F. Data Validity

The validity of the data in this research was based on the criteria proposed by Anderson 1998:30-33. To enhance the validity of the data the researcher used these five types of validity; democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, dialogic validity, and catalytic validity as follows: 1. Democratic Validity To get democratic validity, the researcher did some interviews with the English teacher and the students to express their opinions, comments, and ideas about the actions implemented in this research. She used the opinions to draw the next actions plan. 2. Outcome Validity The outcome validity was related to research data taken by the researcher. She got this kind of data by scoring the students’ writing and asking them questions related to the research. 3. Process Validity The process validity means that the actions done in the research are believable. Process validity was gained during the process of implementing picture-cued activities in writing class. The researcher collected the data by interviewing the English teacher and the students and making field notes to observe the teaching learning process. It included the students’ behavior and the students’ competency in achieving the materials. 25 4. Dialogic Validity The dialogic validity was opened by the researcher through dialog with the English teacher about what she had done during the process of teaching and learning. The dialogic validity aimed to decide the accomplishment aspects and the weaknesses found during the actions. 5. Catalytic Validity The catalytic refers to the extent to which the research allowed the participants to get deeper understanding of the materials and on how they can create changes in their understanding of their actions.

G. Data Reliability

The researcher showed the genuine data such as the interview transcripts and the field notes to assess the reliability of the data. They came from more than one resource to get the same data and were collaborated with the English teacher. To observe the process of teaching learning, she also took some pictures. I order to get rounded perspective and to avoid the subjectivity in analyzing the data the researcher used 2 kinds of triangulations; time triangulation and researcher triangulation. Burns 1999:163 as follows: 1. Time Triangulation The data were collected over a periods of time to identify the factors involved in the actions. The researcher got the data on the students’ improvement in writing by conducting pre test and post test. The researcher also collected the data by observing the teaching and learning process,