Research Setting Research Participants


E. Data Analysis Technique

After gathering the data from research, those data will be further analyzed by the researcher to obtain the result based on the students’ achievement, observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire, and interview during the research. The data acquired from the observation checklist, field notes, questionnaire, and interview were analyzed through triangulation way. Those data were analyzed to find out whether or not the Student Team Achievement Division used in research implementation could help the students improve their participation in English extracurricular class. The data gained from the research would be triangulated to get valid and reliable data. They were also compared to the theories reviewed in chapter II. The researcher analyzed the data from observation checklist and field notes which were written by the observer through the reality in the classroom. The researcher then summarized the data in the form of description. The researcher used those data in elaborating what improvement happened to the students related to their positive interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face promotive interaction, interpersonal and small group skills, and group processing from cycle 1 and cycle 2. If the data gathered from observation checklists and field notes showed improvement in student participation, it could be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning to improve student participation was successfully done. The researcher then strengthened the findings in the research by inserting students’ statement in questionnaire which had been described in description. The 36 researcher also used the result of interview with the observer to strengthen researcher’s conclusion and opinion about the implementation of the research.

F. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher has to carry out seven steps based on the procedure. 1. Observing the VIIB Class of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta The researcher observed the students of VIIB English extracurricular class on 17 th March 2014. In observing the students, the researcher used observation checklist which focuses on student participation on the class, field notes to take several information or description about the condition of the class and how do the students behave and questionnaire to check the students’ opinion about the teaching method used and need or interest in the classroom by using open-ended questions. From those observation instruments, the researcher found out the problems that happen in that classroom. 2. Planning the research After gathering the data from the preliminary research, the researcher found that the problem happen in VIIB English Extracurricular class was the lack of student participation during the lesson. The researcher then planned the research strategy which would be conducted to overcome the problem in VIIB English extracurricular class of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. 3. Asking for permission from SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta After planning the result, the researcher asked permission to conduct the research from university and SMP Pangudi luhur I Yogyakarta. Firstly, the

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