Giving Persuasive Quality Gaining Attention

35 negative attitude occurs when the readers find difficulty to process the advertisement messages since not all readers have sufficient information to absorb the message McQuairre Mick, 1992. McQuairre and Mick 1992 explain that the negative response will mostly occur in tropes. This happens because tropes deal with incongruity at a deeper semantic level. Consequently, if the audiences do not have sufficient information to process the advertisement messages, the invitation to elaborate the message will not be fulfilled. Therefore, in order to help the readers process the advertisement message, the repetition should be put in a proper manner.

d. Leading to Greater Memorability and Recall

The unusual words created by rhetorical devices will produce a positive attitude toward the brand McQuarrie Mick, 1992. Further, rhetorical figures can lead the audience to have multiple interpretations Jeong, 2008. The multiple interpretation will occur when an advertisement employ a rhetorical figure such as assonance McQuairre Mick, 1992. Resonance refers to any rhetorical device which gives an emphasis on a play or twist of an advertisement’s structure that serves to produce an echo or multiplication of meaning. Some rhetorical devices which imply resonance are puns and metaphor. Those two rhetorical devices have the ability to produce more than one meaning of a sentence, clause, and phrase. This ability will create an echo or duplication of meaning in an advertisement McQuairre Mick, 1992. Moreover, this ability will help the audience to recall the words from the advertisement in their memory. Then, the use of rhetorical devices especially alliteration and assonance can be used as mnemonic devices. 36 These mnemonic devices are used to dramatize product benefits and make them memorable for the readers. Therefore, the use of theoretical devices really helps the target audience to memorize and recall the advertisement messages Corbett, 1990.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section summarizes and synthesizes all major relevant theories that help the researcher in conducting the research and answering the research questions. Moreover, in analyzing the data and answering the research questions, the researcher uses some related theories as the groundwork. The main theories used in this study are mostly related to advertisements and rhetorical devices. Many experts have described the definition of advertisement. Goddard 2002 states that an advertisement is a form of communication means addressed to group of people which goal is to persuade them. Further, an advertisement consists of media message paid for and signed by a business firm or institution that wants to increase the selling power Weilbacher, 1984. Advertisements are also described as non-personal communication media and usually persuasive in order to win converts product, service, or idea Arens, 2006. Since the main purpose of advertisement is to persuade people and gain attention, this makes advertisers use many strategies. One of the strategies is by employing rhetorical devices in the advertisements. This strategy is considered as the best way to make the readers pay attention to what the advertisers say Tom Eves, 1999.