Theoretical Framework LITERATURE REVIEW

30 Inggris, baik saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. inside and outside the classroom. Q9. Saya merasa pelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih mudah saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q9. I think learning English is easier when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Student- teacher relation Q10. Saya berkomunikasi lebih baik dengan guru dan teman saya saat Edmodo digunakan di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q10. I can communicate better with the teacher and other friends when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Values Q11. Belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan Edmodo akan bermanfaat bagi masa depan saya. Q11. Learning English by using Edmodo will be useful for my future. Orientation toward class Q12. Saya merasa puas dengan hasil belajar saya saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q12. I am satisfied with my score when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Cognitive Engagement Flexible problem solving Q13. Saya menggunakan lebih banyak strategi belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q13. I employ more learning strategies in learning English when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q14. Saya lebih mampu mengatasai kesulitan saya dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun diluar kelas. Q14. I can overcome my problems in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Goal Q15. Saya lebih mampu memahami materi yang saya dapat saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q15. I can understand the materials better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q16. Saya selalu mencoba menyelesaikan tugas-tugas saya dengan lebih baik saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam Q16. I always try to accomplish my tasks better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 maupun di luar kelas. Quality of instruction Q17. Menurut saya, instruksi pembelajaran yang diberikan melalui Edmodo menjadi lebih jelas. Q17. I think the learning process is clearer when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Self- regulation and learning strategy Q18. Saya lebih mudah mengatur jam belajar Bahasa Inggris saya saat menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q18. It is easier to manage the study time in learning English when Edmodo is used either inside or outside the class. Q19. Saya lebih banyak membuat rencana belajar Bahasa Inggris secara pribadi dan berkelompok pada saat Edmodo digunakan baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q19. I make more plans in English learning individually and in group when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. Q20. Saya mengulang kembali pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sudah diberikan saat Edmodo digunakan. Q20. I repeat the English materials more often after I use Edmodo Q21. Saya bertanya pada guru maupun teman sekelas pada saat saya tidak memahami pelajaran atau menemui kesulitan di kelas Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan Edmodo baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Q21. I ask teacher or other friends when I do not understand the materials or when I find difficulties in learning English both when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. In order to answer the second question on how Edmodo engaged the students in a technology-rich English class, the researcher analyzed the features used by both the teacher and students during the class either offline or online. The features were analyzed based on primarily the theory of effective learning environment in ICT rich classroom by Egbert and Hanson-Smith 1999. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 Correlating the features and the learning environment that they could support and enforced, the possible type of engagement could also be analyzed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33


This chapter is intended to elaborate how the research was carried out. It comprises the method and design of the research, the research setting and participants, the techniques to gather the data and the method in analyzing the data.

A. Research Method

This research was a mixed method research in which there were two types of data used to answer the research questions namely quantitative and qualitative data. Mixed method research is the combination of quantitative approach which data is usually numeric and quantitative approach which data is usually in a form of text that are collected either concurrently or sequentially to best understand research problems. The numerical information quantitative data can be obtained through traditional surveys and the text information qualitative data can be obtained from observation and interview Creswell, 2012:18; Punch, 2009: 288- 289. Mixed method research is used when the researcher aims at confirming and explaining, verifying and generating theory, in one single study Teddlie and Tashakkori, 2003 in Gorard Taylor, 2004. Combining the methods is preferred because the quantitative data rest on measurement that would provide objectivity to the research and is open for generalization. The qualitative data, on the other hand, gives a holistic understanding upon an issue within a context. This approach is less formalized than that in quantitative approach, thus it is said flexible to study naturally occurring real-life situations. Qualitative approach also PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 accommodates local groundedness that is important to study an issue or cause embedded in its context deeper. Through qualitative approach, the researcher might find out the insider’s perspective or ‘actor’s definition on the situation’, the meaning people attached to things and events Punch, 2009: 293-294. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative data were employed. The first was used because it would provide the objective measurement in a form of numerical data and the later would verify the quantitative data. The design of the data collection, analysis, and interpretation was a triangulation mixed method research design. Triangulation design is “a one-phase design in which researchers implements the quantitative and qualitative methods during the same timeframe and with equal weight” and it is used in order to directly compare and contrast quantitative statistical results with qualitative findings or to validate or expand quantitative results with qualitative data” Creswell, 2012:63-64. It means that the qualitative and quantitative data in triangulation design are taken concurrently yet collected separately. Different with other type of mixed method research which puts one type of data to be the primary thus leaves the other secondary, triangulation design treats the data in equal weight. It is equal because it brings together different strengths of the quantitative and qualitative method; therefore both types of data complement one another. The quantitative data, in this study, was used to answer the first research question which sought for the type of engagement that is mostly facilitated in an English class employing Edmodo into the teaching-learning process. A measurement among the three types of student engagement proposed by Fredricks was needed to take one that stood out amongst all. Meanwhile, the qualitative data 35 collected through interview with the students were used to find out how Edmodo engaged the students. The qualitative data served as the validation and were to provide deeper understanding on the engagement. The triangulation design implemented in this study is described in the following figure: Figure 3.1 Triangulation Model: Convergence Design Creswell Plano Clark, 2011:63 As seen in Figure 3.1. there are five steps implemented in this research. The first was quantitative and qualitative data collection. The quantitative data was obtained through a survey to the entire population in order to “describe the attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of the population” Creswell, 2012. In the same time, interview was also conducted in order to collect the qualitative data. Then, both of the data were then analyzed separately. In the third step, the results and findings of quantitative and qualitative data were compared and contrasted. During this process, the qualitative findings were also used to validate, confirm, and corroborate the quantitative results Creswell Plano Clark, 2011:65. The comparison of the data was used to produce the interpretation that would help the understanding on how Edmodo worked in relation to supporting student engagement. This is in line with the results of a triangulation mixed-method research design which would produce valid and well- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI