Guideline for Interviews with Labour Migrants in Osh

8.1 Guideline for Interviews with Labour Migrants in Osh

1. General data on migration

1.1 Where did you live before you moved to Osh?

1.2 When did you came to Osh?

1.3 Did you migrate because of economic opportunities?

1.4 Did you plan to stay permanent or temporal at the time you moved? And now, permanent or temporal?

1.5 Did you migrate alone or with your family?

2. Living Situation

2.1 Do you own a property or do you rent an apartment?

2.2 Do you have a rental agreement or is it only orally? / Do you have the documents for the property? (If not: Why not?)

2.3 Are you registered at the territorial soviet?

2.4 Did you need the houseowners permission for registering in the territorial soviet?

2.5 So do you have this spravka now from the territorial soviet? What did you need to do to get this spravka (required documents)

2.6 Did you have to pay bribe?

2.7 Did you ask your houseowner for a permission to register (propiska) at his address?

3. Procedure to obtain a propiska

3.1 Do you have propiska? Temporal propiska or permanent propiska?


Propiska Procedure:

3.2 When did you get propiska? Just after your arrival or later?

3.3 Why did you decide in this moment to apply for propiska? (Have you been fined for not having a propiska before, or did you face other problems?)

3.4 Can you explain me the procedure of registration and deregistration? Which documents were required? (For registration and deregistration)

3.5 Did you have all of them or did you face problems in obtaining any of these documents?

3.6 Was deregistration a problem?

3.7 Did you face difficulties in the time after deregistration, before you get your propiska at the destination?

3.8 Did you pay bribes during the procedure? Did somebody helped you?

3.9 Are you registered at your real address or did you register at an alternative adress? Relative or others?

3.10 Have you been worrying about the success of registration?

3.11 Was it a problem for you to travel back to your place of origin to deregister, after picking up the forms in Osh (time consuming, expensive)?


3.12 Are you still registered in the place of your origin?

3.13 Did you try to get propiska? (No: Why not? Temporal propiska?)

3.14 Do you know about temporal propiska?

3.15 Do you know which documents you need for apply for a propiska?

3.16 Which required documents you didn’t have and why?

3.17 Do you have possibilities to obtain these documents, or what will you do? Register at someone else’s place? Who can help you?

3.18 Is it a problem for you to travel back to your place of origin again to deregister (time consuming, expensive) after you pick up the deregistration document in Osh, or do you go back there sometimes anyway?

3.19 Do you think about apply for propiska when your ID card expired? When does it expire?

3.20 Do you get support in the passport offices? How did they treat you there?

3.21 Do you get support of somebody else?

4. Consequences of missing propiska (or if you have a temporal propiska)

4.1 Which advantages do you have with the temporal propiska?

4.2 Which problems do you have because of the missing propiska? In which situations of daily life you would need propiska?

4.3 Limited access to basic services: School, Kindergarten Hospital, Employment (Working contract?), Credits (also for property), Remittances, Property, Election, marriage certificate, help after June2010?

4.4 How do you solve these problems? What alternatives do you have? (Ask one by one)

4.5 Do you pay bribes to get access to services? How do you organize yourself? Does somebody help you?

4.6 Do you know that since 2011 people without propiska are allowed to vote?

Access to social benefits: (only for pensioners, babys, disabled people)

4.7 Do you get the social benefits in the place of origin?

4.8 How are you doing this, do you travel there to pick them up? (Is that problematic (time consuming, expensive)?)

Administrative fine:

4.9 Do the militia check people here if they don’t have propiska? Have you ever been fined for not having propiska?

4.10 Do you know how high the fine is for not having a propiska?

Consequences for migration decisions:

4.11 Will you stay in Osh without propiska? Future plans?

4.12 Does it matter for you if you have a propiska or not, does it influence your decision where you live? Is it important, a little bit important, or not important at all?

5. General information

6. If somebody is deregistered in the place of origin, and not yet registered in the place of destination

6.1 What do you plan to do about it?

6.2 Did you hear about other cases like that? What did they do?

6.3 Is somebody supporting you?

6.4 Did you talk to advocacy centre or other organisations which could help you?

6.5 What do people in the passport office say to your situation? What they suggest you?

 Go to question block 4

7. Final questions

7.1 Do you have something important to add what I didn’t ask?

7.2 Do you have any questions on me?

7.3 Do you know some other migrants it would be interesting to talk to? (If they mentioned

an interesting case, ask about it)


 Write down: gender, date, place  Ask also about his family members, or if the person has a propiska, ask about his sisters in-law.