Research Focus Research Question

describe the accuracy analysis of English idiomatic translation into Indonesian and explains the reasons that can strengthen the result of analysis.

2. Instrument of the Research

The researcher acts as the instrument of this research to get the data by reading, making a mark, and classifying the idiomatic expression in Big Hero 6 film subtitle.

3. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is film subtitle translated by Indonesian website, The film entitled Big Hero 6 which is produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, directed by Don Hall and released in the United State of America on November 7 th 2014. The unit of analysis in this research focuses on the idiomatic expressions contained. The researcher limits the research on the accuracy of idiomatic expression translation.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

Before the data is analyzed, the researcher identifying and marking the idiomatic expression contained on film subtitle. After marking the data, it will be analyzed in qualitative way by doing these following steps: 1. Classifying the type of idiomatic expressions in film subtitle based on McCarthy and O’Dell’s theory. 2. Justifying the translation strategy of idiomatic expression by based on Mona Baker’s theory. 3. Analyzing the accuracy of idiomatic expression translation considering the appropriate of the context of film and related theory about accuracy test by Nababan. 4. Reducing the data that the researcher chooses as sample to describe, considering on accurate and not accurate translation. The researcher also uses Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Longman American Idioms Dictionary, NTC’S American Idioms Dictionary,,, and Kamus Inggris Indonesia for looking up the meaning of the idiom.

5. Time and Venue

This research was begun on the 8 th semester, started from the early of March 2016 in Adab and Humanities Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta and the library of UIN Jakarta.