Animorphs cannot trust anyone about their secret identity, anyone can be invaded by yeerks, neighbor, teacher, friends, and even their family. The elements of the story is about war because they fight against the yeerks survival and horror because they risked their life multiple times, freedom because they fight to liberate earth and other planets from the yeerks.

B. Approach of the Study

This thesis uses psychological approach, because the study deals with how people are coping with a condition that cause terror to their mind, this approach is used to get better understanding the relation between the protagonists’ characteristics and their psychological condition. Psychological approach itself as the name suggests analyzed the ”Victim”, and then learned their faulty behaviors and habits, along with damaging words, thoughts, interpretations and feedback that affect strategies for daily living after receiving a certain psychological attack or in this case, the terror of death. Psychological approaches assume that many disorders result from mental, behavioral, and social factors, such as personal experiences, traumas, conflicts, and environmental conditions. Paris, 1997 Paris 1997 stated that human characters in literature works were not simply functions in a text or encoded messages from the author, but they were imagined human beings whose characteristics made sense in motivational terms. Thus a psychological understanding about these characteristics will make the literature works more fascinating. Because if we analyze the characters’ psychological condition, we will get better understanding about Thus, by using psychological approach, this study analyzes how the terror affect the character inside the novel, what kind of reaction is shown in the novel, and find out why they show that reaction. This approach is used in relation with one of the theory which is used in this study, which is the terror management theory. As terror management theory analyze how the protagonists manage their self esteem to cope against the terror, the psychological approach is used to jelp finding it out and also learn the relation between the terror and the character’s reaction.

C. Method of the Study

The study adopts library research method, the researcher gathered various data and theories which is relevant with the study by looking it from a various book and other source. There is no interviewing some people in gathering the data, because the data in this study is purely from books and other written material like journal from a website for example. The source itself is books which contain important information related to the theory which is used in this study and also written material which contain information which is able to help this study. The main source of this study is K.A Applegate’s novel Animorphs. Altough the writer did read the entire fifty books, only eighteen from fifty four books were chosen to be used to analyze the protagonists. The chosen book are book 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 33, and 34 The reason why only eighteen books were chosen is because the chosen book was enough to describe each of the protagonists’ characteristic. The protagonists’ characteristic also doesn’t change at all. In book 15 Rachel is described as brave and reckless, in book 54 Rachel is still brave and reckless. It doesn’t mean that the other book doesn’t have any kind of description regarding the protagonists’ characteristic. It is just that if this study used all the data from the entire series, this study will lose its primary focus and will just become a study about explaining Animorphs in general. The secondary data are Peter Barry’s The Beginning Theory , Edwin Bakker’s Towards a Theory of Fear Management in the Counterterrorism Domain: A Stocktaking Approach, Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death, and George Vaillant’s Ego Mechanisms of Defense: A Guide for Clinicians and Researchers. Other sources also include journal and studies which has relations to this study. The first step that the writer did was reading all of the fifty four Animorphs novels. After finished reading all of the novels, the writer chose sixteen books from the fifty four novels which considered important in helping the writer on working on this thesis and reread them thoroughly again in order to fully understand the problem which is faced by each of the protagonists. The writer then studied from books, journals, and studies which has a relation with the problem on the novel. Finally the writer analyzed the relation between the studiestheories and the novel. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI