Model Pengembangan Infrastruktur Kawasan Agropolitan Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan Kelapa yang Berkelanjutan di Sulawesi Utara

LlNY TAMBAJONG (2009), lnfrastrudut-e Develqhnent Model of Agmpolitan
Regkn on Sustainability of Coconut Based Commodity Prime in North Subwesi.
Under the supervision of RlZAt SJARIF, TIENEKE MANDANG, SETlA HAD1and
Indonesia is an archipetago country which has the biggest coconut (Cams
nucifera) famthnd in the world, yet has a limited m n t and type of refined
product In North Subwesi Province. 70 percent of popubtion are depent their
life on this plant, antrough the amfition of system and farmer agribusiness in
processing agro industries is not optimal yet. This research located in
agropolitan Ngaasan area, South Minahasa Regency. The purposes of this
research are: (1) to construct the infrastructure development model ofcoconut
based commodrty prime agmpolitan region. (2) to analyze the prime mover
factors and actors of the commod'ily prime devebpment in order to formulate the
policy and the development strategy,
(3) to analyze the development potential
of coconut refining, zero waste, society based, and private investment
This research a p p t d conditional analysis, institutional anatysis, SWOT
analysii, economical analysis, and spatial analysis which resutts the needs of
agmpolitan infrastructures in five subsystems of agribusiness. The next step is to

examine this five sub agribusiness into model of institutional devebpment, model
of infraslmctures development and model of ICA (integrated coconut
agribusiness) and the hst step is to test for model's validity to the validation of
sbudure and operatioml model and also apply the Before-after comparison
method to canpare the operational of the area before and after this model being
Based on the position of agribusiness area, now in third quadrant. then it
needs to use the WO strategy which is to take the benefit of the opportunity in the
area by minimize the weaknesses. The strategy plan that has to do is improve
the agribusiness supporting infrastructures based on the prime m u t
commodity to take the benefit on exporting opportunities. improve the motivation
of developing the refined coconut produd and group and group scale organizing
to improve the income and working opportunities, revital'ie the institution and
agribusiness organizing management to suppart the development of
environmental friendly, zero waste agro-industry.
The research shows the comprehensive impad of the development of
agropolin infrastructures model in five subsystems of agribusiness implicate
three aspects of continuous development systems. There are social aspect,
economic asped, and environmental aped. The key of successful is to provide
agribusiness area infrastructures to support the upper course agribusiness

subsystem, farmer's enterprise subsystem, crops p m i n g subsystem, crops
marketing subsystem, and supporting service subsystem. The movement actors
are Ue government as the leader, society organization as the government's
partner, academician as Me awmrk, bank as the farmefs capital supporting, and
the private as the farmer's parher. Sirnubtion of the systems resub shows
three scenario there are optimist. moderate and pessimist. The optimist-moderate
scenarios are the best scenario to be applied as the basic of policy


Keyword: Infrasbuduies, agropolitan, -nut,

model, sustainable.

Indonesia merupakan

-_ -


merniliki !uas areal

Penerdian ini bertujuan rmMc (3) membangun model pengembangan



wars kepulauan yang

karvasan a g m p d i berbasis kumocfitas unggubn kelapa,

mmengkaji Wdor dan aktor penggerak pengembangan komodii ~ g s u l a n



kelembagaan, analisis SWOT, an&*

ekonomi dan analisis s
yang h&
a n a l i y a rnenghadkan ksbuhman MasWdw d kawssan a g r q x d i i

subsistem qribisnis ini dahm modd pengembangan kefembagaan, model
pengembangan hhslnMw dm model pew-

Terpadu) dabm bentuk model hestasi

B$ar unha

kompUssi model cfitrtamiik


AKT (Agr&nii Kekpa
yang kemudim akan menjad

V a f i d i model diuji dmgan M


dan validasi kinerja mode. Larrglcah terakhk adatatr merrilai kimja
menggunakan metode
Sembandingkan ldnsrja kawasan sebelirm clan sesudah mode! diembangkan
menix kehdmjutan model mwtgunakan m i indeks kebertanjutan.

~ b e h a s i k n adakh penyed'ian r-i

sgribisnis kawasan rmMc

Senunjmg suborstem agribbnis hulu, subsiiem

usaha tani, sut&tem