Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL and Online Learning

19 acquire knowledge, to construct personal meaning, and to grow from the learning experience” which by Ally 2004 is explained as online learning. He further explains in his definition that online learning is meant to promote the quality of learning. When it is used alone, it serves only as the medium “to bring real-life models in which students can interact, link new info to old, and acquire meaningful knowledge” Beatty, 2010. The tools that are utilized for the learning process, both offline and online, have to be intended to create a meaningful learning environment and to make sense and meaning of the curriculum being taught which facilitate the students to have “higher order, creative thinking skills”. The supporting environment will likely help the students to engage and optimize the knowledge acquisition Jones, 2009. A meaningful learning environment in term of language learning, according to Egbert and Hanson-Smith 1999, will occur within a classroom which complies with a general set of environment. The first is the opportunities to build interaction. Learning is believed to be a social process which means that interactions with others such as peers, teachers and experts are needed Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. Interaction will help the students to construct their knowledge and build their understanding. Interaction also means a good relationship among student-teacher which is needed by the students to develop their ability to survive in term of social relation and their own perception as a learner. Good interaction among students and teachers as well as positive classroom climate fosters the students’ social engagement that prevents dropout and “more likely increase students’ high level of interest, motivation, and enjoyment in learning” Taylor Parsons, 2011. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 The second environment to support language learning is an environment that supports the opportunities to interact with authentic audience with the target language. In building the interaction, students will need more than the opportunities to practice their language skill in the target language with their peers and teachers. It is also important for them to build purposeful social interaction “in the target language with a knowledgeable source” that will improve their language acquisition Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. The third environment is an environment where learners are involved in authentic task. Besides having authentic audience, the students also need authentic tasks in order to inspire them. The students are given the opportunities not to only interact with real audience but are also challenged to complete the tasks which require the students to perform authentic communication. Therefore, their learning experience becomes meaningful and relevant because the students are working within a context. This learning environment will engage the students as they most likely engaged in a way that they find their time and attention are worth spend to learn things that are relevant, meaningful, and authentic Wills, et al, 2009 in Taylor Parsons, 2011. The forth supporting environment for language learning is the exposure and encouragement for the learners to produce varied and creative language. Learners require the large amount and varied exposure in the target language in order to maximize their language acquisition. Therefore, it is not only authentic tasks that learners need but also a broad variety of language input. Given this opportunity, learners can be encouraged to produce output in the target language 21 in more varied styles, thus encouraging their creativity Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. The fifth is sufficient time and feedback for learners. In regard to learner differences such as in ability, motivation, learning style, anxiety and other factors that influence the process of learning, each learner may need different amount of time in order to complete the given tasks successfully. Therefore, flexibility of learning is required to cater the learners need. In addition, feedback is also helpful for learners’ process of learning to assist them in reaching the tasks’ goals Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. The sixth environment to support the language learning is an environment where learners are guided to attend mindfully to the learning process. In producing the outcome, the learners have to be mindful, that is being “motivated to take opportunities presented to them and to be cognitively engaged as they perform the production” Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. The learning environment has to be accommodative so that the learners are encouraged and guided to employ various meta-cognitive strategies during their learning process. The seventh environment is the atmosphere with ideal level of stress or anxiety. The ideal level of stress and anxiety should be first created before the learners are able to perform the mindful process of learning. This can be achieved by forming group discussion which provides the learners with the sense of control over their own learning. Besides, creating a student-centered learning environment is also required to keep the learners within their stressanxiety level during their process of learning Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999. 22 The eight is the support to the occurrence of learning autonomy. Learners’ autonomy means that the learners are given the ownership to devise their own learning including to plan and to solve problems of their learning task. Teacher’s presence is to challenge the students’ critical thinking and guide them to decide their own learning goal. Learning autonomy can occur when the learning environment supports the learner-centered class Egbert and Hanson-Smith, 1999.

C. Edmodo

Edmodo is a private microblogging platform which is utilized to accommodate teaching and learning practices in order to foster the interactions among teachers and students. Edmodo as a microblogging platform, such as Twiter and Facebook, has been widely used by teachers to set up and manage their classes online, thus Edmodo is also classified as a Learning Management System LMS Witherspoon, 2011 in Kongchan, 2012. Edmodo was invented by Jeff O’Hara and Nicolas Borg on 2008 who work for a different school as web administrator and web developer. They develop Edmodo as an educational technological tool to share with and engage the students online by posting resources, assignments, polls, and through other activities embedded in it. Edmodo is provided for free in the internet and is available for Android and iOS powered smartphones which eases both students and teachers with internet connectivity to access Edmodo at anywhere and at any time. Edmodo shares similar interfaces with Facebook so that it has familiar navigation features and easy-to-use design, yet it has a safer environment for the teachers and students 23 to interact and collaborate because it requires unique codes to sign up for every class and school, reducing outsiders from joining the network Kumar, 2012. Moreover, Edmodo also allows parents to access the class to monitor the students’ progress. In its implementation, Edmodo promotes the application of social constructivism pedagogy where students are active in making meaning of their own learning through collaborating with their peers and with other teachers, authentic task in a meaningful context, internalize their knowledge from various resources, and teacher-student interaction; in which all aspects form a social activity which is the nature of learning Fernandez-Ulloa, 2013. 1. The Basic Nature of Edmodo a. Interaction The most prominent functionality of Edmodo is its interactivity for teachers, students, and parents. Through Edmodo, all users may interact within one platform in any convenient time which can be both done synchronously and asynchronously. The interaction among students is done in the classroom wall or in a group created by the teacher therefore teachers can monitor the students’ interaction. Meanwhile, teachers can have direct interaction to each student. This encourages shy student who is not active in the classroom to be more active in online classes. b. Collaboration and Sharing Edmodo enables teachers and students to work on the same class and share ideas. On the class wall in Edmodo, teachers and students can post educational materials in a form of links, media, and documents that can be downloaded and PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 accessed by the other members of the class. The classroom wall also facilitates interactive discussion among students by enabling the students to give comment on others’ posts and comments. Moreover, teachers may network their classes to other teachers’ classes so that the students can work together with other teachers and students from other classes under the same topic. It also opens the opportunity for the students to get authentic or real audience in a safer environment. c. Monitoring and Encouragement Edmodo helps teachers to manage their online classes easily by providing the assignment tool which allow them to post quizzes and homework online.