The Future Researchers Research Benefits

8 The second one is factors affecting perception. It is used to know the things that affect the students’ perception on the use of Kahoot as an ice breaker in Movie Interpretation class .

a. Definition of Perception

Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts 1985 states that “perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted. It is a person’s view of reality. The process of perception enables us to understand and cope with the environment in which we live p. 85. ” It is clearly stated that perception is one way to stimuli that comes from the environment. It also comes in form of selected group or person in order to produce meaningful interpretation. According to Atkinson, Atkinson and Hilgard 1981 perception is the process where people organize and interpret the patterns of stimuli in the environment. According to these two definitions, the researcher also highlights several things, such as: stimuli, stimuli selection, stimuli organization and also interpretation. Leontiev 1981 also states that, “perception is the process whereby the external tokens of objects and phenomena are reflected in man’s conciousnesses ” p. 31. According to Leontiev the external tokens and phenomena that people achieve are reflected by themselves into their consciousnesses and also their sensory programs. According to the several definitions above, the researcher concluded that perception is a process of interpreting stimuli from the environment, it can be in a form of objects or phenomena as stated by Leontiev above, and then the interpreted stimuli will be selected by the sensory program to make it into a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 meaningful interpretation or it can be the result of the perception of people’s response in terms of their behavior.

b. Factors Affecting Perception

According to Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts 1985 there are four factors affecting individual’s perception, they are; selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation, and the person’s self-concept pp. 86-91. The first one is a selection of stimuli. Selection of stimuli is when an individual only focuses on the small number of stimuli. He perceives things differently because he tends to choose specific cues, filters, etc. The second one is an organization of stimuli. This factor influences perception in the way whether the mind is able to arrange the information to become meaningful or not. After an individual selects the information, the mind will try to put them together in a meaningful way based on experience. The third one is also based on the situation. The situation gives big impacts to an individual’s perception of the certain thing. Th e individual’s familiarity with expectations about the situation and also what his or her experience gives influence to what that individual perceives. The last one is the person’s self-concept. Self-concept is how a person feels about, perceives, and sees himself as an individual. Every person has different self- concept on themselves which is why it will affect their perception of the world around them and cause different perception between one and another. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI