Text Description Student`s lived experience on the toughest place to be a Binman in CLS 1.

40 Binman video in CLS 1 was his first experience for him. He said that the video was very memorable. He could know and understand social issues about the differences between an English binman and an Indonesian binman. This video also helped him to improve his competence, conscience, and compassion. It was because the moral values that were delivered from the video. Participant C ’s Story She was the student of the sixth semester. She started to learn English from the early age because her mother was an English teacher. Thus, her mother began to let her learned English since she was in kindergarten. Her motivation in learning English was her realization that English was an international language. Therefore, she should master the language to prepare her future. She preferred learning English in a quiet condition. She did not like learning in a noisy class because it would distract her concentration. She also added that she did not like to learn when the class ’ condition was hot. She said that integrated course was important for learning English because when she could master one skill, she could also master the other skills. She said that when she mastered writing, she also mastered speaking automatically. It also happened to the other skills. However, among four English skills, she preferred speaking skill because, in her opinion, speaking was the simplest skill. She only needed to master some grammars and vocabularies, then she could speak fluently. Besides that, she did not like listening. She said that when she listened to English conversation, she could not easily understand the message. She was not familiar PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 with English pronunciations because she lived in an environment where Indonesian was commonly used as daily language. CLS 1 for her was a class which expected her to have critical thinking. Every time she listened to something, she had to have critical responses toward what she listened. It also happened when she spoke in front of the class, she needed big responsibilities because there would be some questions which led her to think critically about her speech. The implementation on the use of videos in CLS 1 was very effective for her. It also supported by advanced facilities which were provided in each class. The videos which were used in CLS 1 were also accessible videos. Therefore, she could easily find the subtitle to help her understand the video. The video that she remembered the most in CLS 1 was The Toughest Place to be a Binman video. She said that from the video, she could see big differences between an Indonesia binman and an English binman. She liked videos which provide real facts. The video made her sad and realized that people in Jakarta have different perspectives toward Indonesian binmen.

B. Interpretation

This part shows the elaboration of the participants’ answers which form four emerging themes. Those four themes that the researcher extracted are from in-depth interview results and also reflections from the participants. Those themes are meaningful learning, compassion, motivation, and action. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 Meaningfulness The implementation of The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1 appeared as a media which could give the students meaningfulness. Meaningfulness, in this research, means that the students did not only get class materials but they also got some issues related to the real life. This video gave an enlightenment about what happened in the environment, especially about trash in Jakarta. Through the video, the participants learned about class materials which were about the environment, British accent, and also critical thinking. At the same time, the students also learned about social and environmental issues which were delivered through the video. The use of this kind of video can improve students’ understanding of social issues which do not appear in common media. It is also accordance with the 3C [competence, conscience, compassion] which is spirited by Sanata Dharma University. Reflection participant B The participants also realized the social issue that appeared in the video. The social issue was the differences between an Indonesian binman and an English binman in term of trash and proper life. In London, all of the trash had already well- organized. However, it was different from Jakarta. Trash in Jakarta was not well- organized and unhygienic. Participant B also realized that the trash in London did not only has been well-organized but also supported by advanced technologies. In London, they have already been in a good life. Their trash also includes cellular phone and computer. The condition is different from Indonesia. Trash in Indonesia is watery. Participants A.30 If in London, the binman has already used advanced technologies; for instance, the truck. The truck can collect the trash and also process all the trash automatically at the same time. Participant B.25 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 They [English people] can throw their trash properly. It is not only in terms of trash, but they can also arrange all things properly. However, Indonesians throw their trash randomly or improperly. Participant C.29 Moreover, this video also showed that English binmen had a proper life. After working, they still had free time for their family or for entertainments. It is totally different from Indonesian binmen. This perspective was also stated by participant C as follows: He [English binman] is only a binman, but [we] can see that he still can go to the night bar and he also has a proper house. While in Indonesia, the condition of the binman is totally different. Participant C.26 Those social issues made the participants realized that the video did not only bring the listening material but also brought the moral values for them. The participants knew that the material was for their listening activities, besides that they also realized that the video also provides environmental and social issues presented in the video. … [The video] teaches us about speaking English which includes British accent, pronunciation, and also how to have a good speech. Moreover, the video also contains the moral value on how we as Indonesian people be aware of the environment around us which need conservation. Participant A.36 First is for listening activity. Second, the video contains a moral value. Participant C.33 Therefore, the use of The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1 gave the students meaningfulness. The participants learned listening materials through social and environmental issues in the video. In other words, after watching The Toughest Place to be a Binman video, the participants did not only get the knowledge of listening and speaking, but they also were facilitated by several issues which explicitly appeared in the video. This resulted in meaningfulness and it gave 44 the participants chance to give a meaning in their life, such as doing a better or a new thing related to the environment around them. Compassion The effect of the use of The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1 was the students felt something different. The real condition showed in the video brought the participants to see the different condition between an Indonesian binman and an English binman. It helped the participants to realize the real condition of their surrounding and relate themselves to what the binmen might feel in doing their work. The condition when someone puts hisherself in others’ feeling after watching them suffered is define as compassion Goetz, Keltner, Thomas, 2010. After watching the video, participant C felt sad because she realized that people in London had high consideration in lessening the work of English binmen by separating the organic and non-organic trash. People in London also gave the binmen a considerable payment in order to give them a proper life. However, in Jakarta, the people did not care about the environment around them, especially to Indonesian binmen. Participant C said that when people litter, we should think about others who collected the trash. We should not be selfish. We must not think only for ourselves, but we have to think about other people. Participant C.32 However, at the first time participant B watched The Toughest Place to be a Binman video, he felt excited about English people because they classified their trash and it was supported by advanced technologies. In addition to that, when the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 video showed the negative sides of Jakarta, he was ashamed because usually in the television commercial, Indonesia was drawn as a beautiful country with the cleanliness. In fact, the video showed the negative sides of Jakarta that made him felt challenged to make Indonesia better. Actually, I feel ashamed because as we can see on the television, especially in Visit Indonesia or Visit Jawa Tengah ads, Indonesia looks so good. Whereas, in the video, the negative sides of Indonesia are shown. That makes me embarrassed and feel challenged to make Indonesia better. Participant B. 27 Then, participant A experienced different feeling. After watching The Toughest Place to be a Binman video, he felt the sympathetic, envy, and shocked. He felt sympathy because the condition of Jakarta which was not well-organized. He wanted to transform the environment around him to be better. He also felt the envies because Jakarta could not be like London which had already managed their trash properly. Through the video, he was also shocked because there was a big gap between Indonesia and London. Finally, The Toughest Place to be a Binman video brought the participants to have a good compassion. Each participant expressed their own feeling, such as sad, shocked, sympathetic, and excited; the feelings were looked different between each other, but it showed that the participants opened their heart to see a different side of their life. This would be the base for them to do better in all aspects of their lives, especially related to the environment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI