Theoretical Framework The contribution of web-based grammar practice to students` grammatical competence and writing skill.

ELTGallery is conducted by Magdalena 2013. In that study, the focus is more on the students‟ autonomy in using ELTGallery for Sentence Writing class. The first study shows that web-based learning ELTGallery improves and develops students‟ achievement Kurniawati 2012. Therefore, ELTGallery is considered as successful web-based learning. However, the second study shows that students‟ autonomous learning does not always lead to the high writing achievement Magdalena 2013. It is due to the lack of students‟ grammatical awareness. Students have shown high practice of independent learning but they still neglect the basic and significant aspect of writing, which is grammar. Therefore, ELTGallery is now adding grammar practices for its facilities aimed at students‟ improvement in their writing ability. Therefore, this study would like to find out whether by adding grammar practices in ELTGallery, students will be able to monitor their progress on sentence writing without neglecting the grammatical aspects.

E. Theoretical Framework

Writing as a second language is still perceived as difficult subject to learn. It deals with many aspects, such as generating ideas, organizing ideas, and then transforming those ideas into target language Richards and Renandya 2002, Brown 2004. At university level, writing is considered to be an advanced level in which students should be able to organize their ideas and develop them into well- constructed and meaningful passages. As a result, grammatical aspects in writing are often neglected since the purpose is to write meaningful passages Mennim 2003, Ferris 2002, Chuang 2005. It means that they fail to achieve successful writing. In order to be successful in writing, students need to acquire proficiency PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI not only in writing techniques but also the underlying elements in writing, which are grammar aspects. These aspects are in line with the micro and macro skills of writing proposed by Brown 2004. Micro skills deal with the basic knowledge of writing, covering the internal elements of writing, such as mechanics and grammatical rules. Macro skills take wider and more complex elements of writing that focus on the management process in writing, such as functions of writing and writing strategies and techniques. Those reasons lead to the need of grammar practices for writing class. Grammar practices are best conveyed in separate aspects, including subject-verb agreement, parts of speech, clause, sentences, tenses, and so on Berger 2001. However, teaching grammar in discrete aspects should not be separated from the writing itself. Teaching grammar should be incorporated with teaching writing. Therefore, the discrete aspects of grammar should be learnt in the context of writing Berger 2001. The mushrooming implementation of technology in education has led to the invention of web-based learning. The use of web-based learning has brought about advantageous results. Autonomous and collaborative learning that are surely promoted by conducting web- based learning can enhance students‟ achievement. ELTGallery is one of web-based learning applications used in writing class, which is Sentence Writing class. Previous studies on ELTGallery have shown the effectiveness of ELTGallery compared to traditional class. ELTGallery also leads the students to enhance their autonomous learning even though it is not in line with the students‟ achievement. This is due to the lack of grammatical awareness of the students. It is identified that the students tend to disobey and neglect the grammatical aspects as long as they can write long and meaningful passages. The lack of grammar awareness leads to the invention of web-based grammar practice in ELTGallery. The web-based grammar practice is expected to provide the students with more controlled practices so that they will be fully aware of their grammar errors and mistakes. It is believed that students who master the grammatical competence will be able to write grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. Web-based grammar practice is designed with the underlying principles of web-based learning that can enhance autonomous and collaborative learning. Web-based grammar practice is implemented to the university level students since they have their own learning strategies in the learning process. Benefited from those ideas, it is expected that students can make use of the activities and facilities that are provided by web-based grammar practice in ELTGallery to improve their writing skill, especially by developing their grammatical competence. The activities are designed in line with the advantageous facilities provided by web- based learning to optimize students‟ learning achievement. There are three main activities that should be conducted by the students in ELTGallery. The first one is true and false grammar practices. This part is divided into twelve topics, including sentence, tenses, article and determiner, personal pronoun, question, noun modifier, auxiliary verb, perfect and continuous, compound and complex sentences, relative clause, noun clause, and passive voice. These twelve topics are generated based on the selection of the most significant grammar aspects needed in sentence writing Berger 2001, Brown 2004, Hinkel 2004. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 2.9 Development of Grammatical Competence through Writing Source: Dwijatmoko, Personal Communication In each topic, students need to recognize and identify whether the sentences are true or false. It means that they have to be able to judge whether the sentences are grammatically correct or incorrect. The second one is sentence writing practices. This part is also divided into twelve parts as well. Students need to compose sentences based on the topic they select. In this sentence writing, students are given meaningful topics so that they will be able to construct meaningful sentences based on their daily life. Peer-feedback is a significant aspect, in which it raises students‟ attention and awareness on the grammar of the sentences. The third one is passage writing. Students have six different topics for the passage writing. Similar to sentence writing, students learn to evaluate their peers‟ work by commenting on the passages that their friends have composed. Sentence writing and passage writing serve as writing practice as well as grammar practice. They are considered as writing practice since students need to write Grammar Practices Sentence Writing Peer Feedback Passage Writing Micro SKills Peer Feedback PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI based on several different topics. It means that students practice to write in certain contexts. Sentence writing and passage writing are also considered to be grammar practice since the grammar or the structure of the writing is evaluated by the students and the teacher. It means that students need to be careful in applying the grammar aspects that they learn in composing their sentences and passages. The evaluation done by identifying whether their peers‟ sentences are grammatically correct or not and by providing suggestions of how the sentences should be. The three activities in ELTGallery facilitate the students to experience the grammar practices in a series of process, which are identifying, constructing, and evaluating. In addition, students may also revise their work after receiving comments from their peers or the teacher. It shows that autonomous and collaborative learning are really promoted through the use of web-based grammar practice in sentence writing class. Students‟ achievement is graded based on their results on grammar practices, sentence writing, and final writing. It is believed that grammar practices can enhance studen ts‟ writing ability.

F. Hypotheses

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