Leading to Greater Memorability and Recall

37 Rhetorical devices are described as types of figurative language which use words in a certain way to convey meaning and to persuade people. The use of these devices can evoke an emotion on a part of reader s’ emotion Leech, 1969. Besides, the act of using rhetorical devices in an advertisement aims to make something familiar become stranger in order to leave memorable note in readers’ mind McQuairre Mick, 1992. The use of these devices is deliberate in order to increase people ’s attention. By putting any rhetorical device in advertisements, people are expected to keep their eyes on the advertisements. Specifically, Corbett 1990 and Leech 1969 have categorized rhetorical devices into two groups, namely scheme and trope. Each group has its types. Scheme has 30 types and trope has 14 types, and the members of each group are explained in the Theoretical Description. By Reffering to Corbett 1999 and Leech 1969 classifications, the researcher aims to find out types of rhetorical devices used in English advertisement headlines in ELLE magazine issued in 2014. Moreover, using rhetorical devices in advertisements has four major purposes as they are all explained in Rhetorical Description. Referring to some experts such as Corbett 1990, Leigh 1994, McQuairrre and Mick 1992, and Tom and Eves 1999, there are four reasons for using rhetorical devices in advertisements. The first reason is to give persuasive quality to the readers. The second one is to gain the readers’ attention. The third reason is to ease message process which means to help the readers interpret the advertisement words. The last reason for employing rhetorical devices in advertisements is to increase 38 memorability and recall of the advertisements. Further, the researcher also wants to find out whether or not those four reasons are found in ELLE magazine advertisement headlines issued in 2014.