LESSON PLAN School : SMP N 1 DLINGO Study Programm : English Language Class semester : VIII B I Teks : Descriptive text AspekSkill : Writing Time allocation : 5 x 35’ 2 meeting

A. Standard of Competence

6. To express meaning in short functional text and simple essay in the form of descriptive, recount, and exposition to interact in daily life and in academic context.

B. Basic competency

6.2 To express meaning in a simple short essay accurately, fluently, and appropriately in the form descriptive, recount, and exposition to interact in daily life and in academic context.

C. Indicator

1. Students identify the social function of descriptive text 2. Students identify and apply the tenses used in descriptive text by correcting and writing sentences 3. Students answer question based on descriptive text 4. Students recognize verb and adjective commonly used in descriptive text 5. Students identify the order of descriptive text and then construct the text

D. Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to: 1. Express the social function of descriptive text correctly 2. Apply the tense used in descriptive text correctly 3. Find information from descriptive text 4. Apply common words and term related to descriptive text correctly 5. Constructwrite descriptive text

E. Technique

PPP Presentation, Practice, Production

F. Materials

DESCRIPTIVE TEXT 1. Definition Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. The purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Teksdeskripsidigunakanuntukmenggambarkanciri- cirikhususdariseseorang, benda, atautempat 2. Generic Structure Identification: identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description: describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, orand characteristics. 3. Language features 9 Using attributive and identifying process. 9 Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group 9 Using simple present tense