91 involving advertisements in a learning process enables students to dig deeper into new vocabulary. 2. ELESP Students Learning linguistics is one of many ways to improve students’ quality in mastering English since it can enrich students’ vocabulary and knowledge. Therefore, it is becoming crucial for ELESP students of Sanata Dharma University to learn more about linguistics topics such as rhetorical devices. Studying rhetorical devices in advertisements can be interesting and useful to do. Even though the details of advertisements are never deeply discussed in the class, students should have great willingness to learn about it although they are not asked to do so in order to increase their quality in understanding English. 3. Advertisers Putting persuasive words in advertisements is very important since the nature of advertisement is to persuade people. This kind of situation makes the advertisers became more creative in choosing the words. Using rhetorical devices in advertisements is considered to be the solution since those devices can increase the selling products and make the advertisements more interesting. Based on the findings of this research, only 21 types of rhetorical devices were found in all ELLE magazines issued in 2014. Moreover, alliteration was the most frequent rhetorical device appeared in the advertisement headlines. Related to that data, advertisers should involve more various types of rhetorical devices in the advertisements such as litotes, puns, and irony in order to make the audience keep their attention to the advertisements. 92 4. Future Researchers This research only focuses on analyzing rhetorical devices appeared in headlines. Thus, analyzing other parts of advertisements such as slogans or visual images will be thought-provoking as well. Moreover, the researcher suggests that conducting research related to advertising language in other advertisement media will be more motivating and challenging, such as in billboard, television, radio, and online website. By doing so, there are possibilities that other types of rhetorical devices will be found in the advertisements.