Strategies to Improve Student Participation

21 2. Individual Accountability Each member of the group has the responsibility to do their part of work in the group or individual tasks, and to master all of the materials which should be learned by the students. 3. Face-to-face Promotive Interaction Not all of the activities in cooperative learning will be done in a group work. However, when there are group work activities, there have to be promotive interactions between students to promote their productivity such as providing feedback for one another, teaching and encouraging one another, sharing and evaluating group work. 4. Interpersonal and Small Group Skills Interpersonal and small group skills are very important in the group work activities. The group will not function effectively without the use of collaborative skills such as instructorship, decision-making, trust-building, communication, and conflict-management skills. 5. Group processing In group processing, the group members should discuss how well they have achieved their goals and maintained effective working relationships among members. They should discuss the way to improve their performance in learning.

c. Goal of Cooperative Learning

Johnson et al., 1981, and Slavin 1983 have the same perspective that “cooperative goal structures create a situation in which the only way group members can attain their own personal goals is if the group is successful ” as cited 22 by Slavin, 1990:16. In this context, group member should help the group mates to do things that can help their group to succeed, for example by encouraging their group mates, improving their own mastery of materials etc., in order to achieve their personal goal. When one member fails to do his or her responsibility, it will become the failure for every member of the group. This is when each member should work together to achieve shared goals and they work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. Johnson and Johnson as cited by Gillies et al, 2008 called this “we sink or swim together”. According to Richards and Rodgers 2001, in language teaching cooperative learning has goals such as: a. To provide opportunities for naturalistic second language acquisition through the use of interactive pair and group activities. b. To provide teachers with a methodology to enable them to achieve this goal and one that can be applied in a variety of curriculum settings. c. To enable focused attention to particular lexical items, language structures, and communicative functions through the use of interactive task. d. To provide opportunities for learners to develop successful learning and communication strategies. e. To enhance learner motivation and reduce learner stress and to create a positive affective classroom climate. Based on the goals of cooperative learning from Richard and Rodgers, the researcher draws description that when the students learn interactively in pair or group work, they will learn from their friends indirectly. Their friends should become their model and also encourage them to succeed. This is when the acquisition of language happens naturally. Every student has the same chance in taking part in the learning process. Each of them has been given group and individual tasks to complete which becomes their responsibility as individual or as

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