Critical View on the Used Methods

4.5 Critical View on the Used Methods

The major challenge in gathering data with high quality was the fact that a translator was needed. Especially for the in-depth interviews with the migrants, it was very important to ask the question in a way without suggestion, or with the awareness about the suggestion of the questions. But as the question couldn’t be asked directly as it was asked through the translator, the probability is high that the question is changed during that transfer. While the question of the researcher may was asked open, the question of the translator might already contain some suggestions, which lead the answer in a certain direction. This makes it difficult to interpret the answers and include the The major challenge in gathering data with high quality was the fact that a translator was needed. Especially for the in-depth interviews with the migrants, it was very important to ask the question in a way without suggestion, or with the awareness about the suggestion of the questions. But as the question couldn’t be asked directly as it was asked through the translator, the probability is high that the question is changed during that transfer. While the question of the researcher may was asked open, the question of the translator might already contain some suggestions, which lead the answer in a certain direction. This makes it difficult to interpret the answers and include the

Also the narration generation is more difficult to implement through a translator. It depends much more on the translator than on the researcher. If the questions were asked in a hectic way the interview partner felt stressed and gave his answers in a hurry, what made it difficult to generate with in-depth story-telling. In most cases, it was challenging to bring people to tell a lot. For example, when the researcher asked open about problems, the first respond often was that there aren’t any problems. When the researcher further asked about specific problems in a certain situation, they begun to tell about their problems. The root of this problem is on one side the lack of trust in the beginning. It needs time to build trust to a person, so from that perspective it would

be better to interview one person several times, to build trust first what would make it possible to talk more openly, and decrease the biases through taboos and social habits. Another point which tightens this problem is probably the mentality not to talk about problems towards strangers, as the researcher learned from discussions with research assistants.

The aim of this research was to catch as many different cases as possible. The chance to reach that can be increased as higher the variety of the sample is. For the sake of this aim, the interviewed group don’t have to be statistically representative; therefore it wasn’t necessary to interview the same amount of men than women. In this research more women than men were interviewed due to accessibility, but nevertheless the chance to catch many different situations might be higher if more men would be interviewed.

Because this study is conducted qualitatively, the informative value of numbers is limited. First of all, the interviewed group don’t meet representative claims, and further, not all of the questions were asked in the same way with each interview, as the character of the interviews was partly open and the questions developed and therefore changed during the time of the field research. Thus the information of the interviews are generating knowledge about different cases, but they shouldn’t be compared to each other and further it doesn’t make a lot of sense to talk about numbers as their informative value is limited.