Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques

34 The fourth was imaginative variation. This step aims to find possible meaning through the imagination and seeing phenomenon from a divergent perspective, position, or purpose Moustakas, 1994. The researcher constructed variety imaginations from the textural description. The fifth step was constructing a structural description based on the textural description and imaginative variation. The last step was constructing a textural-structural description of meaning and essences of the experience, incorporating invariant constituents and themes.

F. Research Procedure

This research was started from the possibilities expectations of using The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS1. The use of the video may give someone a new meaning of life which lead them to have better habits or new perspectives. From that perspective, the researcher also wanted to know more about the meaning of The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1 for students’ life. Therefore, the researcher conducted the research to have a better understanding of students’ lived experience on The Toughest Place to be a Binman in CLS 1. This research was a qualitative research and the approach of this research was a phenomenology. Phenomenology was the study of lived experience, thus this research belonged to a phenomenological study. The participants of this research were three students of CLS 1 class in academic year 20142015 and belonged to class A. The class was chosen because the students of that class have already watched The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in their class. The researcher also made an information letter and consent form for the participants before joining 35 this research in order to minimize the biases about the data from the participants. The data collection of this research was gathered by in-depth interviews and reflections. Each in-depth interview used interview guideline and also was recorded by voice recorder. After the in-depth interviews were done, the researcher also asked each participant to write their personal reflection about CLS 1, especially about the use of The Toughest Place to be a Binman in CLS 1. The data obtained from the participants would be analyzed by following elaboration steps from Moustakas 1994 and Van Kaam method to answer the research question. Those steps were epoche, phenomenological reduction, clustering and thematizing, imaginative variation, and synthesis meaning and essence. Mea nwhile, the participants’ personal reflections were used as a complementary data to support participants’ answers from the in-depth interview. For the last steps, the researcher used the data which were obtained for the next chapters. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36


This chapter presents and discusses the findings of this research which have been collected using in-depth interview and reflection. The findings of this research are to answer the research question which is what watching The Toughest Place to be a Binman video means to the students. Therefore, this chapter discusses students’ lived experience on The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1. There are two parts in this chapter. First is text description which explains about participants’ background. Second is an interpretation which discusses the interpretation of the findings.

A. Text Description

This part discusses participants’ background which includes participants’ personal identities, their motivations to learn English, their learning styles, their perceptions about English skills and their integrations. This part also discusses the implementation of video-based learning in CLS 1 on participants’ perspectives and also about The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in general. Those backgrounds can affect their lived experiences on The Toughest Place to be a Binman video in CLS 1. The participant who prefers listening and speaking skills and who has some positive perspectives related to the research has more experiences on The Toughest Place to be a Binman in CLS 1. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI