Approach of the Study

they describe other character, and also their expression and emotion when speaking, it is easier for the reader to analyze the character inside the novel.

1. The Descri ption of Jake’s Characteristics

The First character to be described is Jake, from other character’s perspective from books which is narrated by any character other than Jake, Jake is the kind of person who has the charisma as the leader of the team. Other characters often look up into him whenever they need a decision in any situation especially difficult ones. Rachel, in book seventeenth stated that Jake is a very responsible person, he is described as someone who is needed on a team. But it was tricky, see, because we knew Jake, my cousin and our sort-of leader, might get all tense and righteous on us. Not that hes that way at all. He isnt. But hes very responsible. Someone has to be, and it sure isnt me. Animorphs 17, 1996:2. Jake is also depicted to be kind and humble as well, as although he often be considered as the de facto leader of the team and often becomes the one who gives command to the team, he does not want to be called as leader. This is proven whenever he is called by prince by Ax, because of his leadership, Jake dislike that, and he often reminds Ax to not call him prince. l am Aximili-Esgarrouth-lsthil. We all just kind of stared. Ax, Marco said. Pleased to meet you Who is your prince? One by one we looked at Jake. Oh, give me a break, Jake said. I am not anyones prince. But the Andalite had stepped forward. He bowed his head and lowered his tail. I will fight for you, Prince Jake, until I can return to my cousins. Animorphs 4, 1996:61. Even though Jake does not consider himself as the leader of the team, he cares greatly about the safety of his friends, he often feel responsible whenever his plan does not go as planned and eventually put him and his friend in danger. He often shown worried and scared whenever his friends are put in danger. Jake’s responsibility is one of the reason why his friends tends to rely on him in making a decision. In accordance to Terror Management Theory, where the management of self esteem is very important in fighting the terr or in people’s mind, Jake has a good control toward his self esteem; he is able to keep his emotion in check even in a dangerous situation. Numerous times throughout the series, the protagonists other than Jake describe him as the person capable of handling certain situation which no other protagonists is capable of, like giving the right strategy in the middle of a battle. If we Animorphs have a leader, its Jake. Hes strong, inside and out, and really good looking, also inside and out. I mean, hes just an amazingly cool guy. Jake has had to grow up a lot in a very short time. Its weird to be a kid, and yet act like some kind of a general or something. We all decide the big stuff together. But when were in a fight, its Jake who has to make the little decisions a lot of times, the little decisions that could leave one of his friends dead. Animorphs 9, 1997:10 Jake’s capability in controlling his self esteem is the reason why he is chosen by his friend to be leader of Animorphs. Based on his friend’s decision, we can see that Jake is the person who can control his self esteem better than his friend. Even though Jake is capable of managing his self esteem, that does not mean he cannot get worried or scared. Sometimes when his decision goes wrong PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI