Data Gathering Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

39 classroom. I love to use Edmodo as a tool to support my English learning when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 8 I think learning English is easier when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 9 I can communicate better with the teacher and other friends when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 10 Learning English by using Edmodo will be useful for my future. 11 I am satisfied with my score when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 12 I employ more learning strategies in learning English when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 13 Cognitive engagement I can overcome my problems in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 14 I can understand the materials better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 15 I always try to accomplish my tasks better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 16 I think the learning process is clearer when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 17 I can manage my time in learning English better when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom.. 18 I make more plans in English learning individually and in group when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 19 I repeat the English materials more often after I use Edmodo 20 I ask teacher or other friends when I do not understand the materials or when I find difficulties in learning English both when Edmodo is used both inside and outside the classroom. 21 2. Interview Interview is a research tool to gather data in which the interviewees are given spaces to discuss and express their opinions on particular issue. Through its flexibility, moreover, interview also provides the interviewer more opportunity to 40 dig information broader and deeper Cohen, 2007:349. In this research, the information gathered from the interview was to provide the exploration of the first research question that would be answered by the quantitative data. The qualitative data was to help answering the second research question that aimed to find out how Edmodo engaged the students in some specific types of engagement as answered quantitatively. There were 5 students from 5 classes that were interviewed as the representative of their class. The interview served as an instrument exploring how the students were engaged in a classroom in which Edmodo was used as part of their learning process. The students were chosen by the teacher based on the students’ activeness both online and offline, cooperativeness in the classroom and also their overall English ability. After the interview was conducted, it was then transcribed to a dialog text to ease the categorization, coding and analysis process.

D. Data Analysis

As described in the previous sections, the data of this research are collected through two research instruments, namely questionnaire and interview. The first instrument was to find out the score which reflected what types of student engagement that was mostly facilitated when Edmodo was incorporated into the learning process. Meanwhile, the interview was used to find out how the students were engaged which at the same time reflected how Edmodo engaged them in certain type of engagement. The questionnaire was analyzed based on 4-value of Likert scale which primarily was used to find the mean of each statement that represented the construct of student engagement. Each construct was divided into some sub- 41 constructs written in each statement of the questionnaire. The mean score was used to evaluate the tendency of each statement which helped the interpretation of what type of student engagement that the students were mostly engaged in Edmodo-facilitated English class. In order to get the mean score, the total choice of each degree of agreement “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, “Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree” for each statement was multiplied with the value of the degree of agreement Strongly Agree = 4, Agree = 3, Disagree = 2, and Strongly Disagree = 1 which was put in tally chart. The score of the multiplication is then totaled to get the total frequency. To get the mean score, the score of the total frequency was divided with the total participants. The formula was described as follow: Where: f : Frequency SA : Strongly Agree A : Agree NS : Not Sure D : Disagree SD : Strongly Disagree N : Total of Respondents After the mean score of each statement was obtained, it was then interpreted based on mean criteria to bring a clearer explanation on which type of student engagement that the students were engaged. The mean criteria was defined by calculating the ideal mean Mi and the ideal standard deviation SDi. Ideal mean Mi is the total of maximum and minimum score of the value of the degree of agreement which is then divided by two. The ideal standard deviation SDi is the X = f Ax4 + f NSx3 + f Dx2 + f SDx1 N PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 subtraction of the maximum score and minimum score of the value of the degree of agreement which is then divided by six. The formula is described as follow: Mi ideal mean = 12 Maximum score + minimum score = 12 4+1 = 2.5 SDi ideal standard deviation = 16 Maximum score - minimum score = 16 4-1 = 0.5 Munadi, 2014 To get the mean criteria, the calculation of ideal mean Mi and ideal standard deviation SDi were converted into quantitative data conversion Sudijono, 2009 as described in the following figure. Very High Mi + 1.5 SDi High Mi + 0.5 SDi Fair Mi - 0.5 SDi Low Mi - 1.5 SDi Very Low Figure 3.1 The Mean Criteria Formulation Sudijono, 2009: 175 The mean criteria for each statement, therefore, are described in the table below. Table 3.3 The Mean Criteria Score Range Criteria  3.3 Very High Mi + 1.5 SDi = 2.5+1.5 0.5 = 3.25 2.8 – 3.25 High Mi + 0.5 SDi = 2.5+0.5 0.5 = 2.75 2.3 – 2.75 Fair Mi - 0.5 SDi = 2.5-0.5 0.5 = 2.25 1.8 – 2.25 Low Mi - 1.5 SDi = 2.5-1.5 0.5 = 1.75  1.75 Very Low PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI