Research Objective Student`s lived experience on the toughest place to be a Binman in CLS 1.

8 students meaningful learning. This video is expected to give an environmental awareness to the students after they watched the video. Thus, the students can change their bad habits into good habits or improve their good habits to be better. Video Video is a set of some motion pictures which has a message gathered in electronic media format Smaldino, 2012. Videos have a lot of contributions in language teaching with the uniqueness. Videos facilitate language learners to learn the real condition of native speakers. They can also learn three aspects – the language, cultural, and visual in one time. Videos, in this research, appear as one of the media which are commonly used in CLS 1 Class. CLS 1 CLS 1 stands for Critical Listening and Speaking 1. This is one of the required courses in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. There are two grades of CLS courses; those are Critical Listening and Speaking 1 CLS 1 and Critical Listening and Speaking 2 CLS 2. CLS 1 should be taken in the third semester; the prerequisite courses are Basic Listening, Intermediate Listening, Speaking 1, and Speaking 2. 9


This chapter consists of some theories related to the topic of the research which will be divided into two sections. First section is the theoretical description. The theoretical description discusses some theories that will support this research. Second section is the theoretical framework which explains the summary of the theories.

A. Theoretical Description

The researcher uses three main theories related to the research. The first theory is about critical listening and speaking; this theory starts from integrated skills and CLS 1. Second is a theory about video-based learning. Third is a summary of The Toughest Place to be a Binman. Last theory is related to the environmental awareness. Critical Listening and Speaking Critical Listening and Speaking is an integrated course from listening course and speaking course. This course is offered and required for students in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University in the third and fourth semester. In this part, the researcher explains some theories about the nature of Critical Listening and Speaking 1. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI