Questionnaire Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

25 statements and three 3 interviewees that had positive statements on the use of Kahoot as an ice breaker in Movie Interpretation class. In carrying out this study, the data gathering technique of this research consisted of three, which were questionnaire, interview and observation. This research established close-ended and open-ended questions for the questionnaire and open-form for the interview. This research was used close-ended question for the questionnaire because a close-ended question is easy to use, score, and code for analysis on a computer as it was proposed by Fraenkel Wallen 2009. The open-ended questions in the questionnaire used to validate statements from the close-ended questions. This research also used an open-form question as known as semistructured. According to Merriam 2009, a semistructured interview means the interviewer has set series of structured questions with open-form questions in order to get systematical additional information. The main source when collecting the data for this research was questionnaire answer which resulted in percentage data, and then it was validated and verified descriptively by using the result of the focused interview in order to meet the validity and reliability of the data.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The very first step of analyzing the data was recorded from the questionnaire. There were several options about the answers of the questionnaire itself. Every statement had some agreements namely „strongly agree”, „agree‟, „disagree‟, „strongly disagree‟. This reseach used the most frequent degree of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 agreement chosen as the way to summarzie the data in a frequency distribution. The scoring of the questionnaire is presented as follows. Table 3.1 Scoring Grade for t he Students’ Questionnaire Scale Score Positive Statement Score Negative statement Strongly Agree 4 1 Agree 3 2 Disagree 2 3 Strongly Disagree 1 4 The participants were expected to tick √ on the column provided based on their own choices in order to let the writer know what their choices were. The writer calculated all of the scores of each statement and processed the total scores as the result in percentage. Certain formula was used to calculate the results and described interpreted form of numbers into words. The result was in the form of numbers and would be processed using the formula to attain the percentage data. The formula that the researcher used is presented as follows. Known as: = The number of students based on the degree of agreement = The number of all students. � � �