Rachel’s Defense Mechanism

Even though she knows that her decision means sacrificing her old planet and lots of other human and animal for the sake of living peacefully along with several others earth creature. Asides from withdrawal, Cassie also seems to utilize Altruism, Altruism is a defense mechanism in which the users will feel more relax when they give service to other people. Cassie’s kind and caring attitude make her unable to leave her friend whenever they are is faced with certain danger. As stated above both in book fourth and twenty first, she is the one who always be there to help whenever her friends is in some kind of trouble in her belief. In book fourth she decides to come into Marco’s house in order to make sure that Marco doesn’t get traumatized after nearly killed by a shark. Her desire to help those who needs to be saving not only just for her friend, Cassie also determined to save any animal that need to be saved. She will be troubled whenever she learns that there is an animal is in some kind of trouble. In book ninth, Cassie learn that a group of skunk babies are in danger. Because of this Cassie becomes greatly concerned about the wellbeing of the babies, that she is worried about the wellbeing of the skunk babies. Another instance of Cassie’s altruism is on book fifteenth. Cassie convinces her friends to help her saving some parrot who she believes to be mistreated by a restaurant. From the explanation above, it is safe to assume that Cassie is the person who can’t put her mind at ease until she is one hundred percent sure that someone or something close to her is safe. If she deems someone or something to be in danger, she will be distraught by it and will do her best to take care of them. 52


The problems that the protagonists of theAnimorphs have are how their life is endangered because of the Yeerks’ invasion. The battle against the yeerks has caused a situation which caused great terror in Animorphs’ mind. They occasionally fell into fear and despair in the story. The condition force the protagonist both consciously and unconsciously to adopt a defense mechanism to defend their mind and to struggle against the terror. The terrors not only threaten the life of protagonists, the terrors also threatened the life of those who are close to them. This condition made the terror worsen because the situation where someone who are close to them are in danger will make their fear and anxiety multiply to certain level. The terrors not only come from their battle against the Yeerks, it also comes from how they cope with their new morphing ability, how they must familiarize themselves with their new experience whenever they morph into other creature. Each character have their own technique of dealing with the terror, the way they choose their own technique is based or caused by their characteristic. Marco, who is well known as the jokester because of his habit of making joke out of everything he can, utilized a defense mechanism known as humor, in which the user tell jokes or making a funny comment to enlighten the situation.