tempeh 9 Tofu 10 Oncom 11 Soy milk 12 Mung bean milk 13 Peanut butter

D Vegetables and products 2 Katuk leaf

3 Water spinach 4 Tomato 5 Carrot 6 Bamboo shot 7 Chayote 8 Buncis

Code Food Name

9 Cassava leaves 10 Sawi

11 Lettuce 12 Cabbage 13 Cauliflowerl 14 Broccoli 15 Basil leaves 16 Bell pepper 17 Cucumber 18 Sprout 19 Eggplant 20 Mushroom

E Fruits and products 1 Avocado

2 Grapes 3 Apple 4 Durian 5 Orange 6 Lime

7 Mango

8 Pineapple 9 nutmeg (flesh) 10 Papaya 11 Banana 12 Rambutans 13 Water melon 14 Soursop 15 Strawberry 16 Melon 17 Pear 18 Persimmon

F Spices, oil, and condiments 1 Chilli sauce

2 Peanut sauce 3 Soy sauce 4 Fish paste 5 Tomato ketchup 6 Vinegar 7 Ginger 8 Kunyit 9 Broth 10 Margarine 11 Mayonnaise 12 Olive oil



Code Food Name

G Sweets and beverages 1 Chocolate

2 Jelly 3 Coffee 4 syrup

H Plant sterols fortified product 1 TROPICANA SLIM non fat fitosterol 2 Nutrive BENECOL

I Suplements

1 NATROLTM CH Balance J Fried dishes

1 Tempeh 2 Tofu

3 Tofu fill with vegetable 4 Vegetable and flour snack 5 Croquettes

6 Fried chicken 7 Fried egg 8 Fried banana K Mixed dishes

1 Mix vegetables sour soup 2 Mix all vegetables, soup 3 Capcay

4 Salad 5 Soto

Code Food Name

6 Rice cake with vegetables and soup 7 Meatball with noodle and vegetable in soup 8 Mix all fruits, served with ice

L Cake and snack 1 Biscuit

2 Bread

3 Bread with filling 4 Cake

5 Cookies 6 Pancake

7 traditional cake, rice flour with palm sugar, fried (cucur)

8 Traditional cake, rice flour, steamed (Kue Apem)

9 Traditional cake, rice flour and grated coconut, pan fried (Kue Pancong) 10 Cassava, mashed, steamed (Getuk) 11 etc

M Food served with peanut sauce 1 mix all vegetables, served with peanut

sauce (Gado-gado)

2 wheat flour snacks, dim sum, served with peanut sauce (siomay)

3 mix all fruits, served with peanut sauce (Rujak)

4 rice cake, served with peanut sauce (doclang)



Appendix 4. Socioeconomic and nutrinional status of respondents


Gender (%)


Male Female

n = 50 n = 50 Age

25 - 35 years 23(46,0) 22(44,0) 45(45,0)

36 - 45 years 7(14,0) 12(24,0) 19(19,0)

46 - 55 years 13(26,0) 11(22,0) 24(24,0)

56 - 65 years 7(14,0) 5(10,0) 12(12,0)

Education Level

Uneducated 3(6,0) 7(14,0) 10(10,0)

Primary school 25(50,0) 22(44,0) 47(47,0)

Junior High School 10(20,0) 12(24,0) 22(22,0)

Senior High School 8(16,0) 8(16,0) 16(16,0)

Diploma 1(2,0) 0(0,0) 1(1,0)

College 2(4,0) 1(2,0) 3(3,0)

Bachelor Degree 1(2,0) 0(0,0) 1(1,0)

Type of Job

Government Official 4(8,0) 0(0,0) 4(4,0)

Private Official 4(8,0) 0(0,0) 4(4,0)

Business 12(24,0) 0(0,0) 12(12,0)

Farmer 2(4,0) 1(2,0) 3(3,0)

Labour 20(40,0) 4(8,0) 24(24,0)

Seller 2(4,0) 5(10,0) 7(7,0)

Others 6(12,0) 0(0,0) 6(6,0)

No Job 0(0,0) 40(80,0) 40(40,0)

Household Member

Small (≤ 4 persons) 22(44,0) 28(56,0) 50(50,0)

Medium (5-6 persons) 19(38,0) 17(34,0) 36(36,0)

Large (≥ 7 persons) 9(18,0) 5(10,0) 14(14,0)

Income Per Capita

< 216.610 24(48,0) 28(56,0) 52(52,0)

216.610 - 500.000 17(34,0) 16(32,0) 33(33,0)

500.000 - 1.000.000 6(12,0) 6(12,0) 12(12,0)




Gender (%)

Total Male Female

n = 50 n = 50 Body Mass Index

16 - 18,5 6(12,0) 4(8,0) 10(10,0)

18,5 - 24,9 43(86,0) 39(78,0) 82(82,0)

25,0 - 27,0 1(2,0) 7(14,0) 8(8,0)

Blood Pressure

<130/<85 35(70,0) 37(74,0) 72(72,0)

130-139/85-89 15(30,0) 12(24,0) 27(27,0)

≥140/≥90 0(0,0) 1(2,0) 1(1,0)

Blood Cholesterol Level

< 200 33(66,0) 0(0,0) 12(12,0)

200 - 239 16(32,0) 0(0,0) 4(4,0)



Appendix 5


. Average of food consumption per-capita and per-eater only in all respondent

No Food Groups

Consumption Per-Capita (g/cap/day)

% Total Consumption

Consumption Per-Eater Only (g/cap/day) Num. of

Eater (N=100)

% Eater (N=100)

Mean ± S.D. 95%

tile Min - Max Mean ± S.D.


tile Min - Max

1 Beverages 16.65 ± 27.71 75.35 0.00 - 152.67 1.88 28.22 ± 31.27 83.85 0.13 - 152.67 59 59.0

2 Cereals and Cereal Products

378.01 ± 164.85 692.77 39.02 - 1046.50 42.66 378.01 ± 164.85 692.77 39.02 - 1046.50 100 100.0 3 Egg and Egg Product 8.58 ± 15.60 41.47 0.00 - 88.00 0.97 25.24 ± 17.23 49.20 7.70 - 88.00 34 34.0 4 Fish and Fish Product 1.37 ± 3.63 8.13 0.00 - 24.43 0.15 5.94 ± 5.55 13.33 0.80 - 24.43 23 23.0 5 Fruits and Fruit


103.04 ± 106.28 323.93 0.00 - 504.07 11.63 105.14 ± 106.33 327.00 5.60 - 504.07 98 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and


11.91 ± 20.22 56.95 0.00 - 119.00 1.34 13.09 ± 20.84 57.13 0.43 - 119.00 91 91.0 7 Meat and Poultry


22.52 ± 32.62 85.58 0.00 - 214.73 2.54 30.84 ± 34.68 90.03 1.82 - 214.73 73 73.0 8 Legumes and Legume


85.26 ± 63.89 208.73 0.00 - 385.72 9.62 86.12 ± 63.63 209.63 12.71 - 385.72 99 99.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified


0.04 ± 0.30 0.00 0.00 - 2.67 0.00 2.00 ± 0.94 2.60 1.33 - 2.67 2 2.0

10 Snack Fooods 99.07 ± 91.71 253.45 0.00 - 584.55 11.18 101.09 ± 91.53 257.51 0.93 - 584.55 98 98.0

11 Supplements 0.05 ± 0.50 0.00 0.00 - 5.00 0.01 2.50 ± 3.54 4.75 0.00 - 5.00 2 2.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

159.64 ± 112.93 396.02 0.00 - 575.37 18.02 161.26 ± 112.34 396.57 2.43 - 575.37 99 99.0



Appendix 5b. Average of food consumption per-capita and per-eater only in male respondent

No Food Groups

Consumption Per-Capita (g/cap/day)

% Total Consumption

Consumption Per-Eater Only (g/cap/day) No. of

Eater (N=50)

% Eater (N=50)

Mean ± S.D. 95%

tile Min - Max Mean ± S.D.


tile Min - Max

1 Beverages 21.88 ± 32.39 79.13 0.00 - 152.67 2.54 32.18 ± 34.87 89.23 0.13 - 152.67 34 68.0 2 Cereals and Cereal


377.68 ± 163.24 683.51 39.02 - 798.85 43.77 377.68 ± 163.24 683.51 39.02 - 798.85 50 100.0 3 Egg and Egg Product 6.19 ± 12.03 31.90 0.00 - 49.20 0.72 22.12 ± 12.88 43.87 7.70 - 49.20 14 28.0 4 Fish and Fish Product 1.18 ± 2.91 7.14 0.00 - 13.30 0.14 5.88 ± 3.92 12.11 0.80 - 13.30 10 20.0 5 Fruits and Fruit Products 92.23 ± 103.58 318.65 0.00 - 456.53 10.69 94.12 ± 103.79 322.47 5.60 - 456.53 49 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and


8.79 ± 11.89 30.33 0.00 - 52.00 1.02 10.71 ± 12.33 30.60 1.30 - 52.00 41 82.0 7 Meat and Poultry


19.10 ± 27.95 63.50 0.00 - 157.81 2.21 28.08 ± 30.00 71.45 3.42 - 157.81 34 68.0 8 Legumes and Legume


78.47 ± 58.21 195.55 0.00 - 289.37 9.09 80.07 ± 57.69 196.91 12.77 - 289.37 49 98.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified


0.05 ± 0.38 0.00 0.00 - 2.67 0.01 2.67 ± 0.00 2.67 2.67 - 2.67 1 2.0

10 Snack Fooods 109.72 ± 114.96 340.61 0.00 - 584.55 12.71 111.96 ± 115.04 342.14 0.93 - 584.55 49 98.0

11 Supplements 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0 0.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

147.63 ± 111.32 363.38 0.00 - 456.13 17.11 150.64 ± 110.39 366.94 2.43 - 456.13 49 98.0



Appendix 5c. Average of food consumption per-capita and per-eater only in female respondent

No Food Groups

Consumption Per-Capita (g/cap/day)

% Total Consumption

Consumption Per-Eater Only (g/cap/day) No. of

Eater (N=50)

% Eater (N=50)

Mean ± S.D. 95%

tile Min - Max Mean ± S.D.


tile Min - Max

1 Beverages 11.42 ± 21.12 47.61 0.00 - 96.00 1.26 22.84 ± 25.28 76.04 0.13 - 96.00 25 50.0

2 Cereals and Cereal Products

378.34 ± 168.09 663.01 134.22 - 1046.50 41.60 378.34 ± 168.09 663.01 134.22 - 1046.50 50 100.0 3 Egg and Egg Product 10.97 ± 18.31 49.20 0.00 - 88.00 1.21 27.42 ± 19.74 51.14 10.27 - 88.00 20 40.0 4 Fish and Fish Product 1.56 ± 4.25 8.92 0.00 - 24.43 0.17 5.99 ± 6.70 17.77 0.80 - 24.43 13 26.0 5 Fruits and Fruit Products 113.84 ± 108.88 315.10 0.00 - 504.07 12.52 116.17 ± 108.75 315.91 7.60 - 504.07 49 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and


15.04 ± 25.79 62.47 0.43 - 119.00 1.65 15.04 ± 25.79 62.47 0.43 - 119.00 50 100.0 7 Meat and Poultry products 25.93 ± 36.67 90.09 0.00 - 214.73 2.85 33.25 ± 38.53 91.55 1.82 - 214.73 39 78.0 8 Legumes and Legume


92.05 ± 69.03 211.35 12.71 - 385.72 10.12 92.05 ± 69.03 211.35 12.71 - 385.72 50 100.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified


0.03 ± 0.19 0.00 0.00 - 1.33 0.00 1.33 ± 0.00 1.33 1.33 - 1.33 1 2.0

10 Snack Fooods 88.42 ± 59.54 200.10 0.00 - 251.42 9.72 90.23 ± 58.76 200.39 12.45 - 251.42 49 98.0

11 Supplements 0.10 ± 0.71 0.00 0.00 - 5.00 0.01 5.00 ± 0.00 5.00 5.00 - 5.00 1 2.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

171.66 ± 114.36 395.75 6.33 - 575.37 18.88 171.66 ± 114.36 395.75 6.33 - 575.37 50 100.0



Appendix 6. Plant sterols content in every food items consumed by respondents

No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g


Data*) source

1 Beverages - coffee, black 0.00 h

2 Beverages - coffee, with milk 0.00 h

3 Beverages - syrup 0.00 h

4 Beverages -

ENERGEN, instant cereal drink,

chocolate or other flavor 0.00 a

5 Beverages - milk, chocolate, powder 0.00 h

6 Beverages - milk, full cream, powder 0.00 h

7 Beverages - milk, liquid 0.00 a

8 Beverages - sweet condensed milk 0.00 h

9 Beverages - soft drinks 0.00 h

10 Beverages -

syrup ice, served with condensed milk,

black rice, and jackfruit (es doger) 2.49 e

11 Beverages - tea, plain 0.00 h

12 Beverages - tea, prepared with sugar 0.00 h

13 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, brown rice based rice, brown, boiled 26.80 b 14 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, corn based corn, grilled 28.50 c** 15 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, corn based corn, steamed 28.50 c** 16 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, corn based

corn, steamed, served with grated

coconut 22.13 e

17 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, oat based oatmeal 44.00 b

18 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, processed instant, noodle, drained 20.61 e 19 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, processed instant, noodle, soup 20.61 e 20 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice based rice, black, steamed 26.80 b 21 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice based rice, sticky, fried 43.71 e 22 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice based

rice, sticky, steamed, served with

grated coconut 35.80 e

23 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice based rice, white, boiled 22.50 b 24 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice flour based

rice noodle, with vegetable and soy

sauce, boiled 22.50 a

25 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, rice flour based

rice noodle, with vegetable and soy

sauce, fried 26.21 e

26 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, wheat flour based pasta 28.10 b 27 Cereals and cereal p. cereal product, wheat flour based

wheat flour based, chocolate breakfast

cereal 0.00 a

28 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice based chicken rice porridge 120.19 e 29 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice based rice cake with oncom filling 26.89 e 30 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice based

Rice cake with vegetable and coconut

milk soup 35.51 e

31 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice based fried rice 20.17 e

32 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice based

rice, in coconut milk, served with side



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




33 Cereals and cereal p. composite food, rice flour based

river rice noodles, with vegetable and

soy sauce, fried 31.81 e

34 Cereals and cereal p.

composite food, wheat flour based

noodle, with vegetable and soy sauce,

fried 25.45 e

35 Cereals and cereal p.

composite food, wheat flour

based noodle, with vegetable soup 14.98 e


Cereals and cereal p. dishes with peanut sauce, rice based

rice cake, rice noodles, and tofu, steamed, served with peanut sauce and vegetables

37.91 e

37 Cereals and cereal p.

dishes with peanut sauce, rice

based rice cake, served with peanut sauce 44.91 e

38 Cereals and cereal p.

dishes with peanut sauce, wheat flour based

wheat flour snacks, dim sum, served

with peanut sauce 50.56 e

39 Egg and egg p. fried dishes, egg Egg, whole, cooked, fried 8.00 a

40 Egg and egg p. fried dishes, egg Egg, whole, cooked, omelet 10.00 a

41 Fish and fish p. - carp fish, prepared with spices, fried 18.33 e

42 Fish and fish p. - tilapia fish, prepared with spices, fried 18.33 e

43 Fish and fish p. - fish, salted, fried 6.45 e

44 Fish and fish p. - tuna fish, salted, fried 20.20 e

45 Fruits and fruit p. composite food, mix fruit mix all fruits, served with ice 22.64 e 46 Fruits and fruit p. composite food, mix fruit mix all fruits, served sour soup 9.33 e 47 Fruits and fruit p.

dishes with peanut sauce, mix fruits

mix all fruits, served with peanut sauce

(Rujak) 59.17 e

48 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, processed, dried candied fruit 62.00 a

49 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw apples, raw 12.00 a

50 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw avocados, raw 83.00 a

51 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw avocados, raw, with sugar 83.00 a

52 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw bananas, raw 16.00 a

53 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw bengkuang, yambeans, raw 10.00 a

54 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw coconuts, flesh 47.00 a

55 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw custard apple, soursops, raw n.a n.a

56 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw

custard apple, soursops, raw, with

sugar n.a n.a

57 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw durian n.a n.a

58 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw guavas, raw, with sugar n.a n.a

59 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw jackfruits, raw n.a n.a

60 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw longans, raw n.a n.a

61 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw persimmons, raw 4.00 a

62 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw rambutans, raw n.a n.a

63 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw sapodillas, raw n.a n.a

64 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw snakeskin, salak fruits, raw n.a n.a

65 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw grapes, raw 4.00 a

66 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw guavas, raw n.a n.a

67 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw mangos, raw n.a n.a



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




69 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw oranges, raw 22.80 c**

70 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw papayas, raw n.a n.a

71 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw pears, raw 8.00 a

72 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw pineapples, raw 6.00 a

73 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw rose apples, raw n.a n.a

74 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw strawberries, raw 12.00 a

75 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw strawberries, raw, with sugar 10.00 c** 76 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw tomatoes, sliced, prepared with sugar 7.00 a

77 Fruits and fruit p. fruits, raw watermelons, raw 2.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments chilli sauce 7.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments margarine 146.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments

chilli and nut paste, prepared with

spices 200.11 e


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments

chilli and soy sauce, prepared with

spices 29.88 e


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments

chilli paste, prepared with spices, stir

fried 33.87 e


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments soy sauce 0.00 h


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments soybean paste n.a n.a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments tomato sauce 7.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments turmeric, raw 82.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments condiments vinegar 0.00 a


Herbs, spices, and

condiments traditional herbal drinks galangal, extract, drinking liquid 0.00 h 89

Herbs, spices, and

condiments traditional herbal drinks ginger, extract, drinking liquid 0.00 h 90

Herbs, spices, and

condiments traditional herbal drinks Indonesian hot spiced drink 0.00 h 91

Herbs, spices, and

condiments traditional herbal drinks mix herbs, extract, drinking liquid 0.00 h 92

Herbs, spices, and

condiments traditional herbal drinks

sour and turmeric, extract, drinking

liquid 0.00 h

93 Legumes and legume p. composite food, oncom based oncom, steamed and spiced 0.00 h 94 Legumes and legume p. composite food, oncom based oncom based, stir fried 1.71 e 95 Legumes and legume p. composite food, peanut based peanut, with salted fish, fried 131.76 e 96 Legumes and legume p. composite food, red bean soup Kidney bean soup 127.00 a 97 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tempe based tempeh, fried 148.23 e 98 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tempe based tempeh, in soy sauce soup, fried 123.14 e 99 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tempe based tempeh, with soy sauce soup 135.18 e 100 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tempe based tempeh, with soy sauce, stir fried 24.10 e



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




101 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tempe based tempeh in chilli sauce 87.05 e 102 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based

fried tofu, served with spice and sour

sauce 45.64 e

103 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based tofu in red pepper sauce 14.47 e

104 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based tofu, fried 9.49 e

105 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based tofu, in soy sauce soup, fried 11.11 e 106 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based

tofu, steamed and spiced, wrapped in

banana leaf 10.89 e

107 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based tofu, stir fried 0.82 e 108 Legumes and legume p. composite food, tofu based tofu, with soy sauce soup 4.28 e 109 Legumes and legume p. legumes, mung bean based mung bean milk 6.90 a 110 Legumes and legume p. legumes, mung bean based mung bean porridge 15.41 e

111 Legumes and legume p. legumes, other bean, kidney, boiled 127.00 a

112 Legumes and legume p. legumes, other bean, pea, fried 135.00 a

113 Legumes and legume p. legumes, other cashew, roasted 158.00 a

114 Legumes and legume p. legumes, other sunflower seed 534.00 a

115 Legumes and legume p. legumes, peanut based soy bean 50.00 a

116 Legumes and legume p. legumes, peanut based peanut butter 102.00 a

117 Legumes and legume p. legumes, peanut based peanut, fried 205.52 e

118 Legumes and legume p. legumes, peanut based peanut, steamed 220.00 a

119 Legumes and legume p. legumes, soy based soy bean 50.00 a

120 Legumes and legume p. legumes, soy based soy milk 5.56 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, meat based

meatball with noodle and vegetable in

soup 11.07 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, meat based spiced meat/meat offal soup 3.77 e 123

Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, meat based

spiced meat/meat offal with coconut

milk soup 4.63 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, meat based spiced noodle soup 8.87 e 125

Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, poultry based

chicken, boiled, with coconut milk and

spices soup 2.57 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, poultry based spiced chicken/chicken offal soup 10.93 e 127

Meats and meat p.

including poultry composite food, poultry based

spiced chicken/chicken offal with

coconut mik soup 7.91 e


Meats and meat p. including poultry

dishes with peanut sauce, meat or poultry based

lamb satai, grilled, served with peanut

sauce 61.68 e


Meats and meat p. including poultry

dishes with peanut sauce, meat or poultry based

chicken satai, grilled, served with

peanut sauce 63.07 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry fried dishes, meat based

meat, prepared with spices, fried,

steamed 5.55 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry fried dishes, poultry based

chicken, prepared with spices and

flour, fried, steamed 16.97 e


Meats and meat p.

including poultry fried dishes, poultry based

chicken, prepared with spices, fried,

steamed 15.58 e



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




134 Snack food biscuits biscuits, common 30.00 a

135 Snack food biscuits biscuits, with cheese cream 30.00 a

136 Snack food biscuits biscuits, with fruit jam 30.00 a

137 Snack food biscuits biscuits, with peanut butter 49.00 a

138 Snack food biscuits cracker 30.00 a

139 Snack food bread bread, beef floss filling 0.00 a

140 Snack food bread bread, cheese cream filling 0.00 a

141 Snack food bread bread, chocolate filling 0.00 a

142 Snack food bread bread, fruit jam filling 0.00 a

143 Snack food bread

bread, margarine and chocolate rice

filling 0.00 a

144 Snack food bread bread, mung bean filling 0.00 a

145 Snack food dessert cheese sauce 11.00 a

146 Snack food dessert pudding 0.00 a

147 Snack food fried snacks, plantain based chips, plantain, fried 21.78 e 148 Snack food fried snacks, plantain based plantain, wheat flour, fried 23.69 e

149 Snack food fried snacks, rice flour based rice flour, fried 6.87 e

150 Snack food fried snacks, rice flour based rice, fried 59.16 e

151 Snack food fried snacks, rice flour based snacks, flour based, deep fried 35.63 e 152 Snack food fried snacks, rice flour based

traditional cake, rice flour with palm

sugar, fried (kue cucur) 33.79 e 153 Snack food fried snacks, soy based oncom based, with wheat flour, fried 100.23 e 154 Snack food fried snacks, soy based tempeh based, wheat flour, fried 133.53 e 155 Snack food fried snacks, soy based

tofu based, wheat flour, filled with

sprout and vegetables, fried 12.98 e 156 Snack food fried snacks, soy based tofu based, wheat flour, fried 11.54 e 157 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based

cassava cake with oncom and spices,

fried 6.87 e

158 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based cassava cake, fried 6.21 e

159 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based cassava, fried 38.95 e

160 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based chips, cassava, fried 12.00 a

161 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based taro, fried 24.43 e

162 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based

traditional snack, cassava cake with

palm sugar, fried 6.87 e

163 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based chips, potato, fried 34.00 a

164 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based french fries 0.00 a

165 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based chips, sweet potato, fried 12.00 a 166 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based sweet potato cake, fried 18.01 e

167 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based sweet potato, fried 18.85 e

168 Snack food fried snacks, tuber based chips, taro, fried 20.64 e

169 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

bread, with chocolate or fruit jam

filling, fried 10.70 e

170 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

fried mix vegetable, with wheat flour,



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




171 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

doughnut, fried, served with margarine

and chocolate rice topping 48.36 e 172 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

snacks, flour based, prepared with

peanut, deep fried 131.74 e

173 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

snacks, flour based, prepared with

salted fish, deep fried 18.97 e

174 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based traditional snack, wheat flour, fried 53.07 e 175 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

wheat flour based, banana and

chocolate rice, fried 31.64 e

176 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

wheat flour based, egg and vegetables,

fried 37.02 e

177 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

wheat flour based, filled with rice

noodle and vegetables, fried 10.09 e 178 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based

wheat flour based, filled with

vegetables or egg, fried 24.28 e 179 Snack food fried snacks, wheat flour based wheat flour based, sweet corn, fried 33.09 e

180 Snack food other bakery wares cake, common 28.00 b

181 Snack food other bakery wares cookies 0.00 a

182 Snack food other bakery wares

pancake, with cheese and condensed

milk 42.65 e

183 Snack food other bakery wares

pancake, with peanut, chocolate rice,

and sugar 73.96 e

184 Snack food other bakery wares

pancake, with sticky rice and

condensed milk 66.75 e

185 Snack food other bakery wares wafers, chocolate 37.20 b

186 Snack food other bakery wares pancake, plain 1.58 e

187 Snack food sweets chocolate rice 59.00 a

188 Snack food sweets milk chocolate 59.00 a

189 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, cassava based,

steamed (Ketimus) 0.00 e

190 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, cassava, mashed,

steamed (Getuk) n.a n.a

191 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, rice flour and grated

coconut, pan fried (Kue Pancong) 31.21 e 192 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, rice flour based,

steamed (Kue Lopis) 31.32 e

193 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, rice flour, steamed

(Kue Apem) 14.80 e


Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, pie, mung bean/chocolate/black bean filling (Kue Pia)

18.80 e

195 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, spekkoek, layer cake

(Lapis Legit) 68.45 e

196 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, wheat flour and

banana, steamed (Nagasari) 8.00 e 197 Snack food traditional cake and snacks

traditional cake, wheat flour pan fried

(Kue Ape) 13.55 e

198 Supplements - chlorophyll drink 0.00 h



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g food) Data*) source 200 Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables

soup mix all vegetables soup, soup only 6.61 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables

soup mix all vegetables, served sour soup 28.72 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables

soup mix all vegetables, soup 12.83 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables

soup mix vegetables in coconut milk soup 44.83 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables soup

mix vegetables soup, with

chicken/meat/meatball added 9.10 e 205

Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables

soup Mixed vegetables sour soup 41.12 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables soup

rice noodle and sprout spicy soup, with or without chicken/prawn/meat/egg added (laksa)

10.68 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables soup

mix all vegetables, served with vinegar

and onion 19.75 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables, steamed

mix all vegetables, steamed, served

with grated coconut 7.83 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

composite food, mix vegetables,

stir fried mix all vegetables, stir fried 10.83 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

dishes with peanut sauce, mix vegetable

mix all vegetables, served with peanut

sauce (Gado-gado) 34.80 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

dishes with peanut sauce, mix vegetable

mix all vegetables, served with peanut

sauce (Karedok) 41.25 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

dishes with peanut sauce, mix vegetable

mix all vegetables, served with peanut

sauce (Pecel) 61.04 e


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, fermented cassava, fermented 0.00 h 214

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, fried

potato in chilli sauce, with or without

chicken oval 5.49 e


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, fried

potato, mashed, battered with egg,

fried 9.51 e


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, fried sweet potato, mashed, fried 28.22 e 217

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, steamed sweet potato, steamed 12.00 a 218

Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed or boiled

jackfruit, boiled, with coconut milk

soup 2.15 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled oyong, soup 18.16 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled cucumbers, stir fried 21.96 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled cassava leaves, with soup 0.44 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled chinese cabbage, boiled, with soup 11.41 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled katuk leaf, soup 8.30 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g food) Data*) source 225 Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed or boiled

spinach, boiled, with soup,

with/without corn added 8.20 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled bamboo shoots, stir fried 10.82 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled cassava, steamed n.a n.a


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed or boiled

cassava, steamed, mashed, served with

grated coconut 3.36 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled potato, steamed 5.00 a


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled taro, steamed 19.00 a


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed or boiled

taro, steamed, mashed, served with

grated coconut 20.19 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed

or boiled cassava, boiled, with soy sauce soup 8.15 e


Vegetables and vegetable p.

vegetables, processed, steamed or boiled

sweet potato, boiled with palm sugar

and coconut milk 6.42 e


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried bitter gourd, stir fried 1.74 e 235

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried eggplant in chilli sauce 15.62 e 236

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried eggplants, stir fried 6.47 e 237

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried paprika, stir fried 175.00 a 238

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried brassica leaves, stir fried 23.35 e 239

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried brocolli, stir fried 24.46 e 240

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried cabbage, stir fried 11.26 e 241

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried cauliflower, stir fried 12.71 e 242

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried fern leaves, stir fried 1.80 e 243

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried water spinach, stir fried 17.01 e 244

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried yellow velvetleaf, stir fried 2.15 e 245

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried beans, broadbeans, steamed 35.00 a 246

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried beans, broadbeans, green, stir fried 39.60 e 247

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried beans, longbean, stir fried 27.15 e 248

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried sprout, stir fried 11.08 e 249

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried chayote, steamed 12.00 a 250 Vegetables and vegetables, processed, stir fried carrot, stir fried 10.62 e



No Group Sub-Group Food Name

PS content (mg/100 g




vegetable p.


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, processed, stir fried chayote, stir fried 13.67 e 252

Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw carrot, raw 12.00 i**


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw cucumbers, raw 14.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw eggplants, raw 7.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw tomatoes, raw 7.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw allspice, raw n.a n.a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw bamboo shoots, raw 19.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw basil leaves, raw 106.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw brocolli, raw 36.70 c**


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw cabbages, raw 11.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw Lettuce, green leaf, raw 38.00 a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw cassava leaves, steamed n.a n.a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw chinese cabbage, steamed 13.00 c**


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw papaya leaves, steamed n.a n.a


Vegetables and

vegetable p. vegetables, raw water spinach, steamed 9.00 a

*) note:

a = USDA SR-24 b = Normen et al. 2002 c = Piironen et al. 2003

d = e = calculation based on recipe

f = commercial product available in the market h = considered contained zero phytosterol i = Piironen and Lampi 2004 in Dutta 2004 n.a = data not available

**) note:



Appendix 7. Plant sterols content based on calculation of recipe

No Food

Group Sub-Group Food Item Composition

PS Content (mg/100 g)

% composition in food item

Estimated PS content (mg/100 g food item) 1 BEVERAGES

- syrup ice, served with condensed milk, black rice, and jackfruit (es doger)

syrup 0 43.02 2.49

sweetened condensed milk 0 9.3

syrup 0 5.81

water 0 23.26

fermented cassava 0 9.3

black rice 26.8 9.3


cereal product, corn based

corn, steamed, served

with grated coconut sweet corn 28.5 66.67 22.13

sugar 0 26.67

coconut 47 6.67

cereal product, rice based

rice, sticky, fried glutinous rice 35.5 86.21 43.71

cooking oil 95 13.79

rice, sticky, steamed, served with grated coconut

glutinous rice 35.5 97.4 35.8

coconut 47 2.6

cereal product, rice flour based

rice noodle, with vegetable and soy sauce,

fried rice noodle 22.5 61.59 26.21

seasoning 12.61 29.29

cooking oil 95 9.12

composite food, rice based

fried rice eggs 0 22.48 20.17

white rice 35.5 44.95

fried rice seasoning 11.03 31.84

cooking oil 95 0.74

rice cake with oncom

filling oncom 0 24.24 26.89

white rice 35.5 75.76

Rice cake with vegetable

and coconut milk soup rice cake soup seasoning 15.85 35.5 60.49 14.76 35.51

chayote 12 13.75

condiment 38.82 2.29

crackers 35.63 6.42

fried onions 299.98 2.29

rice, in coconut milk,

served with side dishes rice 35.5 38.22 16.83

seasoning 0.74 48.91

rice noodle 22.5 12.87

chicken rice porridge rice porridge 17.75 62.96 120.19 chicken porridge soup 9.04 38.3

fried onions 299.98 3.44

fried soybean 161 14.27

shredded chicken 0 53.24

celery 6 8.9

crackers 35.63 54.69

chilli sauce 38.82 43.1

rice cake 35.5 100

composite food, rice flour based

river rice noodles, with vegetable and soy sauce, fried

kwetiaw 28.1 33.18 31.81

cooking oil 95 14.93

cabbage 14.8 5.31

chinese cabbage 13 6.97

salt 0 0.14



No Food

Group Sub-Group Food Item Composition

PS Content (mg/100 g)

% composition in food item

Estimated PS content (mg/100 g food item)

chili 83 7.96

eggs 0 9.12

composite food, wheat flour based

noodle, with vegetable

and soy sauce, fried dried noodles 20.61 73.1 25.45

leeks 19.4 4.39

cesim 13 7.31

cabbage 14.8 7.31

cooking oil 95 7.89

noodle, with vegetable

soup dried noodles 20.61 53.86 14.98

eggs 0 29.62

pepper 92 2.69

sugar 0 2.69

salt 0 0.36

chinese cabbage 13 10.77

dishes with peanut sauce, rice based

rice cake, rice noodles, and tofu, steamed, served with peanut sauce and vegetables

rice noodle 22.5 11.61 37.91

rice cake 35.5 13.55

tofu #N/A 13.55

bean sprouts 15 19.36

crackers 35.63 3.87

peanut sauce 68.84 38.06

rice cake, served with

peanut sauce rice cake 35.5 71.77 44.91

peanut sauce 68.84 28.23

dishes with peanut sauce, wheat flour based

wheat flour snacks, dim sum, served with peanut sauce

what flour snacks, dim

sum, fried 28.1 44.86 50.56

peanut sauce 68.84 55.14


- carp fish, prepared with

spices, fried carp fish 3 83.33 18.33

cooking oil 95 16.67

fish, salted, fried salted fish 3 96.25 6.45

cooking oil 95 3.75

tilapia fish, prepared with

spices, fried Tilapia 3 83.33 18.33

cooking oil 95 16.67

tuna fish, salted, fried tuna 3 81.3 20.2

cooking oil 95 18.7


composite food, mix fruit

mix all fruits, served sour

soup cucumber 14 25.37 9.33

pineapple 6 23.79

yam beans 10 23.79

guava #N/A 23.79

pickled soup 60.36 3.27

mix all fruits, served with

ice jackfruit #N/A 15.5 22.64

jelly powder 0 10.65

avocado 83 21.79

coconut 47 9.69

mango #N/A 9.69

seaweed #N/A 32.69

dishes with peanut sauce, mix fruits

mix all fruits, served with

peanut sauce (Rujak) cucumber 14 21.62 59.17

guava #N/A 21.62

mango #N/A 10.81

yam beans 10 10.81



No Food

Group Sub-Group Food Item Composition

PS Content (mg/100 g)

% composition in food item

Estimated PS content (mg/100 g food item)

peanut sauce 200.11 27.03


condiments chilli and nut paste,

prepared with spices peanuts 220 86.34 200.11

cayenne pepper 83 5.74

cayenne pepper 83 6.48

garlic 1 1.44

chilli and soy sauce,

prepared with spices cayenne pepper 83 36 29.88

soy sauce 0 64

chilli paste, prepared

with spices, stir fried cayenne pepper red cayenne pepper 83 83 27.96 8.26 33.87

garlic 1 4.14

red onion 5 20.7

tomatoes 7 38.94


composite food, meat based

meatball with noodle and

vegetable in soup Meatball 0 55.94 11.07

fried onions 299.98 1.12

rice noodle 22.5 11.19

yellow noodles 20.61 11.19

mustard 13 8.39

celery 6 0.56

meatball soup 15.68 3.22

bean sprouts 15 8.39

spiced meat/meat offal soup

soto soup 11.67 19.76 3.77

chicken oval 0 32.75

potato 5 10.92

tomatoes 7 8.73

celery 6 0.55

coconut milk 1 27.29

spiced meat/meat offal

with coconut milk soup spicy soup 11.67 18.26 4.63

beef 0 30.27

gnetum gnemon cracker 35.63 2.52

celery 6 0.5

potato 5 15.14

tomatoes 7 8.07

coconut milk 1 25.23

spiced noodle soup soto soup 11.67 19.23 8.87

kikil 0 26.57

raw noodle 20.61 21.25

lumpia 7.66 15.94

tomatoes 7 7.97

potato 5 7.97

celery 6 1.06

composite food, poultry based

spiced chicken/chicken

offal soup spicy soup 11.67 31.7 10.93

chicken 0 30.65

fried onions 299.98 1.75

potato 5 26.27

tomatoes 7 8.76

celery 6 0.88

spiced chicken/chicken offal with coconut mik soup

spicy soup 11.67 22.05 7.91

coconut milk 1 30.45

chicken 0 21.32



No Food

Group Sub-Group Food Item Composition

PS Content (mg/100 g)

% composition in food item

Estimated PS content (mg/100 g food item)

potato 5 18.27

tomatoes 7 6.09

celery 6 0.61

chicken, boiled, with coconut milk and spices soup

chicken 0 54.31 2.57

seasoning 5.62 45.69

dishes with peanut sauce, meat or poultry based

lamb satai, grilled, served

with peanut sauce mutton 3 10.88 61.68

peanut sauce 68.84 89.12

chicken satai, grilled,

served with peanut sauce chicken 0 8.39 63.07

peanut sauce 68.84 91.61

fried dishes, meat based

meat, prepared with

spices, fried, steamed beef 0 94.16 5.55

cooking oil 95 5.84

fried dishes, poultry based

chicken, prepared with spices and flour, fried, steamed

chicken 0 68.49 16.97

fried chicken seasoning 40.08 6.57

cooking oil 95 10.96

wheat 28.1 13.98

chicken, prepared with

spices, fried, steamed chicken 0 78.31 15.58

fried chicken seasoning 40.08 9.16

cooking oil 95 12.53


composite food, oncom based

oncom based, stir fried oncom 0 73.31 1.71

stir-fry seasoning 5.36 26.42

basil 106 0.27

composite food, peanut based

peanut, with salted fish, fried

peanuts 220 54.46 131.76

anchovy 3 34.04

cooking oil 95 11.5

composite food, tempe based

tempeh in chilli sauce tempeh 161 43.15 87.05

Balado spice 21.88 49.82

cooking oil 95 7.03

tempeh, fried tempeh 161 80.65 148.23

cooking oil 95 19.35

tempeh, in soy sauce

soup, fried tempeh 161 75.06 123.14

seasoning sauce 9.21 24.94

tempeh, with soy sauce soup

tempeh 161 81.68 135.18

flavoring stews 20.05 18.32

tempeh, with soy sauce,

stir fried red onion 5 16.09 24.1

garlic 1 2.76

cayenne pepper 83 2.48

galangal 0 2.48

bay leaves 0 0

soy sauce 0 9.93

cooking oil 95 8.31

tempeh 7.1 57.95

composite food, tofu based

fried tofu, served with

spice and sour sauce tofu #N/A 33.71 45.64

peanut sauce 68.84 66.29

tofu in red pepper sauce tofu #N/A 42.73 14.47

spicy seasoning 21.88 54.62

cooking oil 95 2.65


Appendix 8a. Average of plant sterols intake per-capita and per-eater only in all respondents

No Food Groups

Individual plant sterols intake (mg/day)

% Total Intake

intake per-eater (mg/day) No. of eater (N=100)

% eater (N=100) Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max

1 Beverages 0.01 ± 0.07 0.00 0.00 - 0.71 0.00 0.01 ± 0.09 0.00 0.00 - 0.71 59 59.0

2 Cereals and Cereal Products 83.84 ± 41.94 157.72 6.19 - 279.83 37.46 83.84 ± 41.94 157.72 6.19 - 279.83 100 100.0

3 Egg and Egg Product 0.83 ± 1.47 4.15 0.00 - 7.04 0.37 2.43 ± 1.58 4.92 0.77 - 7.04 34 34.0

4 Fish and Fish Product 0.34 ± 1.72 1.12 0.00 - 16.83 0.15 1.48 ± 3.39 2.06 0.12 - 16.83 23 23.0

5 Fruits and Fruit Products 12.26 ± 13.54 42.00 0.00 - 53.42 5.48 12.51 ± 13.56 42.18 0.00 - 53.42 98 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and


4.58 ± 10.15 20.34 0.00 - 77.09 2.05 5.03 ± 10.54 21.72 0.00 - 77.09 91 91.0 7 Meat and Poultry Products 4.31 ± 9.56 15.59 0.00 - 80.78 1.93 5.91 ± 10.77 20.47 0.17 - 80.78 73 73.0 8 Legumes and Legume


54.62 ± 46.98 127.48 0.00 - 303.06 24.41 55.17 ± 46.89 127.53 0.55 - 303.06 99 99.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified Products 0.04 ± 0.26 0.00 0.00 - 2.37 0.02 1.78 ± 0.84 2.31 1.19 - 2.37 2 2.0 10 Snack Foods 34.30 ± 39.03 106.18 0.00 - 268.73 15.33 35.00 ± 39.12 106.40 0.11 - 268.73 98 98.0

11 Supplements 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 2 2.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

28.68 ± 21.52 76.45 0.00 - 101.79 12.82 28.97 ± 21.43 76.46 0.29 - 101.79 99 99.0



Appendix 8b. Average of plant sterols intake per-capita and per-eater only in male respondents

No Food Groups

Individual plant sterols intake (mg/day)

% Total Intake

intake per-eater (mg/day) Num. of eater (N=50)

% eater (N=50) Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max

1 Beverages 0.01 ± 0.10 0.00 0.00 - 0.71 0.01 0.02 ± 0.12 0.00 0.00 - 0.71 34 68.0

2 Cereals and Cereal Products 82.30 ± 37.39 132.21 6.19 - 213.80 36.84 82.30 ± 37.39 132.21 6.19 - 213.80 50 100.0 3 Egg and Egg Product 0.61 ± 1.19 3.19 0.00 - 4.92 0.27 2.16 ± 1.31 4.39 0.77 - 4.92 14 28.0 4 Fish and Fish Product 0.17 ± 0.39 1.04 0.00 - 1.55 0.08 0.84 ± 0.43 1.37 0.12 - 1.55 10 20.0 5 Fruits and Fruit Products 11.59 ± 13.33 41.83 0.00 - 53.38 5.19 11.82 ± 13.36 42.04 0.00 - 53.38 49 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and Condiments 3.53 ± 7.60 16.81 0.00 - 42.07 1.58 4.31 ± 8.20 20.19 0.00 - 42.07 41 82.0 7 Meat and Poultry Products 4.00 ± 11.45 8.06 0.00 - 80.78 1.79 5.88 ± 13.54 9.54 0.42 - 80.78 34 68.0 8 Legumes and Legume Products 53.51 ± 48.90 155.68 0.00 - 221.65 23.95 54.60 ± 48.79 158.15 5.58 - 221.65 49 98.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified Products 0.05 ± 0.34 0.00 0.00 - 2.37 0.02 2.37 ± 0.00 2.37 2.37 - 2.37 1 2.0 10 Snack Foods 40.77 ± 50.00 127.34 0.00 - 268.73 18.25 41.60 ± 50.17 128.73 0.11 - 268.73 49 98.0

11 Supplements 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 1 2.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

26.87 ± 22.23 73.91 0.00 - 87.68 12.03 27.42 ± 22.11 74.19 0.29 - 87.68 49 98.0



Appendix 8c. Average of plant sterols intake per-capita and per-eater only in female respondents

No Food Groups

Individiual plant sterols intake (mg/day)

% Total Intake

intake per-eater (mg/day) Num. of eater (N=50)

% eater (N=50) Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max Mean ± S.D. 95%


Min - Max

1 Beverages 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 1.26 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 25 50.0

2 Cereals and Cereal Products 85.37 ± 46.38 176.42 31.88 - 279.83 41.60 85.37 ± 46.38 176.42 31.88 - 279.83 50 100.0

3 Egg and Egg Product 1.05 ± 1.69 4.92 0.00 - 7.04 1.21 2.61 ± 1.75 5.03 0.94 - 7.04 20 40.0

4 Fish and Fish Product 0.51 ± 2.39 1.44 0.00 - 16.83 0.17 1.96 ± 4.51 7.97 0.12 - 16.83 13 26.0 5 Fruits and Fruit Products 12.94 ± 13.85 40.75 0.00 - 53.42 12.52 13.20 ± 13.86 40.88 0.00 - 53.42 49 98.0 6 Herbs, Spices, and Condiments 5.62 ± 12.18 21.06 0.00 - 77.09 1.65 5.62 ± 12.18 21.06 0.00 - 77.09 50 100.0 7 Meat and Poultry Products 4.63 ± 7.30 20.68 0.00 - 36.47 2.85 5.93 ± 7.79 21.59 0.17 - 36.47 39 78.0 8 Legumes and Legume Products 55.73 ± 45.44 93.95 0.55 - 303.06 10.12 55.73 ± 45.44 93.95 0.55 - 303.06 50 100.0 9 Plant sterols Fortified Products 0.02 ± 0.17 0.00 0.00 - 1.19 0.00 1.19 ± 0.00 1.19 1.19 - 1.19 1 2.0 10 Snack Foods 27.83 ± 22.19 69.70 0.00 - 108.26 9.72 28.40 ± 22.05 70.07 1.04 - 108.26 49 98.0

11 Supplements 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.01 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 1 2.0

12 Vegetables and Vegetable Products

30.49 ± 20.86 75.12 1.24 - 101.79 18.88 30.49 ± 20.86 75.12 1.24 - 101.79 50 100.0



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