Object of the Study

4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 33, and 34 The reason why only eighteen books were chosen is because the chosen book was enough to describe each of the protagonists’ characteristic. The protagonists’ characteristic also doesn’t change at all. In book 15 Rachel is described as brave and reckless, in book 54 Rachel is still brave and reckless. It doesn’t mean that the other book doesn’t have any kind of description regarding the protagonists’ characteristic. It is just that if this study used all the data from the entire series, this study will lose its primary focus and will just become a study about explaining Animorphs in general. The secondary data are Peter Barry’s The Beginning Theory , Edwin Bakker’s Towards a Theory of Fear Management in the Counterterrorism Domain: A Stocktaking Approach, Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death, and George Vaillant’s Ego Mechanisms of Defense: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers. Other sources also include journal and studies which has relations to this study. The first step that the writer did was reading all of the fifty four Animorphs novels. After finished reading all of the novels, the writer chose sixteen books from the fifty four novels which considered important in helping the writer on working on this thesis and reread them thoroughly again in order to fully understand the problem which is faced by each of the protagonists. The writer then studied from books, journals, and studies which has a relation with the problem on the novel. Finally the writer analyzed the relation between the studiestheories and the novel. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS As stated in the title, this research adopted the terror management theory to analyze the problem. Terror management theory concern with how to deal or treat a psychological attack caused by various thing related to terror which in this study’s case is terror of death to human’s mind and analyze what happen inside their mind when they are dealing with the trouble. This thesis also analyzed how the protagonists adopt defense mechanism in order to cope with the terror. The analysis in this study will be split into several parts based on the number of problem that it has.

A. Description of the Protagonists’ Characteristics.

Minderop stated that there are several ways of describing a character in a story. K.A Applegate, the writer of this story seems to characterize or describing the characters inside the story from the opinion of other character, instead of directly mentioning it herself, by using the third person perspective. The novel Animorphs is told from the first person perspective, each book is narrated by each protagonists, telling the story from their own perspective for example book one is told from Jake’s perspective, because he is the narrator of said book, and then book two is told from Rachel’s perspective and so on. Thanks to this method it is easier for the reader to analyze the character itself, because by looking at the way PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI they describe other character, and also their expression and emotion when speaking, it is easier for the reader to analyze the character inside the novel.

1. The Descri ption of Jake’s Characteristics

The First character to be described is Jake, from other character’s perspective from books which is narrated by any character other than Jake, Jake is the kind of person who has the charisma as the leader of the team. Other characters often look up into him whenever they need a decision in any situation especially difficult ones. Rachel, in book seventeenth stated that Jake is a very responsible person, he is described as someone who is needed on a team. But it was tricky, see, because we knew Jake, my cousin and our sort-of leader, might get all tense and righteous on us. Not that hes that way at all. He isnt. But hes very responsible. Someone has to be, and it sure isnt me. Animorphs 17, 1996:2. Jake is also depicted to be kind and humble as well, as although he often be considered as the de facto leader of the team and often becomes the one who gives command to the team, he does not want to be called as leader. This is proven whenever he is called by prince by Ax, because of his leadership, Jake dislike that, and he often reminds Ax to not call him prince. l am Aximili-Esgarrouth-lsthil. We all just kind of stared. Ax, Marco said. Pleased to meet you Who is your prince? One by one we looked at Jake. Oh, give me a break, Jake said. I am not anyones prince. But the Andalite had stepped forward. He bowed his head and lowered his tail. I will fight for you, Prince Jake, until I can return to my cousins. Animorphs 4, 1996:61.