Class VIIB Students of SMP Pangudi Luhur I Yogyakarta

11 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher presents the theoretical description and theoretical framework of the research. The theoretical description section covers the elaboration of each theory related to the research topic, namely the elaboration of teaching adolescents, student participation, and the Cooperative Learning Approach. In the theoretical framework, the researcher describes how the theories are employed in the research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher discusses three topics to strengthen the results and findings of the research, i.e. teaching adolescent, student participation, and the Cooperative Learning Approach.

1. Teaching Adolescents

This part discusses two theories of teaching adolescents related to this research. They are nature of teaching adolescents and characteristics of adolescents.

a. Nature of Teaching Adolescents

Teaching adolescents is always becoming a challenging experience. Teacher cannot directly teach the young adult students or the adolescents without having the knowledge about their natural condition. Without understanding their nature of growth, both physically and emotionally, the teacher will not have enough basic to teach them and becoming their adviser in the learning. At first, 12 the teacher has to understand them by trying to know them and find out what the students really need. Setiyadi 2006 states that “since they are in the age of transition from childhood to adult, some assumptions about teaching English to children apply to teaching them and to some extent assumptions about teaching adults may also work for this group ”. This emphasizes the teacher’s duty to decide what kind of teaching model which might be applicable for the adolescent students. Many adolescent students are immature because they are still in the early adulthood. They are in need of support from their environment, especially from their family and school to face the conflicts and confusions that arise in their adolescence. According to Clark and Starr 1991, “the adolescents need a transitional program like that of the middle school rather than the complexities of the high school departmentalized program ” p. 24. The teaching program applied should not be complicated even though in this age of transition, the students are starting to understand the concepts of formal abstract knowledge. As explained by Setiyadi 2006, “teenagers have more increasing capacities for abstraction as a result of intellectual maturation. They are more ready to learn the target language without the absence of physical object because they are already good at handling abstract rules and concepts ” p. 182. This characteristic will help the teacher to determine a suitable language teaching method of technique for the adolescents. The teaching given should not also stop their creativity. The adolescents tend to regard school as their enemy because of school’s rules that tend to limit their creativity. Clark and Starr 1991 state that “for the students schools are

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