Data Analysis and Verification

Table 3.2 Correlation Coefficient r Pearson‟s r Indication 0.19 Very low 0.20-0.39 Low 0.40-0.69 Modest 0.70-0.89 High 0.90-1 Very high The closer r is to 1 whether positive or negative, the stronger the relationship of the two variables. The nearer r is to zero or the further it is from +1 or -1, the weaker the relationship. In this study, it is expected and predicted that the direction of the relationship between the two variables is positive. After finding the correlation coefficient, then the next step is hypothesis test. Hypothesis test is conducted to check whether the high correlational coefficient is due to chance or due to the significant relationship between the variable. Inferential statistically, the positive relationship between the variables can be seen from the value of Sig. α H : ρ=0; H 1 : ρ≠0. The null hypothesis is formulated to state that there is no correlation between the two variables, while the alternative hypothesis stated that there is a significant correlation between the two variables.

E. Data Analysis and Verification

The quantitative data are analyzed using correlation technique in SPSS 21. The scores of all variables are inputted into the SPSS. The first variable is web- based grammar practice. Other variables are grammatical competence and writing skill. Pearson Product Moment Test processes the data in SPSS by measuring the relationship between the variables. The verification of the findings is obtained by checking the validity of the instruments and reliability of the findings. 1. Validity Valid instruments are needed to obtain the valid finding. Therefore, the data gathering instruments should be approved to be valid instruments. To check the validity of the instruments, the researcher conducts two types of analyses. The first one is rational analysis, while the second one is empirical analysis Nurgiyantoro and Marzuki 2004. Rational analysis involves the analysis of content validity and construct validity, which are conducted through expert judgment. Criterion-referenced test was also used to check the validity. It means that the scoring is based on the criteria of right or wrong. Meanwhile, empirical analysis is conducted through the use of statistical software. Cohen et al. 2004 suggest that relevant literature references and documents are necessarily needed in order to check the content and construct validity. Meanwhile, the empirical analysis that deals with the statistical software is conducted through the use of subsequent tests in SPSS 21, which is Spearman Correlation Test. This testwas taken after conducting Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Test as supporting test to validate the result. To obtain the validity of the scores in the testing instruments, the use of Independent Samples test was employed. This test was conducted for all scores obtained in quantitative research, which are grammar practices scores, grammar scores, sentence complexity scores, passage writing scores, and final writing scores. This test is to measure whether two independent samples of observations have equally large values. The scores of 30 students were divided into 2 groups based on their numbers: odd and even. If Sig α α=0.05, then the populations of the first and the second group have equal means. The analysis resulted on the means of the first and the second group with the Sig: Table 3.3 Independent Samples Test Test Scores Sig.ρ Odd group µ Even group µ Sig.2- tailed Mean Difference Grammar Practices 0.02 8.51 8.72 0.58 0.22 Grammar 0.52 9.7 9.66 0.49 0.03 Sentence Complexity 0.46 12.5 12.4 0.91 0.10 Passage Writing 0.38 7.99 8.07 0.78 0.07 Final Writing 0.09 8.77 8.91 0.48 0.14 Based on the statistical findings, it can be seen that Sig 2- tailed α, therefore the populations of the first and the second group of the test scores, including grammar practices, grammar, sentence complexity, passage writing, and final writing, have equal means. Descriptively, there is mean difference of 0.22 for grammar practices scores, 0.03 for grammar scores, 0.10 for sentence complexity scores, 0.07 for passage writing scores, and 0.14 for final writing scores, but inferentially the difference is not significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the instruments of grammar practices, grammar, sentence complexity, passage writing, and final writing are valid. 2. Reliability Reliability in research deals with the degree of trustworthiness. It includes the trustworthiness of the instruments that result on the reliability of the research findings. Cohen et al. 2004 propose that reliability refers to the consistency and replicability over the instruments and participants and over the time.Two types of reliability that should be examined are internal and external reliability. Internal reliability in statistical software is measured by using Alpha α or correlation coefficient. Qualitative, which is conducted through the use of interview, is also employed as reliability tool. Interview is used to validate and support the findings based on the result of quantitative research. The in-depth interview is conducted after analyzing the quantitative data. Therefore, the in-depth interview aims at confirming and clarifying the result of the quantitative data. If the correlation is positive, then the in-depth interview tends to seek how far grammar practices provide positive contribution to the grammatical competence and writing skill. On the other hand, if the result if negative, then in-depth interview is used to clarify why grammar practices do not improve students‟ grammatical competence and writing skills. In short, in-depth interview is used to clarify and provide reasons for the result of quantitative data. The in-depth interview was also conducted to find out the contribution of web- based grammar practice to students‟ grammatical competence and writing skill. If the result of the quantitative data is in line with the result of qualitative data, then the final finding is said to be reliable. 59 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This chapter is divided into two sections, which are data presentation and discussion. The data presentation and discussion are divided into two main parts. The first part addresses the quantitative data, which covers the first and the second research questions of this study, while the second part addresses the qualitative data, which covers the third research question, in in-depth interview results. The data are in the form of scores for quantitative research and narrative based on the interviews for qualitative research. The qualitative data are used as the supporting data for the quantitative research. Both data were then discussed altogether to build the conclusion of the whole research.

A. Data Presentation

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