41 first consideration was coming from time-publishing in which all of the issues were published in 2014 and this research was conducted in the early of 2015. Therefore, ELLE magazines used in this research consisted of the newest or current issues along 2014. Moreover, the information will be brought through the advertisements as well. As a result, the data used in this study was considered up to date and more reliable. The second consideration was due to the limited time for the researcher to accomplish this research and 2014’s ELLE full editions were considered enough as the main source for this study.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

This section explains the research instrument employed in carrying out this study. Moreover, this part also describes the data gathering technique the researcher used for accomplishing this qualitative research.

1. Instrument

Instrument is a means used to collect data for the research Fraenkel Warren, 2006. In conducting this document analysis research, there was only one major instrument involved, namely the researcher. Since the researcher is the primary instrument for gathering data, he or she relies on skill and intuition to find and interpret data from the document Merriam, 2009. Moreover, the researcher used personal construct in collecting and analyzing the data gathered from ELLE magazines issued in 2014. The personal constructs were acknowledged from previous studies and theories related to advertisements and rhetorical devices. These theories 42 and understanding were becoming the means or references the researcher used to categorize and analyze the data Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011.

2. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data, the researcher used coding categories as the technique. Applying coding categories is a technique used in document analysis research Fraenkel Warren, 2006. Moreover, Frankel and Warren 2006 note that the researcher could determine the coding categories to get the data before or during the analysis p. 485. In this study, the research made the coding categories before the investigation begun. The researcher determined the categories based on previous studies, knowledge, and also theories related to the topic investigated in this research. The following coding categories show how researcher answered the first research question aimed to identify types of rhetorical devices found in ELLE magazines issued in 2014. Table 3.1 Rhetorical Devices Appeared on ELLE Magazine Advertisements Furthermore, the researcher answered the second research question by analyzing the reasons for using rhetorical devices in English advertisement headlines based on selected or supporting theories from experts as mentioned in Chapter II. NO. RHETORICAL DEVICES HEADLINES BRANDS OR PRODUCTS ISSUES 1. Alliteration Mose of man Num8ereight hat Feb14 1. Rhetorical question What were you thinking? Royal Embroidery Collection Mrch14 3. Parallelism Cool and easy The Body Shop Aprl14 4. ….. ….. ….. …..