Data Gathering Techniques The contribution of web-based grammar practice to students` grammatical competence and writing skill.

Qualitative study, which was conducted through the use of interview, took 3 students out of 30 students in the sample of the quantitative research. Those three students were the representative of the students with low, middle, and high level of achievement. Each level was represented by one participant. The interviews for the high and low achievers were used to gain supporting data in answering the first and second research problems in correlational study, while the interview for the mid achiever was used as supporting data in answering the third research problem. The mid achiever was the one who showed improvement or progress along the semester. The most important thing is that the participants are taken based on convenient sampling, in which they were selected since they were eager and wiling to be interviewed Creswell, 2012. In obtaining qualitative data, quantity is not what matters most Bismoko 2013. Cohen et al. 2000 suggest that as long as the participants represent the heterogeneity of the population, they suffice the needs of the research.

C. Data Gathering Techniques

The data for this study are gathered in two steps, including the quantitative and qualitative data collection. However, the qualitative data collection is conducted as a means for obtaining supporting data. The first data gathering is conducted using quantitative data collection, which is testing. The tests were: 1. Grammar Identification True and False In the Grammar Identificationtest or True and False practices, students are to determine whether the sentences are grammatically correct or incorrect. There are 12 grammar topics and each topic consists of 50 items. The topics are Sentence, Tenses, Article and Determiner, Personal Pronoun, Question, Noun Modifier, Auxiliary Verb, Perfect and Continuous, Compound and Complex Sentences, Relative Clause, Noun Clause, and Passive Voice. Students need to acquire score of 7 to be able to continue to the next test, which is Passage Writing. This Grammar Identification or True and False test was used to measure web- based grammar practice. 2. Passage Writing Passage writing consists of 6 different topics, which are My Biography, My Unforgettable Experience, College Life, My Idol, My Future Job, and Free topic. Students are to compose at least 250 words based on the topic given. The evaluation is based on the number of sentences, the number of mistakes, and the quality of the story. This test was used to measure grammatical competence as well as writing skill. The score of passage writing is generated into three different scores, which are grammar scores, sentence complexity scores, and passage writing scores. Grammar scores are evaluated based on the number of sentences and number of mistakes. Sentence complexity scores are calculated based on the average number of words in the sentences. Passage writing scores are obtained both from the grammar scores and story scores. Grammar scores and sentence complexity scores were used as the data for grammatical competence, while passage writing scores were used as the data for writing skill. 3. Final Writing The final scores are obtained by accumulating all scores from all tasks that they students have conducted in the whole semester. The scores are determined by all practices and tests that students conduct, covering grammar identification practice, sentence writing practice, peer-feedback or participation, passage writing, and mid and final tests. Final writing scores were used to determine PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI writing skill. Therefore, the average of six passage writing scores and the final writing score were used as the data for writing skill. All of the tests are conducted by the lecturer of Writing 1 course with the use of ELTGallery. The data are in the for m of students‟ scores. All of the scores are calculated automatically in ELTGallery. The data are processed using SPSS 21 statistic software to find out the correlation between the variables. The variables are students‟ web-based grammar practice obtained from Grammar Identification or True and False scores , students‟ grammatical competence, which is generated into two variables of grammar scores and sentence complexity scores and students‟ writing skill, which is generated into two variables of passage writing scores and final writing scores. The second data are gathered by conducting in-depth interview for three participants. The result of this interview is used to support the result of the first data analysis. The interview digs out the students‟ responses, opinions, and perceptions about ELTGallery, especially about the web-based grammar practice. The interviews for the high and low achiever were used to support the result of correlational study. Meanwhile, the interviews for the mid achiever were used to describe and interpret the contribution of web-based grammar practice to their grammatical competence and writing skill. Three learning strategies, which are metacognitive, cognitive, and affective strategies are investigated by conducting interview. Twenty questions were addressed to the students to dig out about their strategies dealing with the web- based learning that they conduct in ELTGallery. Questions were adjusted based on interviewees‟ responses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 3.1 In-Depth Interview Blueprint Category Description Indicators Items Metacognitive strategies Planning  Identifying the learning goal, process, materials and activities  Identifying the functions of the web in achieving learning goal  Identifying learning strategies 1, 2, 6 3, 8 Monitoring  Tracking progress by realizing mistakes and improvement  Checking comprehension in the learning process 15, 18 14, 17 Evaluating  Assessing how well learning strategies are used  Identifying improvement to be made for the next tasks 4, 5, 7, 16 16 Managing  Adjusting learning strategies for improvement 4, 13 Cognitive strategies Reasoning  Relating new material with prior knowledge 15 Inferencing  Using context to figure out meaning 8 Analyzing  Recognizing patterns and rules 13 Resourcing  Seeking out other sources of information 20 Socio- affective strategies Cooperation  Collaborating with peers to get feedback 9, 10 Questioning  Participating actively to clarify learning materials and tasks 20 Self- reinforcement  Motivating oneself to improve performance 19 Basically, these three learning strategies were investigated to find out how autonomous and how collaborative the students were in the learning process. The more autonomous and collaborative the students were in conducting the web- based grammar practice, the better achievement they got concerning on their grammatical competence and writing skill. Indirectly, the students‟ answers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI revealed the contribution of web-based grammar practice to their grammatical competence and writing skill.

D. Data Processing

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