Easing Message Process Advertisement Headlines Using More Than One Rhetorical Device

87 more than one meaning of a word or words in a sentence, phrase, or clause McQuairre Mick, 1996. Moreover, pun and metaphor are types of rhetorical devices which are able to give more than one meaning of a word or words in a sentence, clause, or a phrase. Headline [37] gave the proof how metaphor successfully carried two meaning of the word jeanious in the advertisement written “She is a jeanious”. The word jeanious was associated with genius that represented great smartness. Thus, people might have an understanding that the product is the greatest choice to have. Additionally, the word jeanious itself represented the name of the product which was Denim Jeans. Likewise, alliteration, assonance, and rhyme are other rhetorical devices which have same ability as puns and metaphor which is to enhance recall in advertisements McQuairre Mick, 1996. This could be seen in headline [46] which was written Truly Asian Beauty. The readers got recall from the advertisement in two possible ways. The two possible ways were created by paying attention to the repetition of u: in words truly and beauty and paying attention to the similar ending sound of i in the words truly and beauty. Moreover, this kind of repetition was able to make the audience remember the advertisement words easily. Referring to Corbett 1990, rhetorical devices which focus on repetition such as alliteration, assonance, and rhyme will give the audience mnemonic device. This mnemonic device aims to give dramatic effects of the products and make the messages more memorable. Subsequently, it was not surprising that all ELLE magazines issued in 2014 was employing alliteration in the advertisement headlines. Moreover, the example of alliteration could be seen 88 from headline [2] until headline [12]. The example of headlines which employed assonance could be found from headline [45] until [52]. Lastly, headline [59] until [63] were examples of advertisement headlines which employed rhyme as the rhetorical devices. Therefore, it could be said that the frequent use of repetitions in the advertisements aimed to gain greater memorability and recall from the target audiences.