Observation Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

26 agreement chosen as the way to summarzie the data in a frequency distribution. The scoring of the questionnaire is presented as follows. Table 3.1 Scoring Grade for t he Students’ Questionnaire Scale Score Positive Statement Score Negative statement Strongly Agree 4 1 Agree 3 2 Disagree 2 3 Strongly Disagree 1 4 The participants were expected to tick √ on the column provided based on their own choices in order to let the writer know what their choices were. The writer calculated all of the scores of each statement and processed the total scores as the result in percentage. Certain formula was used to calculate the results and described interpreted form of numbers into words. The result was in the form of numbers and would be processed using the formula to attain the percentage data. The formula that the researcher used is presented as follows. Known as: = The number of students based on the degree of agreement = The number of all students. � � � 27 In other words, through this formula the researcher found the result by counting how many research participants ch ose „strongly agree‟, „agree‟, „disagree‟ and also „strongly disagree‟ for every statement. The percentage result delivered as a final result to answer every problem in order to show the final conclusion. The data analysis methods are presented on the table below. Table 3.2 Data Analysis of Questionnaire No. Of Questionnaire item Degree of Agreement Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Etc.

F. Research Procedure

After collecting the number of the percentages and also the degree of agreement, the researcher showed in percentage each questionnaire statement. The questionnaire and the descriptive result of the interview were classified and described based on the categories in order to find the meaning of each item. The last step was to make stud ents‟ view which was gained through questionnaire and interview with triangulation, and the theoretical view which showed the precise and same relation to the particular conclusion. The criteria used to determine whether students ‟ perception on the close-ended statement was positive or