Research Benefits Student`s lived experience on the toughest place to be a Binman in CLS 1.



This chapter consists of some theories related to the topic of the research which will be divided into two sections. First section is the theoretical description. The theoretical description discusses some theories that will support this research. Second section is the theoretical framework which explains the summary of the theories.

A. Theoretical Description

The researcher uses three main theories related to the research. The first theory is about critical listening and speaking; this theory starts from integrated skills and CLS 1. Second is a theory about video-based learning. Third is a summary of The Toughest Place to be a Binman. Last theory is related to the environmental awareness. Critical Listening and Speaking Critical Listening and Speaking is an integrated course from listening course and speaking course. This course is offered and required for students in English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University in the third and fourth semester. In this part, the researcher explains some theories about the nature of Critical Listening and Speaking 1. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10

a. Integrated skills

Roberts and Kellough 2000 as cited in Tajzad Namagi 2014 define integrated learning in teaching learning activities as “a way of planning and organizing the instructional program for interrelating the discrete disciplines of subject matter in an appropriate design that brings about effective learning” p.93. Integrating four skills is important in language teaching for some situations in daily life, language learners must use more than one language skills. The integration of four skills and their component can complement each other which will lead to one of the characteristics of Communicative Approach Hinkel, 2010. According to Oxford 2001, integrated language teaching is one of the powerful strategies to learn a language in a whole way. Widdowson 1978 as cited in Tajzad and Namaghi 2014 believes that integrating the four language skills in language teaching is to raise language learners’ proficiency levels and to enable advanced language learning. According to Sill International 1999 as cited in Clausen 2009, there are two parameters which can classify four language skills. The first one is the mode of communication which are oral and written communication. Oral communication includes listening and speaking. Meanwhile, written communication is related to reading and writing skills. Second one is the direction of communication. It is divided into two directions; those are receiving and producing which are also known as receptive and productive skills. Meanwhile, listening and reading are known as receptive skills; while reading and writing are known as productive skills. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 Sill International 1999 as cited in Clausen 2009 states that those parameters can be a base for integrating four skills, including integrated listening and speaking into one integrated course. Tavil 2010 states that in real life, listening and speaking are always in integration. It also supports the integration between listening and speaking into a course. Moreover, when listening and speaking are used in a course, the course activity must be in an interactive way. Thus, he also adds that integrated course leads the language learners to have a big willingness to practice more. Then, after they are successful practicing, they will feel the actual outcome. There are some ways to make interactive class; one of them is using authentic materials Tavil, 2010. This can be a bridge between classroom conditions and real life conditions. It will bring a result that integrating listening and speaking into one course leads to the real contribution for communication. Further, he also states that this approach will be a good success if the teac her has “a task to comprehend and make use of how closely listening is related to the speaking skill and how listening can be integrated with speaking through information-gap tasks” p.766. In fact, there are some advantages that language learner got from the implementation of integrated course. According to some experts as cited in Tajzad and Namaghi 2014, there are explanations about the advantages of integrated course. Strang 1972 believes that integrated course helps learners to combine the language skills and to develop a knowledge from a skill to another skill. It facilitates and helps the language learners to improve their skills. Second advantage is to stimulate language learners to be more enthusiastic. Thus, the positive classroom PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI