Result of Qualitative Research

correlation or are positively related to st udents‟ writing skill. In other words, the higher scores the students get in web-based grammar practice, the higher writing skill they obtain. Theoretically, the results of the four statistical analyses about the correlation between web-based grammar practice and grammatical competence as well as writing skill show that the increasing of the results of web-based grammar practice done by the students would be followed by the increasing of the their grammatical competence and writing skill that are shown in their passages.. Thus, it can be concluded that web- based learning can be applied to improve students‟ grammatical competence that leads to the development of their writing skill.

2. Result of Qualitative Research

In addition to the quantitative results, this research also reports on the qualitative description and interpretation about the relationships between web- based grammar practice and stu dents‟ grammatical competence and writing skill. Data were collected through interviews that were done two times. The in-depth interview was conducted to three students as the representative of the whole population. The three students represented low, middle, and high writing achievement. The in-depth interviews were conducted to obtain supporting data in finding out the contribution of the new application of web-based grammar practice in improving their grammatical competence as well as their writing performance. The in-depth interviews were conducted separately in order to gain objective data from the three students. The data presentation and data analysis were presented PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI based on each point in the interview guideline. Three learning strategies are formulated into fifteen indicators. The first strategy is metacognitive strategis covering planning, monitoring, evaluating, and managing. It includes eight indicators. The second strategy is cognitive strategies covering reasoning, inferencing, and analyzing, resourcing. It includes four indicators. The last strategy is affective strategies that cover cooperation, questioning, and self-reinforcement. It includes three indicators. Those fifteen indicators are formulated into twenty basic questions in the in-depth interview with additional improvised questions for supporting data. The complete transcribed interview result is presented, while some samples of the interview result are presented as follows: Table 4.1 Interview Description and Indicators Strategy Description Indicators Metacognitive Strategy  Planning: Learning goal, material, and activities  Web‟s functions to achieve the goal  Learning strategies  Identifying the learning goal, process, materials and activities  Identifying the functions of the web in achieving learning goal  Identifying learning strategies Monitoring:  Learning progress  Learning process  Tracking progress by realizing mistakes and improvement  Checking comprehension in the learning process Evaluating  Learning problems  Learning improvement  Assessing how well learning strategies are used  Identifying improvement to be made for the next tasks Managing  Learning management  Adjusting learning strategies for improvement Cognitive Strategy Reasoning  Prior knowledge of the new  Relating new material with prior knowledge PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI material Inferencing  Contextual learning  Using context to figure out meaning Analyzing  Learning analysis  Recognizing patterns and rules Resourcing  Learning sources  Seeking out other sources of information Affective Strategy Cooperation  Peer-collaboration  Collaborating with peers to get feedback Questioning  Participation  Participating actively to clarify learning materials and tasks Self-reinforcement  Self-motivation  Motivating oneself to improve performance Based on the result of the in-depth interview, it can be seen that students perceive web-based grammar practice and passage writing tasks to be effective in improving their grammatical competence and writing skill. In fact, web-based grammar practice leads them to be more independent in their own learning. The students conduct the grammar practices over and over again, and as they conduct the grammar practices to increase their scores, they learn about grammar aspects as well. a. Metacognitive Strategy Metacognitive strategy involves four themes under investigation, including planning, monitoring, evaluating, and managing strategis. In terms of planning strategy, students realize the learning goal, learning material, and learning activities that are provided in ELTGallery. They are also able to make use the functions of the facilities in ELTGallery in achieving their learning goal. The learning goal in Writing 1 course is to be able to write well. Interview Result 1 – N1 I think ELTGalleryis used to train and measure our writing ability. Interview Result 1 – D1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The goal is that we are able to apply the materials that we learn to write well. Interview Result 1 – L1 There were three stages that we had to do: True and False, Sentence Writing, and Passage Writing. We also needed to do mid and final tests as well. Interview Result 1 – L2 In addition, students create their own learning strategies after they understand the learning activities that they have to conduct using web-based learning in ELTGallery . My learning strategy is doing the true false practice. If I get bad scores then I do it again and again. If I still do not know then I ask my friends. Interview Result 1 –D21 I did the grammar practices over and over again. It was difficult at the first time, but it was getting better then. Interview Result 1 – L4 For the monitoring strategy, students track their progress by realizing their mistakes and learning improvement. They also check their comprehension in the learning progress to make sure that they are on the right track. I think my improvement is on Relative Clause. It is about who, that, and so on. I have ever had that previously, but now it‟s getting better Interview Result 1 – D23 If my scores were improved, it means I understood the material well. Interview Result 1 – L26 Students also evaluate their learning problems by assessing how well their learning strategies are applied. Also, they identify the improvement that should be made for the next tasks. Usually I conducted the grammar practices in the class with my friends, if I already got 7, then I continued for the next tasks. At home, I did the grammar practices again to improve my scores. Interview Result 1 – D5 I did the grammar practices over and over until I got 8, but sometimes when I tried to get more, eventually I got worse. Interview Result 1 – L2 Thus, students manage their learning process by adjusting their learning strategy. This adjustment is made because students feel that they need to have certain PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI strategy to get good score. There is no discussion in the True and False session. Therefore, students create their own strategy to deal with that. Sometimes when I did the grammar practices I wrote down my answers. I counted how many answers that I believed to be right and how many answers that I thought to be „maybe wrong”. When I got my result, my score, I then analyzed my mistakes. Interview Result 1 – D6 b. Cognitive Strategy Cognitive strategy deals with reasoning, inferencing, analyzing, and resourcing strategies. Reasoning means that students relate the new material with prior knowledge that they previously acquire. It means that while conducting the grammar practices, students activate their background knowledge to adjust their strategy to achieve better comprehension. Sometimes while I was doing the grammar practices, I tried to recall and relate to Structure course since the topics are almost the same. Interview Result 1 –N17 Inferencing concerns on contextual learning, where students use context to figure out meaning. Students write their writings based on certain topics and they relate the topics to their own experience in their life. Students feel encouraged writing about themselves and their relatives and surroundings. It shows that the existence of favorable language learning environment de velops students‟ progress Alip 19870. The topics are all mostly about us, so it was easy to write if it is about us. Interview Result 1 –D11 I wrote about my twin brother for My Idol topic. It was very fun writing about my brother. I got 93. It was a very high score. Interview Result 1- L10. Future Job was very easy. I just needed to mention what I was and what I want to be. Interview Result 1 –N 14 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Analyzing strategy means that students analyze their learning process by recognizing the patterns of their mistakes. They identify their mistakes in their progress and check whether they have the same mistakes for several tasks. I checked my mistakes in my writings, and I identified those mistakes, so that later when I wrote, I would not make the same mistakes again. My scores were improved since then. Interview Result 1 – L26 Students learn how to improve their competence and skill by benefitting from the mistakes that they make. Most of my mistakes in Passage Writing are about Article and WordChoice . Interview Result –L20 They also pay attention to the new expression that they have not acquired before. In this case, lecturer‟s comments are acquired as new knowledge. I did not really pay attention to the detail evaluation given by the lecturer, but I had one most impressive comment for me. I wrote “I and my friend”, and I just knew that it was wrong. It should be “My friend and I”. Interview Result 1 –D14 Resourcing is also employed as alternative learning strategy for the students. Whenever they get difficulty, they seek out other sources of information to support their learning process. The information can be found out in the internet, or in other sources, like books. Students show their independent learning by directly seeking other information first before asking further to the lecturer. The grammar practices examples provided in the explanation are not enough, so I tried to google them more. Interview Result –D27 I opened my Structure book if I got difficulty or could not remember something. Interview Result 1 – N25 c. Affective Strategy Affective strategy focuses on the use of autonomous and collaborative learning. First, students conduct peer-collaboration in conducting grammar practices and other tasks in ELTGalleryby giving feedbacks to each other. They also ask their lecturer if they get problems that they cannot solve together. I did the grammar practices with my friends so that we could give input to each other if we got lost. Interview Result 1 – N9 I worked with my friends in the class because sometimes we did not know how to do the practices. Interview Result 1 –L3 I got comments from my friends and I gave my comments too for them. I got comments from my lecturer too. Interview Result 1 – D10 Students perceive that identifying mistakes on their friends‟ work is easier than identifying mistakes on their own work. Therefore, they feel that peer-feedback is helpful enough for them. In fact, Ellis 2006 suggests that corrective feedback is considered to be an effective means in conducting grammar teaching. I asked my lecturer for more explanation since ELTGallery does not provide enough examples. Interview Result 1 – L17 In terms of autonomous learning, students feel that the nature of web-based grammar practice encourage them to be more independent to control and manage their learning, as well as to be more patient and responsible. Time management is also learned since ELTGallery provides deadline for the tasks that the students have to submit. The deadline made me become more independent and I had to strict to the deadline. Interview Result 1 – D18 ELTGallery made me become more responsible, patient, and independent. I had to be committed in doing my responsibility. I also learned to manage my time well. Interview Result 1 –L29

B. Discussion

The results of both quantitative and qualitative data show that there is positive relationship between web-based grammar practiceand students‟ grammatical competence and writing skill. The quantitative research was conducted through the use of SPSS 21 using Pearson Product Moment. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

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