The relationship between web-based grammar practice and writing skill

coefficient between grammar identification scores and grammar scores r= 0.770 and between grammar identification scores and sentence complexity scores r= 0.453 shows that the relationship between the variables is positive. Based on criterion-referenced wise, it can be concluded that the result of the correlation coefficient r shows that the grammar identification test and passage writing test are valid. Therefore, based on the two correlations that were conducted, it shows that web-based grammar practicehave positive correlation or are positively related to st udents‟ grammatical competence. In other words, the higher scores the students get in web-based grammar practice, the higher grammatical competence they acquire.

b. The relationship between web-based grammar practice and writing skill

The similar procedures were taken to investigate the relationship between web-based grammar practice and writing skill. Writing skill was measured using two scores of passage writing and final writing scores. Therefore, the statistical tests were conducted between grammar identification scores and passage writing scores, and between grammar identification scores and final writing scores. The first statistical test was conducted between grammar identification scores and passage writing scores. Before investigating the relationship between web-based grammar practice and grammatical competence using Pearson Product Moment test, several assumptions underlying this test were checked first. The significance value of the Saphiro-Wilk Test is greater than 0.05 0.306 0.05. Therefore, the data are normally distributed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Figure 4.11 Test of Normality of Passage Writing Scores Q-Q Plot shows the percentile of a standard normal distribution against the corresponding percentiles of passage writing scores. The data are normally distributed since the resulting plot is roughly straight line with a positive slope. Figure 4. 12 Q-Q Plot of Passage Writing Scores Scatterplot shows a clear direction of the positive relationship between the two variables since it is more or less in a line. Figure 4.13 Scatterplot of Grammar Identification and Passage Writing Scores After checking the three assumptions, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient can be calculated using SPSS 21. The result of the calculation is shown in the table below. Figure 4.14Pearson Correlation Coefficient between Grammar Identification and Passage Writing Scores Based on the result shown in the table above, it can be seen that the correlational coefficient r was 0.711. The direction of the relationship is positive and the strength of its positive linear relationship was high as shown by r = 0.711. It PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI shows that there is a high positive linear relationship between web-based grammar practice and passage writing. Meanwhile, Spearman correlation test was also conducted to validate the result of Pearson Product Moment test. The result is as follows: Figure 4.15 SpearmanCorrelation Coefficient between Grammar Identificationand Passage Writing Scores The result shows that the correlation coefficient r is 0.696. It means that the result of Pearson and Spearman is in line and similar. Hypothesis test was conducted to check whether the high correlational coefficient was due to chance or due to the significant relationship between the variable. Those findings of correlational coefficient showed positive linear relationship between web-based grammar practice and passage writing. It means that it rejects the null hypothesis. This first statistical test shows that web-based grammar practice and writing skill are positively related. The second statistical test was conducted between grammar identification scores and final writing scores. Assumptions underlying Pearson Product Moment test should be checked first before conducting this second test. The significance PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI value of the Saphiro-Wilk Test is greater than 0.05 0.245 0.05. Therefore, the data are normally distributed. Figure 4.16 Test of Normality of Final Writing Scores The data are normally distributed since the resulting Q-Q plot is roughly straight line with a positive slope. Figure 4.17 Q-Q Plot of Final Writing Scores Meanwhile, scatterplot shows a clear direction of the positive relationship between the two variables since it is more or less in a line. Figure 4.18 Scatterplot of Grammar Identification and Final Writing Scores After checking the three assumptions, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient can be calculated using SPSS 21. The result of the calculation is shown in the table below. Figure 4.19 Correlation Coefficient between Grammar Identification and Final Writing Scores Based on the result shown in the table above, it can be seen that the correlational coefficient r was 0.913. The direction of the relationship is positive and the strength of its positive linear relationship was very high as shown by r = 0.913. It shows that there is a very high positive linear relationship between grammar identificationscores and final writing scores. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Meanwhile, Spearman correlation test was also conducted to validate the result of Pearson Product Moment test. The result is as follows: Figure 4.20 SpearmanCorrelation Coefficient between Grammar Identificationand Final Writing Scores The result shows that the correlation coefficient r is 0.910. It means that the result of Pearson and Spearman is in line and similar. Hypothesis test was conducted to check whether the high correlational coefficient was due to chance or due to the significant relationship between the variable. Those findings of correlational coefficient showed positive linear relationship between grammar identification scores and final writing scores. It rejects the null hypothesis. This second statistical test shows that web-based grammar practice and writing skill are positively related. In other words, the higher scores the students get in web-based grammar practice, the higher writing skill they acquire. The correlation coefficient between grammar identification scores and passage writing scores r= 0.711 and between grammar identification scores and final writing scores r= 0.910 shows that the relationship between the variables is positive. Therefore, it shows that web-based grammar practicehave positive correlation or are positively related to st udents‟ writing skill. In other words, the higher scores the students get in web-based grammar practice, the higher writing skill they obtain. Theoretically, the results of the four statistical analyses about the correlation between web-based grammar practice and grammatical competence as well as writing skill show that the increasing of the results of web-based grammar practice done by the students would be followed by the increasing of the their grammatical competence and writing skill that are shown in their passages.. Thus, it can be concluded that web- based learning can be applied to improve students‟ grammatical competence that leads to the development of their writing skill.

2. Result of Qualitative Research

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