Neurotic Defense Mechanisms Mature Level Defense Mechanism

understand how the character react to the terror, or in the word how the terror affected the protagonists, are they scared, or will they fight back against the terror. After learning their behavior toward the terror this thesis analyzed what kind of attempt which they used to fight the terror which lingered in their mind. Minderop’s characterization of characters in a novel will be used to further understand the nature of the character of Animorphs. It is difficult or maybe impossible to analyze the protagonists’ reaction toward the terror if we do not understand the characteristic of the protagonists. 20


A. Object of the Study

Animorphs is a series of novel written by K.A Applegate, the whole story consists of 54 books. There are also ten spin-off series which even tough are not really important to the main story it still has relation with the main story. The series was published by Scholastic, the first main book was published on June 1996 while the last book was published on May 2001. Animorphs is written in first person style, the story is told by a narrator which is none other than the protagonists themselves. Each book is narrated by different character, for example book one is narrated by Jake while book two is narrated by Rachel and so on. Only the last book which had different style of narration, the last book is narrated by all of the character. Twenty six books of Animorphs series were written by ghostwriters. Typically, K. A. Applegate would write a detailed outline for each book, and a ghostwriter, would spend a month or two writing the actual novel. After this, Applegate, and later her series editor, Tonya Alicia Martin, would edit the book to make it fit in with the series tight continuity. Ghostwriters are credited for their help in the books dedication page. The books was re-released from May 2011 to September 2012, but because of tepid sales, the re-release version only released eighths of the original fifty four books. On 1998 Animorphs series were adapted into television series by Nickelodeon; the series is split into two seasons, 20 episodes on season one, and 6 episode on season 2. The series lasted approximately 20 minutes minus commercial. The television series is not a complete adaption, although it borrows lots of element from the books, not all of the story in the books was adapted into the series. Animorphs had also been adapted into several video games, not only that a toy line based on Animorphs were also made in 1999, but the commercial was rather unsuccessful so the sale was cancelled. The story of Animorphs is about five teenagers who accidently involved in an alien war. The story begins when the five teenagers walk from a shopping mall together through a construction site. On the construction site they meet with an alien named Elfangor. This alien tells the five teenagers about an alien race called Yeerks which is about to invade planet earth, after Elfangor gives them a special power. These five teenagers must risk their life multiple times to save their planet from the Yeerks. Yeerks is a parasite-like alien race which has similar form as slugs, they are able to enter people’s head and then control those people from their brain. This makes the fight against the Yeerks is difficult, because the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Animorphs cannot trust anyone about their secret identity, anyone can be invaded by yeerks, neighbor, teacher, friends, and even their family. The elements of the story is about war because they fight against the yeerks survival and horror because they risked their life multiple times, freedom because they fight to liberate earth and other planets from the yeerks.

B. Approach of the Study

This thesis uses psychological approach, because the study deals with how people are coping with a condition that cause terror to their mind, this approach is used to get better understanding the relation between the protagonists’ characteristics and their psychological condition. Psychological approach itself as the name suggests analyzed the ”Victim”, and then learned their faulty behaviors and habits, along with damaging words, thoughts, interpretations and feedback that affect strategies for daily living after receiving a certain psychological attack or in this case, the terror of death. Psychological approaches assume that many disorders result from mental, behavioral, and social factors, such as personal experiences, traumas, conflicts, and environmental conditions. Paris, 1997 Paris 1997 stated that human characters in literature works were not simply functions in a text or encoded messages from the author, but they were imagined human beings whose characteristics made sense in motivational terms.